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Steven Seagal Tells Off BP British Petroleum After Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.mp4

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by billyjack
There are no simple solutions.

Of course there are simple solutions. They're just being suppressed by people like you.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
the Model T was designed to run alcohol which is why we had prohibition...

Yep.. Prohibition gave Rockefeller's Standard Oil a 13-year monopoly in the auto fuel market and gave them time to build a dominant oil energy infrastructure.

We should be flying around in personal energy free anti-gravity vehicles built out of hemp not these over 100-year old obsolete filthy internal combustion engines burning oil. Of course people like Daniel Dingel and Stan Meyers had these engines running on hydrogen extracted from tap water.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:23 PM
...lmao @ a clockwork orange...

...on topic - seagal (ahahahaha, maybe thats why he runs like a girl) preaching about the ills of big petroleum companies (although it was a movie script) is akin to pat robertson telling folks they'll go to hell for telling lies - or - little billy clinton saying "i did NOT have sex with THAT woman!"...

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by soleprobe

Good specific on the oil biz Sole, I'm not sure about the hemp constructed anti grav, but it is the highest alcohol and most nutritious plant If I understand correctly....
Kennedy's grand father made his bones and the family fortune during prohibition bush and his Poppies..sort of.

the greed control is why the system is skewed the way it is...
Alcohol in the gas traps water and is 99 percent of the problem with four stroke outboards for instance...
Yamaha and the marinas loves it,,,,Ka ching !
Where is if it was alcohol from the start, with supressed technology fuel efficient machines the economies would be local instead of offshore and the US would not be in the totalitarian strangle hold it is today.

I know you get your grease (or oil ) from the restaurants from the friers...I make home made soap, I am familiar with the process for making fuel, it is a by product when one is making soap.

Obama care and codex alimentarious(SP?) is the tip of the ice berg and friers are gonna get it just like trans fat did eventually...

Five years ago I said Iraq was a warm up for the US and there wasn't a link then but here it is now...( in regards to farming...)
cause I listen to the radio, read books and think for myself...a sadly over looked source of info...

Point being we are deliberately not on the right foot. If we started right we would be right...saying it could not be done because of the way it appears to be, is just wrong.

Which is the subtle point behind Antar's OP...
the character being played in the movie by Segal just wasn't into being bent over and greased...
without being kissed at least.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
it is a by product when one is making soap.

Thats great!

when i made the stuff, soap was the bi-product!

but not when you run straight grease.

now, can you give me that info abut banning biodeisel?

I'm a small-time organic farmer, and i am not bothered by anything in the 'codex'. ive read the majority of it a few times.

sorry to get so off topic.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by justadood]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Danbones
reply to post by soleprobe

Good specific on the oil biz Sole, I'm not sure about the hemp constructed anti grav,

Well here’s Ford's car body partially derived from hemp that was lighter than steel and could absorb 10 times the impact

Combine that with the Searl-Effect Generator

And there you have it.

Of course back in 1969 inventor Daniel Dingel of the Philippines started running his farm tractors on water and now he’s ignored as he says in his own words:

“Under the agreement between the IMF and the World Bank our country [the Philippines] is under obligation… not to produce anything that will compete with their product” Daniel Dingel, Inventor

Filthy oil with all it's toxic chemical byproducts is just another tool of control

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by justadood

Come December 31st, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is set to effectively ban biodiesel in the state’s largest markets. The problem, they say, lies with the fuel’s nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and their contribution to the formation of ground-level ozone in Texas’ eastern counties. According to the TCEQ, biodiesel does not meet the stricter NOx standards recently imposed on diesel and alternative diesel fuels under new regulations

one way or another they are going to kill independance. just like with hemp just like with alcohol, they are swat teaming unpasturized milk sellers and shutting down kid's lemonade stands....

[edit on 8-8-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by soleprobe

Thanks for that Soleprobe.
I find that cheering news...that it can be done
I am a big hemp fan, but the politics of it I think, are a testament to the crookedness of the system.

Which again is one of the reasons why I think that as soon as it suits the globalist agenda, self produced fuels will get all the other freedoms we used to gold, food, shelter, medicine, families,..extended mileage carbs...etc.

[edit on 8-8-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by soleprobe

Originally posted by billyjack
There are no simple solutions.

Of course there are simple solutions. They're just being suppressed by people like you.

How is someone posting on an open forum 'suppressing' anything?

Also, i agree, there are indeed no simple solutions.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
reply to post by justadood

Come December 31st, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is set to effectively ban biodiesel in the state’s largest markets. The problem, they say, lies with the fuel’s nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and their contribution to the formation of ground-level ozone in Texas’ eastern counties. According to the TCEQ, biodiesel does not meet the stricter NOx standards recently imposed on diesel and alternative diesel fuels under new regulations

one way or another they are going to kill independance. just like with hemp just like with alcohol, they are swat teaming unpasturized milk sellers and shutting down kid's lemonade stands....

[edit on 8-8-2010 by Danbones]

Hmmmm, didnt you say it was a Federal "Obama" policy a few posts ago?

Now you give me a link to a state issue?

Edited to add:

Originally posted by Danbones

Pretty soon under Obama care they will out law grease, then where will you be....windblown?

Yep, you claimed it had something to do with "Obamacare" but only provided a link to a Texas state regulation. What does that have to do with "Obamacare"??

[edit on 8-8-2010 by justadood]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
Which again is one of the reasons why I think that as soon as it suits the globalist agenda, self produced fuels will get all the other freedoms we used to enjoy...

If they take away basic freedoms then we become slaves. Are you ready to become a slave? My ancestors were slaves who escaped and came up to Canada through the Underground Railroad and settled in Nova Scotia. Death is like delicious candy when one dies for freedom and those who hate slavery would rather die than be slaves. But these globalists and their minions… what is their “due occasion of death”? They are a bunch of cowards who are terrified of death and people who do not fear it. One of the sweetest times to die is when you die for freedom just before they take it away. But woe to those globalists cowards who fear death and try to take away my freedom… I assure them that their death will not be sweet and neither will they fair well at Judgment.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Danbones


With China looking to become a world supre power, it is no wonder they tell the US to keep it illegal. I mean come on, it is the real change we needed to see.

Petroleum, lumber, clothing, hygeine, food, medicines and so much more could lead the way into a new world.

(Ah shoot family all going nuts)

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by soleprobe

Engineers knowing mathematics & physics does often make us seem to be to be against new technology. Since we have to deal in the real world and not fantasy land of anti-gravity and clicking our heels to magically go where no one has gone before.

I'd love for some of the solutions proposed to solve real world problems were remotely plausible, but everytime I try to make them practical the evil laws of nature called physics keep getting in the way.

For example, I think someone mentioned hydrogen as a solution. Great idea, but there are no naturally occurring sources of hydrogen. It only comes from water by electrolysis and guess what it takes more electricity to to split the atom than then energy produced. The other source is methane(natural gas). Uh oh! have to drill for fossil fuels again.

As with Segal, if one hasn't passed differential calculus I understand why one would not agree that....

"There are no simple solutions. "

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