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Florida Cop Runs Over 17 Yr Old On Bike, Killing Him

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posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:58 PM

Florida Cop Runs Over 17 Yr Old On Bike, Killing Him

Officer Jerald Ard was chasing Steen, who was riding a bike. After Steen refused to stop, Officer Ard fired his taser from his moving car which hit Steen and knocked him from the bike.

Officer Ard then ran over Steen, killing him.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:58 PM
This is just crazy. The video shows the whole thing so go to the site there and take the time to watch them. Also listen to the eye witness. The witness seams either shaken or really sketchy though.

I don't know why if he had him tasered he wouldn't stop his vehicle where it was at? Instead he makes a U turn thus running over the suspect he was following.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:17 PM
Turns out he planted a gun on him as well. I must have scrolled past the video that shows this. I read the article, but I didnt realized I passed the video showing him plant the gun.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:28 PM
I am 17. Obviously refusing to stop will have consequences, even though I can't really think of a reason to stop someone on a bike other than drunk driving.

But to by accident kill him, then to decide to plant a gun on an innocent kid, thats just insane.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:30 PM
Wow. I watched the video several times, and I dont know if I believe the cop ran over the kid purposely. BUT shooting the kid with a taser and then driving so close to him was reckless enough that it shouldnt really matter if he meant to run the kid down or not.

He should get manslaughter at the very least for that.

What a waste. The kid was an idiot too, for running like that, but what on Earth was that cop thinking with that retarded driving? What a stupid waste of a life.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:30 PM
I find it ironic how the "witness" said the man on the bike was biking along at a leisurely pace when the video shows him clearly hauling butt. The witness also says the man that was hit tried running away and tripped and the car hit him. To say the officer planted a gun is unfair to do so, nowhere in the video do you see this happen. The witness is obviously full of crap.

Do you guys not hear the nervous voice of the officer when he realized what just happened. He even goes to check if the guy is ok. You can hear this all on the tape.

No bad intent here, just another street thug trying to turn the tables on a hard working officer.

Lessons fail to be learned time and time again. DONT RUN FROM THE COPS!

[edit on 8/4/2010 by AndrewTB]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:37 PM
So they just released this video today?
Because the actual even was October 3rd, 2009.
There's nothing on the site explaining that.
Cop had to plant then he had to know the kid was dead.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by antmax21

I tried to google it and could not find another source. I am not very good at searching for stuff though. Even on here I end up posting stuff previously posted then I find it like 2 days later already posted.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by AndrewTB

Yea its hard to say judging by the 2nd cops cam though it does look as though he grabs something, but this could be anything. I don't know why he would just have a gun to plant laying there.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:02 PM
I can't view the video, but is this the same video that has been posted a couple other times on ATS? Nevertheless, certainly disgusting and rather criminal actions by the police. Taze a kid while he is riding a bike?


Sometimes the police even taze pregnant women or women holding babies. Or.......people laying on the ground, handcuffed already, or broken up by falling off a bridge and laying on the ground.

Don't taze me, Popo!!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by kyred

I have not seen it here before. I did a search. I usually check out all videos like this. I may have missed it though. You never know.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:15 PM
Holy synchronicity Batman!

My wife's uncle, who's local PD, stopped by for a visit yesterday. Him and I aren't too well acquainted (go figure) - so we had us a talk.

During this lengthy conversation, we were quickly swayed to the topic (no telling how that happened (?)) of police tactics and, specifically, escalation of force.

First, I'm a vet - 2 years in Iraq - and am very familiar with the military's escalation of force regarding any particular Rules of Engagement.

I was a bit surprised by the explanation that was laid out.

To paraphrase: There are pretty much 3 phases (1) officer present (2) verbal (3) soft hands (4) hard hands (5) force

Now the above isn't shocking or even surprising - What is, however, is that tasoring a person isn't defined at level 5! It's not considered force. According to him (and maybe this is just his department), tasoring is "kinda inbetween hard hands and force."

I was shocked.

What I find most shocking is that to get yourself a good ole tazin', the suspect or whatever doesn't necessarily have to be physically aggressive AT ALL. You can simply refuse to leave your house (passive aggressive) and get yo butt tazed.

Needless to say, him and I had a long discussion. We actually ended agreeing on most points. I do respect this guy and understand that the system doesn't necessarily implicate the person.

That said, the fact that I can get tazed without even being physically threatening to somebody is a human-rights violation and more people need to be getting upset IMO.

edit: format/clarity

[edit on 4-8-2010 by misinformational]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:49 PM
that dumb kid deserved it. looks to me like he's riding around provoking the officer on purpose. why didn't he just stop the damn bike?

when i watched the video, i felt that justice was served.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:14 AM
so the 17yo kid deserved to have a 2 ton crown vic on his chest for what again??

maybe i'm missing something...but yeah, IMO, at the MOST, tasering him, hopping out of the squad car to question him is one thing. crushing him? not so much. and though i honestly do err to LEO's due to the unpredictability of their job, dealing with people, to get pised at a kid for not stopping(prolly because he was out past curfew) and running him over is totally uncalled for.

on the "gun planting" thing, while it's odd to do what the officer did(it may have been him checking the kids pulse, who knows) i can't honestly make a call due to the quality of the video.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:34 AM
To all of you people saying "The kid deserved it" You aren't even human beings.

17 years old?!?! There's not many things in life that deserves getting KILLED FOR, but im positive being a scared kid running from some intimidating, grown man cop who's peeling out on THE SIDEWALK isn't one of them.

This site is full of such hatefull people it sickens me and is the exact reason it took me so long to sign up. Sad, sad story indeed.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:34 AM
To all of you people saying "The kid deserved it" You aren't even human beings.

17 years old?!?! There's not many things in life that deserves getting KILLED FOR, but im positive being a scared kid running from some intimidating, grown man cop who's peeling out on THE SIDEWALK isn't one of them.

This site is full of such hatefull people it sickens me and is the exact reason it took me so long to sign up. Sad, sad story indeed.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by AndrewTB
No bad intent here, just another street thug trying to turn the tables on a hard working officer.

Lessons fail to be learned time and time again. DONT RUN FROM THE COPS!

What exactly makes you call him a "street thug"?
Are you aware of any crime he even committed?

You know anything about him or if he even has a criminal record or is this a way to reduce him so this accident seems justified?

Are you aware that the officer who ran him over had his license suspended at one point?

You may want to brush up on the facts so as to not make any ignorant statements about the incident. I don't know what country you are living in but teenagers do NOT deserve to be tazed and killed for running away from the police.

Originally posted by DOADOA
that dumb kid deserved it. looks to me like he's riding around provoking the officer on purpose. why didn't he just stop the damn bike?

when i watched the video, i felt that justice was served.

You know nothing of justice or freedom if you think you deserve to be run over and killed by the police for fleeing on your bike when ordered to stop.

This attempted stop was unwarranted, but do I think the kid should have stopped his bike anyway? Yes. Do I think he deserved to be tazed through the window of a moving car and run over because he didn't? No, and anyone who does is a buffoon that is ripe for being a very good citizen with zero rights in a police state.

If this tazer-through-your-window was correct procedure why did the police force later make it a rule that it should not be done?

Jorge Torrens, a sound editor for the local public radio station, saw the end of the chase from his seat at Sluggo’s. Torrens, along with about a dozen other patrons, frequently rode his bicycle to Sluggo’s.

”The police never stop us,” he said. “You have to wonder if it’s because we’re white, and Victor was ordered to stop because he’s black. Did this tragedy have anything to do with racial profiling?”

That is from a witness and frequent biker in the area.

So what made this kid such a high priority threat that he needed to be chased like he just robbed a bank?

- Lee

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by AndrewTB
just another street thug

Just wanted to also add that if this is true, then we'd be lucky if other "thugs" behaved the way this one did.

Victor had never been in trouble and was about to get his high school diploma, join the U.S. Army, then go to college in a few years.

Victor’s pastors, teachers, family and friends repeatedly described him as “respectful” and “loving,” with a “great sense of humor.”

“I work with a lot of kids who need guidance, but Victor wasn’t one of them. He has a very caring and considerate family and their light shone in him,” said Pensacola pastor Guy Johnson, 54.

Running from the police is a crime (unless the stop itself is unjustified or unwarranted) but if that is what constitutes a "street thug" that deserves an on-the-spot death penalty these days then I think many people are living some pretty sheltered lives.

- Lee

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Thanks for finding them sources to add to this.
I will look them over now. Thanks again.

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