posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:11 PM
So BP had shares in the company for this most incredibly dangerous chemical, so they made a fortune off this disaster. Interesting. And humanity is
compromised as well as 1/4 of all marine life in the deep water they used this in, interesting isn't it. I am so horrified by this. Thank you for
shedding light on something that I already alerted to. I do not believe this "accident" was such, but feel this, along with Canada, China's oil
spills and an attack on a Japanese tanker, was not accidental either, this is an incredible destruction of our planet and our health, and wildlife,
maybe even contributing to the draught we're getting at the coast, the lack of rain, for a month in a rain forrest climate. THey don't sprinkle
here, they don't have to, but the lawns are drying up. And there are over 400 fires in this province.
Does this chemical and oil somehow suppress evaporaton and rain cylces as welll?