Sorry, but you couldn't burst my bubble even if you had millions to attempt it along with you. I know this from experience. I've been at it for many
years and more than one lifetime. Yes, more than one incarnation!
Did you know that most if not all early Christians believed in the doctrine of reincarnation?
The reason why they don't now is because Roman emperor Justinian in the year 533 AD decided to order all references to reincarnation to be omitted
from the bible. Anyone who henceforth preached it would face governmental proscecution, which meant facing death in those days.
The bible is a fragmented mix of many mystical teachings, with chapters being omitted and revised from church leaders through the centuries who wished
to maintain and increase their control over the tax-paying congregation. True, the bible does contain some wisdom but it is by no means the final word
or the only word of God.
If it were, then we would all be of one religion and there would not be so many branches of Christianity as well as all the other world religions.
Many say that "God is Love." This I believe points to the absolute truth. God is an energy in the Spirit, not a being. It is the "white light"
that Near Death Experiencers often report "at the end of the tunnel" and it is the energy that angels and light workers of all kinds use to heal
People often confuse the White Light of God or The God Force with The Original Creator. I have found them to be two different things. The first is an
infinite energy spectrum that operates independently (like the forces of gravity and electromagnetism) and is governed by Universal Law in the Spirit
which is unalterable. The second is a rarefied God Realized Master that utilized The God Force in order to first come into existence and then to
manifest the Universe. The God Force always existed and always will exist. Without it, there could be no stars, no planets and no life whatsoever, be
it incarnate or discarnate.
That is how you can have something emerge from nothingness, with The God Force.
I have come to believe that The Original Creator had nothing to do with any traditional religion on this planet. Large groups of angels and subangels
(common spirits) orchestrated all that, not Him. If He did, then all the people here would be of the same, all-encompassing religion. His spiritual
presence and His level of energy would immediately prove His church to be the correct one and anyone who was not totally wacked spiritually would
immediately join Him.
The reason why we are not all of the same religion is not because He is an underachiever, but because He has yet to come. Which means that all that
has been stated about The Original Creator in ancient scripture, be it from the bible and elsewhere, is only a ROUGH DRAFT at best. *L*
Whether it be old or new, theory is theory. Many facts of old are really just conjecture. That is why evolutionary theory is called evolutionary
theory and not evolutionary fact.
It's good that you strive to improve yourself and to grow in Spirit. Just remember that serving others is more important than just preaching any
scriptural reference. Why? Because serving others is the "doing" that scripture is referring to and "doing" is much more spiritually productive
than just "talking."
We are not helpless although it seems that way at times. We are growing through our adversity, from striving to live by The Golden Rule, and by
serving others. When we return to Spirit, we will be rewarded by the emotional happiness and level of energy that comes from our striving to live
godly lives.