Well, I don't know if you'll get a lot of response here, but essentially I think that there are two classes of people here that post all this stuff
about defying "the man".
- Young Idealists
- Old Laments
The young (often naive) folks that post about all this oppression assume that they can somehow have the freedom to do whatever they want because if
given the chance humanity actually won't just simply consume itself in an anarchical fire.
They usually think that the reason 99% of the nation is middle class or lower that there is a form of oppression - because surely there is enough for
EVERYONE to be rich right?
And they also attribute rich Hollywood as "Good Rich" because they idolize them but that rich Wall Street as "Bad Rich" because they somehow earn
their living off of the backs of everyone else.... never mind the fact that the Hollywood Rich don't actually create jobs for anyone but those evil
Wall Street guys do...
Then the old Laments that will simply pine away for a day where America was simple and there was no need for an actual federal government. They
conveniently ignore that our country's infrastructure and government have grown proportionally to it's population, the world's complexity, and the
needs of the people.
They'll cray and whine about all the social programs that the government supports from tax dollars and say that those are the jobs of charities (i.e.
churches) - but then forget how few Americans actually attend a church, give substantial amounts regularly, and how few churches have the capacity to
serve the millions of people.
Sure, the Methodist church used to be able to run schools for all 3000 people in the local town, especially when at least 2000 of those people
attended the churches that were providing school. But if jobs require a HS degree, and there are 40,000 people in your town, but only 2000 of them
attend the church.... well, you do the math and tell me what's more fair to people?
So anyway, that's my guess is that everyone is able to complain, very few can solve.
Pointing out problems are easy (Rush Limbaugh has made a career out of it). Actually applying solutions to those problems is much harder.
Hell, at least Neil Bortz has presented an alternative to his perceived problem (the Fair Tax).