posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 03:11 AM
At 3:10 to 3:15AM EST I was out smoking a ciggie and saw a green flash in the sky to the NE. I live in East coast of central Florida. The flash
lasted as long as it takes me to say "there and gone", was spherical in shape, and did not light up the whole of the sky. This was, from my
perspective, right below the Pleades cluster and behind a neighbors damnd tree down the street. It was not a blown transformer or I would have heard
it, and it was green and seemed to only light up a circle (filled, not outline) of the sky. I am 10 miles from the Atlantic so this was over the ocean
and am wondering if anyone else has seen anything like this. I must say that I always look up at the sky when I am out at night, and today I had a
couple internet connection problems and 1 instance of my electricity flicker, so I had it in my mind that those things were from the solar flare. And
then before going to bed I see this... IDK maybe I was too tired and had solar flare on my mind, and I halucinated seeing an aurora borealis thingie.
One other thing... I was looking that way because there was a bright star more northern in the NE than the flash. It is probable one of our planets
as it was alome and very bright. But why I was looking at it is because it was not close to the horizon and yet still flickered and pulsed like there
was a lot of atmospheric disturbance between me and it... then I see the green flash, there and gone. I move around so I can see around the tree (up
the street a bit, then to my front porch) to maybe see what made it or see it again. I did not see it again after looking in that direction again for
the next 15 minutes. But before I went back in I noticed that the star/planet I was originally looking at is not twinkling as much as it was.
Sorry for the rant. Had to tell someone.
Anyone experience this tonight (8/3/10 3:14AM PST) ???
The temp