posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by verylowfrequency
Well on bing it looks pretty nude, or is the word denuded? ;-) has this to say:
A U.S. Navy communication station located at Jim Creek, Washington. It uses a Continental Electronics Corp. transmitter and a horizontal wire
transmitting antenna strung between two mountain tops.
However, all I see is what you mentioned, i.e. tall towers.
This website has a comprehensive list of VLF stations with links to bing for viewing satellite imagery.
vlf station list
I used to think bing satellite was a copy of google, but if you look at the statiohn NPM, the google orthorectification is screwed up. If you are not
familiar with the term, basically an orthorectified image is correctly digitally so that it appears as if you are directly overhead, even if the shot
was taken at an angle. Usually tall structures look like they are tilting when rectified.
On a somewhat related topic, they ripped out the NDB at Basecamp.