posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 02:08 PM
I'm sick and tired of those who stick up for the oil industry, and those who go so far as to thank them for allllllll they've done to "help"
You more than likely are people who don't have to live with it. You don't have to put up with insane truck drivers 24/7.
I live in western ND, where we are experiencing the state's largest oil boom. Oh, sure, i do realize that we "need" oil, and ND also manufactures
wind and hydroelectric power. But that's beside the point. Now, on to why living with the oil industry sucks...
Reason 1: Drivers and Traffic
The drivers are terrible, and many nearly cause fatal accidents daily. They also move in next door to you, and many have questionable histories. Some
go for days on end without sleep thanks to something wonderful called meth, which makes them more supsceptible to causing crashes.
My father and younger brother were driving to our hayfield one day when a truck driver decided to pass in a no passing zone. He did not have to be in
any hurry, but he just HAD to pass... My father and younger brother nearly died that day, they were almost in a head on collision. Another friend was
driving along when a oil hauler drove her off the road into the ditch. She, thankfully was fine. Another friend was driving along, when a truck driver
was following her. She was freaking out because he was going low enough to stay RIGHT behind her... It's a bad sign when they don't pass you to
begin with.
In a nearby town, a driver was on a residential street, on which lived a learning impaired woman. The driver was going prolly about 60 through town
like they always do, didn't stop at the stop sign, and hit the woman, and she died. The driver has not been found.
Traffic is terrible, and many don't know the right of ways, no passing zones, speed limit, etc. County roads suffer a lot of wear and tear, and we
are still waiting for them to get redone, but they'll be worn down really quickly.
Reason 2: Dust Pneumonia
The animals really suffer here. All the dust these roads kick up really affects the breathing systems of them. Our horses all show some form of it (we
have 60), as do our cattle (we have over 300). We actually vaccinated our calves against it, but we can't find one for our horses. We have moved them
to areas where there is less dust, and they are recovering.
Reason 3: We Do Not Get Money for Roads, Schools, etc.
Enough said there.
Well, that's all I have for now. I'll add more as i go along.
ETA: Yes i know this is good for our state's economy and it helps the US, but putting upwith all this is not worth it.
[edit on 2-8-2010 by LocoHombre]