posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 12:25 AM
Hello all!
Before i begin, I would like to say that this is not one of those "cooky" aliens from another dimension/universe type of stories. This is an honest
story of something that I cannot explain, but am curious about. Please understand, I am a writer, but if a story is fiction I will label it fiction.
It would be a waste of my time to type out a lie this extensive. This post is meant for denying ignorance, not making up arguments. First some light
P.S. I do not advocate the use of hallucinogens or other drugs, but I personally have no problem with certain drugs because of the information I have
gathered and presented on their benefits.
I have always been skeptical of UFO sightings. Many people are intoxicated and/or have very active imaginations which i thought may have contributed
to some stories. I have also been under the impression that with every fable there lies a shred of truth. Either way, it's safe to say that my mind
has been open. I just hadn't had any proof of my own until this past weekend. I do think and have thought for a long time that aliens do exist but
that is another story altogether.
I was visiting my friend who lives in a very rural part of North Carolina. I will not share specifics but it was VERY rural. My friends and I came up
with the great idea to go shrooming because we were bored! The friends I visited knew people who owned cow farms and we would go at night to pick em.
So after a long time of walking down long roads and whatnot, we end up coming back to our truck EMPTY HANDED. There was an electric fence and some
dogs and some of my friends just started to freak out. On our way back I convinced everyone that it wasn't about the shrooms, it was about the
adventure. By this point my cell phone had died because I forgot to charge it at the persons house I spent the night at. All 5 of us were standing
around the truck and the truck's owner just so happened to have a few PBRs in the trunk. She chose not to drink because she had to drive us back, but
offered each of us one. ONE PABST BLUE RIBBON, which is virtually nothing!
As she was pulling them out, i looked up in the sky towards the moon and saw a light streak across the sky. I think it may have been a shooting star.
It directed my attention to what appeared to be a light (or rather a bundle of lights close together) making circular motions really high up in the
sky. it was about as bright as the moon, but a much smaller source. It definitely out shined every other star in the sky. I pointed this out and
somebody said it was probably just a satellite. I told him to look at it. He saw the same motion i did. At first the truck owner couldn't see it but
we pointed to where it was and she saw it. The "light" DID NOT have a trajectory of any sort. It just seemed to bob up and down and move side to
side in a hovering state, directly above the cow farm we had just come from. It was really close to us. We all witnessed that it actually CHANGED
positions multiple times. From the way i saw the lights and how they moved, I would say that the craft was ovular and had lights all around the
"edge". It was probably spinning, which is why we saw it change position and why there was a bundle of lights. We stared at the thing for about 20
minutes comparing it to other stars in the sky, along with a set of airplane lights we saw flashing in the distance. We stayed until 3:33 AM because
one of the group said that he'd heard that 3:33 was "abduction time". It seems silly now but at the time we were on another wavelength. Everyone
else tried taking pictures/videos, but they all ended up cruddy. Everything on the screen is black except for the UFO which is the only thing shining
on the screen (although you have to realize that we were on rural land. There were plenty of stars shining, but you can't see em in the pictures.
As soon as I'm able, I'll get the evidence from my friends and post it. Funny thing is, most of us weren't even afraid.