posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 06:50 PM
Most of the people here have been familiar with Wikileaks for a while, at least since the release of the helicopter video which didn't get much media
exposure after all. But now Wikileaks is on the forefront of all the media and it doesn't seem like it is going to stop since the man claims he has
a lot of information that he is still keeping for perhaps further releases.
Now, if it really was a top priority for Obama to stop Wikileaks, I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult.
On Fox news the headline has Secretary of Defense Gates saying that Wikileaks is morally 'guilty' for releasing Afghan documents.
It's an interesting 'attempt' to spin-off the moral 'guilt' around, since the 90,000+ new documents released by Wikileaks as the "Afghan War
Diary, 2004-2010" is more than a simple leak like the helicopter video. This monster leak tells everything that was been going on in the Afghan war,
which was mostly already public knowledge anyways, but had not reached media attention.
The moral guilt is definitely on the American military with all its ill-methods and lies.
2001 was a long time ago and people have come to realize that the motivation for the war was not as pristine as politicians were trying to make us
These documents show that the US war machine is morally guilty of hiding facts from the people, and replace it with false information. (Like where is
Bin Laden, who runs the drug traffic, etc...)
Now they are trying to turn the public opinion against the whistleblower, while the public opinion has been suspecting the government from lying all
It's definitely a lost battle for Mr Gates...
Now Wikileaks will get more exposure than ever.
But, what if Wikileaks really works for the US government against the rogue military complex??
How is it possible that the friendly Australian government let such an organization jeopardize the safety of our government military operation ???
This is all a PR war between the Obama and the Neo-cons. We have to stop the war to reduce military spendings but it is not possible to win the war
if we stop the war, because the Taliban will just have to cross the border back to regain control over Afghanistan and open some new jihadist training
The White House said that there was no sensitive information in the documents released by Wikileaks, because all that stuff was already out
But this is not as much a logical conflict as it is an emotional conflict. Different political factions are trying to rally people to their ideas.
What will be your response?
Your politicians lied to you, went to war and told you everything was fine when it wasn't. You were suspecting it all along but they kept on telling
you that it wasn't true. Now you know you were right, you know they lied to you, and you know this stuff is like a new Vietnam war.
So here is my questions to you:
Do you want the Afghan war to stop?
What is the main reason for which you support your answer to the first question?
What do you think it the main component (logical or emotional) leading you to answer the second question?