posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 02:24 PM
Originally posted by davespanners
I have to admit that I am an atheist and am not sure if I even have a soul, but I did study Buddhism for a while and I tend to think of it like
i know this isn't what you meant, but i couldn't resist sharing my first thought upon reading this sentence:
it's okay if you are an atheist - atheists have souls, too.
(as in: Deity doesn't deny you that even if you can't or don't believe).
i don't mean that it any way but a semi-jest - i pictured two lines of people, one under a sign that said "atheists" and the other "non-atheists"
and then underneath the first [exit] and under the other [get your souls here].
silly, i know.
Think of the universe as a vast ocean of energy, you reach down and scoop up some of that ocean into a glass, that becomes you, your soul, your
life, your everything. When you die the glass is simply tipped back into the ocean.
i have had that same thought, as well. only with my idea of that, taking into consideration that i believe in GOD in the sense that GOD is Good
Orderly Direction - a higher level of awareness and sentience that somehow envelopes all sentience within it yet not eye-to-eye, so to speak - a being
that is far beyond even the most spiritually evolved being's conception of the divine.
so, that divine being is perhaps the same as that ocean of souls, but along the way, each portion has the opportunity, nay the destiny, to become as
self-aware as Deity and when that happens, the glass becomes something like crystal, with the water inside.
i don't know.
somehow the soul eventually is freed from the primordial spiritual ocean.
the inspiration for that thought is one of the last things in the bible, when it says "and there was no more sea."