Greetings Earthlings.
I regret to inform the members and moderators of this site that it seems as if
lately there have been a lot of heated discussions when it comes to certain
political and personal conversations on this board. A lot of outright attacks on personal views of all sides, and a lot of mudslinging more lately
than I have ever personally witnessed in the past. People accussing other members of ganging up on each other, members who say that this site is more
favorable of one side then they are the other, and that this site has become an outlet for people who are against our current government and certain
political parties who want nothing but to destroy this great nation from the inside out. Members who feel as if this site has become a breeding ground
for those who wish nothing but ill mannered hatred for those who oppose their sets of views. Simply put, some members dont feel comfortable anymore
posting their beliefs on this board for fear that they will either get ganged up on, or be told that their opinions dont matter.
What I do see is a bunch of people who want nothing but good for their fellow citizens/members, and to do everything they can to spread the message to
anyone that they can of the corruption that goes on in our day to day behind the scene political environment.
I know that right now, tensions are flaring on both sides, and for good reason.
Its not looking good at all.
With that said, I am calling for an ATS overhaul of the demographics of this website to put an end to this issue once and for all.
Occassionally I will check the ATS demographics to make sure I have a better consideration for the members on this board, because to put it bluntly, I
love this site and I love what this site represents. I dont want that ruined, and I am sure MANY other members feel the same way. Afterall, it is the
differences that unite us.
What I am asking(And I know it may be a lot to ask) is that ATS do a poll, a REAL Poll on the members on this board. Not the same as the last
demographics poll, a serious one. One that includes peoples alliances to political parties, religion, beliefs, age, agendas, and basically a whole
overall view of how members on this site really feel about the current affairs our world faces today.
I notice the last time ATS has done a demographic, was in 2007 and it contains some questions that I personally think dont do the site justice, such
as "would you buy our book?","would you listen to our radio program?","whats your household income?".
While these are all good statistics to have, I personally think that ATS do a REAL poll to show how members of this board feel about the real things
that effect us all while we are engaged in conversations with others on this board.
I think many members on this board(including myself) could use some closure on what they are up against while communicating with other members of this
board, that way they are fully aware of their surroundings so they can feel more at ease about posting on certain topics discussed on this board.
I think that this really needs to be done, and that the members deserve it.
This would not be limited to just politics either, this needs to be done on mostly all the forums this website has to offer.
And to make it all anonymous as to make sure nobody gets singled out.
Like I stated earlier, I think this needs to be done to provide some closure for the members on this wonderful site, and that they make sure that
EVERYONE has quick access to these findings.
This would be strictly between the staff and the members.
I would really like to hear what the moderators feel about this, as well as the members.
What are your thoughts? Please share.
Thank You.
-Common Good
ATS Demographic Link-
[edit on 30-7-2010 by Common Good]
[edit on 30-7-2010 by Common Good]