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Building Muscle/diet help please

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posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by Fifth Horseman

Once again you've just proven that your a joke, your comparing working in a highly specific industrial occupation to lifting weights?

You still also haven't answered my question about could you learn a check hook from a book? No, you couldn't...

I don't really need you to tell me something "extra" about performing a bicep curl but just for the heck of it; grasp weight in palm, knuckles facing the ground and palm facing away from the body, lift weight up until just before shoulder level then lower weight back to starting position, 3/4 seconds lifting up, contract the muscle at the top of the exercise and then lower slightly slower than you lifted you as you work the muscles harder during the negative phase of any exercise.

There you go simple, information learned from the internet and books and its worked more than adequately for me so I don't see what "trainer knowledge" you can give me because anymore than the above I don't really need to know.
My point was on how certification is the difference between those that know and those that think they do. You should have no problem passing the cert test right?
Using your logic, If a person can learn a bicep curl from a book, they can learn a check hook from a book. Will either person understand the nuances of those moves? Maybe..after reinforcing bad motor patterns for awhile that will need to be undone at some point..usually by a pro that they seek out.
Your explanation was rudimentary but correct. You forgot to pin the elbow against the body, retract shoulder blades, breathing patterns, slightly bent knees, chin neutral, keeping elbow plumb with shoulder joint (except in a incline seated curl, here you are in a pre-stretch phase at the start of the movement, as well as where your line of sight should be focused (hint: if you say look at the dumbbell, you are a dumbbell

Lets try another: tell me what is wrong with using a smith machine for bench pressing? ( I am assuming this is smith machine, not a Jones machine, quite different if you care to look)

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Fifth Horseman
My point was on how certification is the difference between those that know and those that think they do. You should have no problem passing the cert test right?
Using your logic, If a person can learn a bicep curl from a book, they can learn a check hook from a book. Will either person understand the nuances of those moves? Maybe..after reinforcing bad motor patterns for awhile that will need to be undone at some point..usually by a pro that they seek out.
Your explanation was rudimentary but correct. You forgot to pin the elbow against the body, retract shoulder blades, breathing patterns, slightly bent knees, chin neutral, keeping elbow plumb with shoulder joint (except in a incline seated curl, here you are in a pre-stretch phase at the start of the movement, as well as where your line of sight should be focused (hint: if you say look at the dumbbell, you are a dumbbell

Lets try another: tell me what is wrong with using a smith machine for bench pressing? ( I am assuming this is smith machine, not a Jones machine, quite different if you care to look)

Well obviously you keep you elbows pinned to the body, fair enough I didn't mention that but there you go...

Personally I've never bent my knees while performing bicep curls and I don't know anyone that does but then again there you go...

As to the smith machine question; well when using a smith machine the machine performs a lot of the actions for you, its more beneficial to perform the weight free style as you then develop better muscle co-ordination, work all the stabilizer muscles and develop better muscle memory, any where near correct?

That was learnt from the internet.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron

Originally posted by Fifth Horseman
reply to post by tribewilder

Is there a difference between my answer and Death Kron's..I think so.

That's exactly my point, its great that you know the full explanation of why stretching before working out is bad but 99.9% of the population do not need to know the specific explanations as to why its a bad idea.

It's more than enough to simply learn that's stretching before training is a no-no. Do you know the exact reasons why you shouldn't drink a bottle of acid? No you don't but you do know that its a bad idea and it would kill you so you don't do it, simple.

I'm pretty sure most professional bodybuilders couldn't give the explanation you just did about pre-workout stretching but they don't need to so they don't do it.

I'm not knocking your knowledge but simply saying that the majority of the population don't need to know it, you can learn that its bad to stretch before a workout on the internet or in a book...

I am knocking your attitude because you appear to have a self inflated ego and rather than offer your advice in a helpful manner you seem more obsessed with pointing out peoples "flaws" in their advice.

No one like a know it all mate, could you tell me how to configure inter VLAN routing between two Cisco routers over a serial line? I'm willing to bet you couldn't, I could tell you how to do it but I'm not sitting here bragging about the fact...

[edit on 2/8/10 by Death_Kron]
Thank you for acknowledging this difference in our knowledge bases, not what I need as person, but important to our discussion. I am not a know-it-all for sure, just a smart guy with extreme interest in what I do. I cannot explain a VLAN routing, and if I had the gall to attempt to explain it to someone online, I would surely take a backseat in the discussion to someone with actual training in the given topic, not try and cut down their obviously broader knowledge base. I would attempt to learn. How well would you learn shotokan if you opened your mouth everytime your uncle was explaining a concept? " I already learned that online and your explanation is too in depth, please keep it simple." I would imagine that you would be the best at doing pushups and the worst at fighting. Now about that smith machine, I'll give you a hint, closed chain vs. open chain. Start from there. I am only (over)matching wits because you seem to like that. I will openly and honestly answer training questions from you if you would rather do that.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron
Honestly pointing out the flaws is the first step to having the solution. Its not about making people feel bad. If they do, it has more to do with their ego, than their search for answers. I feel like we have a (I hate this term) CT'er vs. debunker relationship and that isn't what is supposed to be happening in this discussion.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire
reply to post by Fifth Horseman

I suppose you wouldnt suggest doing a handstand wall press up... (jk)

How about advice based on the fellas equipment?
Just dumb-bells...

And you do work your triceps when you do a standing curl with an altanated grip. AND by not letting the downward momentum of the weight take control when you straighten your arm. - Do the exercise in a controlled movement. (mainly with an overhand grip. ..And I suppose it could be more of a pull-down except were not using machines. Egh.)

The same principle can be said by including a twist in the other exercises to hit smaller mucle groups that are overlooked - eg. such as a seated dumb-bell shoulder press.

And also, take into account certain body types. (Endomorph, etc.)

And as I said earlier, I still wouldnt use Creatine.

I agree with the non-use of creatine.
It has proven to be a iritant to the thyroid for some users that can cause irreversible damage. (me for one)
I started to get thyroid issues after taking creatine, so I immediately stopped

If you dont mind me asking, what where the issues you had?
Lazy thyroid or over active ..etc?

One thing I know about is how the body produces a very small amount of creatine. And by taking creatine as a supplement, you can damage your bodys production of this substance.
So your body wont produce any natural creatine anymore.

Thats why I wont touch it. (plus you lose your gains very fast when you stop taking it, so I stick with protien to build Lean muscle)

The only issue ive ever had with a supplement, is with fat burners.


[edit on 8/8/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

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