I had the fortune of meeting some ET's a while back. They live on a different plane of existence. If you want to see them, you ned at
"accenturate" (alien term) your equipment. To do this, you will need to magnetize your equipment. If you work in a hospital, this will be an easy
task. Just take a reqular camcorder
and put it in a cat scan or MRI machine while it is active and have it looking at a dying person or just a normal person. If you view the camera
footage and you see people that weren't there with your natural eyes, then they are the aliens. If you want to see my homepage on national security loopholes
Thats interesting, is there anyone who can perform this experiment?? would love to see the results, Is there another way i mean getting access to an
MRi scanner is a tad difficult lol ..There must be another way thats more practical, any thoughts on this??
Is there anybody online who has images from such an experiment showing these invisible aliens?
Also, I'm quite skeptical as to the ability of magnetized electronics being able to even work. Or at least work properly enough to know that what
you are seeing if indeed you see visual anomalies aren't just electronic glitches from the magnetization.
If magnetizing electronics provides the same results as eletromagnetic pulses that fry electronics, then I suspect the end result of such a test is a
dead camcorder.
One last thing. How would you go about magnetizing your electonic visualization equipment if you have no access to hospital facilities? Do you have
to buy a ton of magnets and stick them on or near your camcorder?
If not not mistaken don't camcorders, or specificly the tape (if analog) record by using bits of magnetic material on the tape by making "bumps" to
put it VERY generaly. If this tape went through a very powerful magnet it would just garble up the tape to the point of it just showing a static like
screen if tried to play back.....am I right or wrong here?
I'd say a static screen on your tape would be the least of your problems - you'd be totally wrecking your equipment. You can be pretty sure your
camcorder doesn't have the shielding necessary to protect it from the magnet. In short; powerful magnets and sensitive electrical equipment don't
mix well.