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Crews work to keep oil spill from Lake Michigan

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posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:39 AM
WTF How Many Oil Leaks Are There In The World, The Gulf, China, Austrailia And Now This, How Long Are We Just Gonna Sit Around And Let These Oil Companys Do This To Our Land Sorry To Say This But December 21 2012 Is Starting To Sound About Right. This Is Just Pathetic Now.

1 Million Gallons

Heres The Link

Star And Flag Plz

[edit on 29-7-2010 by teddster86]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Good Grief, when did this one happen? Are they out to poison all the water on the planet or what? It sure seems that way!

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:00 PM
I Have No Idea But This Makes Me Sick

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:03 PM
En bridge who owns the leaking pipe line is part of a consortium about to build a pipeline from the Alberta Tar Sands to Texas which would guarantee secure reasonably priced oil to the US refineries.

this is a major blow to getting it past the EPA and congress...who are now mostly against it...Iran and Venezuala have oil lets go get that instead.


posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:04 PM
Yeah happened last night they dont know what caused it...1200 mile long pipe line ruptured (unknown how) had spewed 1 million gallons into a local river that now....i see...may be heading toward Lake Michigan.

I think the earth is moving around inside and yes...pressures are becoming unstable and causing these 'unknown' ruptures and pressure shifts. We'll see more of this.

2012 is beginning...yep....

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:04 PM
These oil companies need to figure out what the hell they're doing or be forced to turn over their companies to someone who knows what they're doing.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:15 PM
That is pretty darn scary.

Having lived most of my life in the far north burbs of the Chicago area, most of the drinking water came from lake Michigan.

People in the Gulf, where I live now, don't drink salt water, so to me, this is even more devastating, and frightening.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:20 PM
Here is some links in regards to the Keysone XL project..
makes one wonder if someone with an agenda didn't have a hand in this.

Predictably Enbridges stocks are down...
I wonder if they have been shorted in the last couple of days prior to the spill...

[edit on 29-7-2010 by Danbones]


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