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The Cancer Research Project

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posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 07:08 PM
1.Back ground information about the topic of choice (ie lung cancer)
2.The cause of the cancer
3.The signs and symptoms
4.The treatment for the cancer
5.The side effects
6.Any realted links to the topic of choice includeing alternative teatment

A compilation of the above goals, for reference to members and guests of ATS community.

creamsoda -Team Leader (TL)
Mr Knowledge -

[edit on 8-3-2005 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:14 PM

just a link so you can choose on what you would like to cover I also think it would be best if we choose to pick one cancer topic and cover and keep editing your post as new things on the subject crop up.

Guides to cancer
Bladder cancer
Bowel Cancer .......................~Se7en~ X
Breast Cancer.......................~Gryffen~ X
Cervical and Uterine Cancers
Leukaemias and lymphomas
Lung Cancer .........................~se7en~ X
Ovarian cancer
Oesophageal cancer ............~se7en~ X
Pancreatic Cancer ................~Beer Goggles~
Prostate cancer ....................~Verity~ X
Skin cancers
Stomach cancer
Testicular Cancer ..................~Se7en~ X

If I am missing any topics fill them in but im sure there enough to be going on with for now.

[edit on 27/11/2004 by SE7EN]

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 02:05 PM
Back Ground Info

Testicular cancer primarily affects young men in the 15 to 44 year old age group, where it is the most common cancer. Overall, testicular cancer is not very common. Every year, there are nearly 2,000 new cases in the UK. And Testicular cancer responds particularly well to treatment, over 9 in 10 patients are cured.

The cancer develops from the cells within the testes. The testes are the two small oval-shaped organs on either side of the penis that produce and store sperm. They also provide the main source of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for male sexual characteristics. If the cancer is not treated, cancer cells from the original site may break away and spread to nearby lymph nodes or, rarely, other organs.

causes and risks of the disease

The cause of testicular cancer is unknown. Men who have an undescended testicle are at greater risk for the disease. The male children of women who took hormones while pregnant may also be at greater risk.
undescended testicle


Testicular cancer treatment is extremely effective. The cancer can be cured even if the disease has spread to other parts of the body. In addition to removal of the affected testicle, treatment may include: � additional surgery. During surgery, lymphatic tissue in the abdomen is removed for testing. If lymph nodes are still suspected of harboring cancer after treatment, these may be removed as well. � radiation therapy. This therapy is given to men with seminomas, especially in the early stages. In some cases, chemotherapy will be given in addition to radiation therapy. � chemotherapy. This treatment is given to men with nonseminomas or seminomas that are large or have spread. Chemotherapy is often used when other treatments have not been effective. Cisplatin, bleomycin, and etoposide are the medications most commonly used. They are often used in combination.
radiation therapy

side effects

Side effects can vary widely. Specific side effects depend on the particular treatment. Orchiectomy, or removal of the testicle, may cause the man distress. However, removal of the testicle does not cause erectile dysfunction. Lymph node removal can cause a reduction in ejaculate, or the amount of fluid ejected with orgasm.

Radiation therapy can cause: fatigue that goes away after treatment is completed inflammation of tissue where radiation passes through infertility, or the inability to impregnate a woman. This may be temporary or permanent.

Chemotherapy may cause: nausea and vomiting ,immune system suppression, which makes the man more susceptible to infection. infertility, which may be temporary or permanent hair loss, known as alopecia

Related Links
Testicular cancer
What are we doing

[edit on 10-7-2004 by SE7EN]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:39 AM
Cancer - Causes
outlines the various substances that promote Cancer.

General Symptoms of Cancer

Fatigue can be a symptom of Cancer.
Cachexia (excessive weight loss) can occur during the later stages in persons afflicted with Cancer.

These Substances Cause/Exacerbate Cancer

* Excessive consumption of Alcohol (ethanol)
* Aldehydes
* Formaldehyde is a proven carcinogen.
* Malonaldehyde can cause some forms of Cancer, it is formed as a breakdown product of Polyunsaturated Peroxidized Fats.

* Cancer patients should not consume Allantoin (due to its ability to accelerate the replication of Cells which is undesirable in Cancer patients).Allantoin is the primary beneficial ingredient in Comfrey

* Large quantities of Capsaicin can cause Cancer:
- Although non-excessive consumption of Capsaicin has several health benefits.

Amino Acids

* Arginine exacerbates some types of Cancer:
- Although Arginine also prevents some forms of Cancer.

* Elevated Homocysteine levels increase the risk of some types of Cancer.
It has been theorized that Pangamic Acid may cause some types of Cancer.

Amino Acids - Toxic Byproducts

* Nitrosamines (formed within the body when Nitrates and Nitrites combine in the Stomach with Amino Acids) are extremely potent carcinogens that can cause Cancer in any part of the body.

Bile Acids

* Immobile Cholic Acid is a precursor for Cancer:
- If the body's transit time is slow, and Bile is permitted to stagnate in the Colon, Detrimental Bacteria convert Cholic Acid into the powerful carcinogen - Apcholic Acid.
- Also if transit time is slow, detrimental Bacteria converts Deoxycholic Acid into the extremely carcinogenic 3-methyl-cholanthrene (3-MCA).

Blood Clotting Chemicals

* Platelet Aggregating Factor (PAF) is implicated in some forms of Cancer.


* Excessive consumption of Simple Sugars and Fructose may be implicated in Cancer - due to Simple Sugars "feeding" Cancer cells. All Cancer patients are advised to reduce their consumption of dietary Simple Sugars and Fructose.

Electromagnetic Radiation

* Excessive exposure to Gamma-Rays can cause various forms of Cancer.
-Pink Fluorescent Light increases the risk of various forms of Cancer:
- In one study mice living under Pink Fluorescent Light developed Cancer more quickly than mice who live under White Fluorescent Light or Sunlight.

Environmental Toxins

* Chloroform (Chlorine vapor produced in hot showers) increases the risk of some types of Cancer.
* Many synthetic Pesticides (including Chlordane and Heptachlor) can cause Cancer in humans.
Ingested or inhaled Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are metabolically activated within the Liver to form highly carcinogenic compounds - they are strongly suspected of causing almost all forms of Cancer.

* Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is strongly suspected of causing some forms of Cancer.


* Excessive Beta-Glucuronidase activity increases the risk of various types of Cancer (by breaking the bond between various carcinogens and Glucuronic Acid, Beta-Glucuronidase re-actives de-activated carcinogens).

* Collagenase enzyme assists carcinogens to destroy Collagen. Cancer cells also secrete Collagenase which facilitates the process of metastasis of Cancer cells to other regions of the body.

* Cyclooxygenase activates some carcinogens and is therefore implicated in the development of some forms of Cancer. It also causes Cancer cells to become resistant to Apoptosis.

* Excessive Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity contributes to several forms of Cancer (G6PD is the rate limiting enzyme of a pathway known as the Hexose Monophosphate Shunt. This pathway provides substrate for new DNA synthesis in Cancer cells - new DNA production is an essential requirement for the replication of Cancer cells).

* Hyaluronidase facilitates the growth of Cancer cells - it breaks down structural proteins such as Collagen which normally retard the growth of Cancer cells.

* Excessive Ornithine Decarboxylase activity is implicated in the development of some forms of Cancer (due to Ornithine Decarboxylase�s involvement in Cell proliferation).

* Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase is involved in the development of Cancer (normal Cells cannot transform themselves into tumor Cells in the absence of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase).

* Protein Kinase C is over-expressed in many types of Cancer.

* Telomerase, by elongating the Telomeres of Cancer cells, permits Cancer cells to continue to replicate. Via this mechanism Telomerase activity may facilitate the spread of Cancer.

Food Additives

* Amaranth (Red Dye No. 2) is carcinogenic.
* Benzpyrene is a carcinogen found in barbecued and smoked foods.Overheating or frying of dietary Oils causes the production of Benzpyrene. Barbequing of Meats causes the production of Benzpyrene. Benzopyrene is a constituent of Tobacco smoke.

* Cyclamates increase the risk of Cancer.
* Hydrazines are carcinogenic:
- Gyromitrin (type of Hydrazine) is an extremely potent carcinogen. It damages the body's Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) by generating Free Radicals.

* Nitrites (including Sodium Nitrite) can combine with Amino Acids within the body to form Nitrosamines.
* Piperine is carcinogenic if large amounts are consumed. Found in Pepper, Piperine is also a pungent flavouring used in Brandy
* Saccharin has long been suspected of being carcinogenic.

Growth Factors

* Excessive activity of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) is involved in the initiation and progression of some types of Cancer.
* Fibroblast Growth Factor facilitates the growth of new Blood Vessels that feed tumors (angiogenesis) and therefore contributes to the survival of Cancer cells. Fibroblast Growth Factor is produced by many types of Cancer cells.

* Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) stimulates the growth of new Blood Vessels (angiogenesis) to tumor cells and it is therefore desirable for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor production/activity to be inhibited in Cancer patients.


* Trophoblasts stimulate the production of Chorionic Gonadotrophic Hormone (CGH):
- This Hormone is simply detected in the Urine and is an extremely reliable indicator of the presence of Cancer cells in the body in all cases except where Trophoblasts are assisting the preparation of the body for Pregnancy.
- The presence of this hormone in females indicates that she either has Cancer or is Pregnant.
- In males this hormone indicates with certainty the presence of malignant Cancer Cells.

* Excessive manufacture of Estrogens (especially 2-Hydroxy Estrone) stimulates the production of Trophoblast Cells that are implicated in Cancer in all cases except in preparing the female body for Pregnancy. Some women are Estrogen dominant and are at risk, and should therefore seek Hormone balance via Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy.
- The toxic effects of Estrogens only occur when the sum of Estradiol + Estrone exceeds 50% of the body's total Estrogens . (i.e. when the proportion of Estriol is less than 50%).
- Cancers types implicated are, Breast, ovarian, endometrial, and prostate cancer. The specific Cell growth that Estrogens are known to stimulate is Trophoblasts which are strongly implicated in Cancer when they are produced in situations other than Pregnancy.
- Excessive use of exogenous, supplemental Estrogens by postmenopausal women increases their risk of developing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).


* Malvalic Acid (a Cyclopropenoid Fatty Acid) increases the risk of Cancer.
* Excessive consumption of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) (Omega-6 Fatty Acids) is implicated as a stimulator of the development and progression of a range of human Cancers:
- Excessive consumption of Linoleic Acid can stimulate the growth of some types of Cancer.

* Sterculic Acid (a Cyclopropenoid Fatty Acid) increases the risk of Cancer.
* Trans-Fatty Acids increase the risk of many forms of Cancer (by altering the activities of the Liver Enzymes - Mixed Function Oxidase Cytochromes P-448/450 - that metabolize carcinogens and other toxins.
* Excessive serum Triglycerides levels increase the risk of Cancer.


* Retroviruses are implicated in some types of Cancer.


* There is a strong association between excess consumption of Iron and the incidence of Cancer.
* Lead increases the risk of Cancer - Lead activates Hyaluronidase (an endogenous enzyme that facilitates the growth of Cancer cells).
* The Sodium Selenite form of Selenium (only when consumed in extremely high dosages at levels much higher than would normally be consumed) can cause Cancer and can cause mutations in Cells.

* Excessive consumption of Zinc may cause the growth of tumors (by interfering with the anti-Cancer properties of Selenium).


* Aflatoxin is a potent carcinogen.

Nucleic Compounds

* Thymidine functions as a growth factor for many types of Cancer Cells (it is incorporated into the (DNA) of Cancer Cells) and therefore facilitates the proliferation of Cancer Cells.


* Dioxin exposure can cause some types of Cancer:
- Dioxin competes with Estrogens for attachment to the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor located on certain Cells. After Dioxin has attached to the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor it is transported to the (DNA) of Cells where it binds to cellular Proteins and causes the activation of Genes that promote Cancer.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

* Most Cholesterol-Lowering Pharmaceutical Drugs have been found to be carcinogenic (i.e. they initiate or enhance the growth of Cancer cells):
- Cholestyramine has been found to be carcinogenic (i.e. it initiates and enhances the growth of Cancer cells).
- Colestipol has been found to be carcinogenic (i.e. it initiates and enhances the growth of Cancer cells).
- Fibric Acid Derivatives (e.g. Clofibrate, have been found to be carcinogenic (i.e. they initiate and enhances the growth of Cancer cells).

* Many types of Cough Medicine are carcinogenic due to their Choloroform content.
* Diazepam (Valium) can cause some forms of Cancer.


* Activator Protein 1 (AP-1) is involved (as a transcriptional factor) in the development of various forms of Cancer.
* Nuclear Factor-Kappa B (NF-Kappa B) is involved in the cellular processes that lead to some forms of Cancer - inhibition of NF-Kappa B results in apoptosis (death) of some types of Cancer cells.

Recreational Drugs

* Tobacco smoking is carcinogenic (due especially to its Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) content).

* Marijuana smoking suppresses various functions of the Immune System.
- Long-term Marijuana smoking increases the risk of :
* Larynx Cancer
* Mouth Cancer.
* Pharynx Cancer (Throat Cancer).
* Tongue Cancer.
* Long-term Marijuana usage can cause Testicle Cancer.

Marijuana suppresses T-Lymphocytes.

Volatile Oils

* Estragole is carcinogenic.
* Safrole is carcinogenic if large amounts are consumed.

Other Factors that Increase the Risk of Cancer

Environmental Risks

* Showering (with hot tap water) can increase the risk of Cancer (due to the formation of Chloroform vapors when the Inorganic Chlorine that is present in tap water evaporates and is inhaled).

Food Processing Methods

* Barbequing causes the production of various toxic substances in the foods (particularly Meats) that are barbequed that are potent initiators and promoters of many forms of Cancer (carcinogens). These carcinogens include Benzpyrene, Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines (HAAs) and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs).
* Food Irradiation increases the risk of some forms of Cancer.
* Frying and overheating of dietary Oils causes the production of the (carcinogenic) Benzpyrene.
* Smoking (of foods) causes the production of (carcinogenic) Benzpyrene.

Free Radicals

Free Radicals are responsible for many Cancer-causing mutations to the body's endogenous Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA):
- Singlet Oxygen Free Radicals can induce pre-cancerous changes in cells.
- However: the controlled generation of Free Radicals by cells of the Immune System can lyse (destroy) Cancer cells.

Orthodox Medical Treatments

* Chemotherapy can cause many detrimental side effects in Cancer patients.

These Foods or Herbs Cause or Exacerbate Cancer

* Excessive consumption of dietary Fats has a very strong association with the incidence of Cancer.

* Uncooked (White Champignon Mushrooms) increase the risk of Cancer (due to their Agaritine content).


* It is claimed that although Chaparral can prevent some forms of Cancer, it also contributes to other forms of Cancer (due to the Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA) component of Chaparral).
* Chilli (in very excessive amounts) increases the risk of Cancer (due to the Capsacin content of Chilli).
* Excessive consumption of Gotu Kola can cause Cancer (due to the Asiaticoside content of Gotu Kola).
* Consumption of amounts greater than 140 grams of Pepper per day can cause some forms of Cancer (due to the Safrole and Piperine content of Pepper).
* Sassafras (especially Sassafras Oil) can cause Cancer (due to the Safrole content of Sassafras and Sassafras Oil).


Frequent or excessive consumption of Meat increases the risk of Cancer:
- Excessive Meat consumption increases the activity of Beta-Glucuronidase (an enzyme that re-activates many previously de-activated carcinogens).
- Frequent or excessive consumption of Bacon, Corned Beef, Salami, and Ham increases the risk of Cancer (primarily due to the Sodium Nitrate content in these foods).

Oils - Dietary

* Maize Oil increases the risk of some forms of Cancer.

These Ailments Increase the Risk of Cancer

* Colic Disease can increase the risk of Cancer.
* Constant Constipation increases the risk of Cancer.
* Allergies are often precursors (forerunners of Cancer).
* Inflammation is an underlying cause of Cancer.
* People who are afflicted with Obesity are at greater risk of many types of Cancer.

All information has been researched and is from Hyperhealth V 2003....more to be added.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 02:01 PM
I have chosen to start with Prostate cancer but before I start the research on this topic I would like to talk about cancer in general.

In principal ALL cancers are stimulated to growth because of a poorly functioning or compromised immune system, but some cancers can also be adversely affected by hormone imbalance on top of a poor immune response, (hormones are implicated in prostate cancer). The same 'precautions' can prevent all cancers, but as stated above some are hormone related and need to be addressed on that level also. Once a cancer develops however, there can be different approaches to treatment for each specific area of cancer, treatment may also depend on whether the cancer is primary, or metastasized, (transferred from on part of the body to another, ie. secondary).

There is much evidence to indicate a conspiracy by large drug companies that keep cancer treatments expensive, detrimental, and drug related or incorporates tissue and cell damaging procedures such as chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
Very good environmental, workplace and home information concerning cancer causing hazards.

I will endeavour to provide medical treatment as well as natural therapies, but my education leans towards nature, so please bear with me.

first I would like you to read this article carefully about the discovery of the microbacteria that is the cause of Prostate cancer.
The following signs and symptoms may be caused by prostate cancer, or by a variety of other conditions. Consult your physician right away if you are experiencing any/all of the following symptoms:

* weak or interrupted flow of urine
* urinating often (especially at night)
* difficulty urinating or holding back urine
* inability to urinate
* pain or burning when urinating
* blood in the urine or semen
* nagging pain in the back, hips, or pelvis

The site below provides excellent information about all aspects of Prostate cancer in the many links it includes in category form.

Also known as: Prostatic Cancer

Prostate Cancer is a form of Cancer involving the growth/formation of malignant tumor(s) in the Prostate it affects one male in 10,000 under the age of 39, one male in 128 between the ages of 40 to 59, and one male in nine between the ages 60 to 79:

- 75% of all cases of Prostate Cancer are diagnosed in men over the age of 65.

Prostate Cancer is the most commonly-occurring Cancer in men it accounts for 32% of all cases of Cancer in men and accounts for 13% of Cancer deaths in men (in the USA in 1994).
There may be a genetic component to Prostate Cancer as the HPC1 Gene has been found to strongly predispose men to Prostate Cancer.
Medical treatments are covered in this link, and there is very good information concerning how to detect etc.
Home screening for PSA in the detection of prostate cancer.

More to follow.........

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 03:49 PM
I have decided to research Breast Cancer, not due to the easiness of the research to be found, but to clear any misunderstandings of the cancer itself. Over the next few posts, i hope to be able to show u many new and interesting point about BC and give detailed and medically reliable links and quotes to help show you all details and angles are being explored.

But first we start off with a main introduction.


A lot of changes happen in a womans breasts during puberty and also during her adult lifetime, and it is very important for us all to know what those changes are and if they are normal or not. Many doctors or local womans clinics do offer a special appointment to go through basic breast and puberty/menopause changes in a woman and havin been to one with my younger cousin, i know they are invaluable.

The first step to knowin about the changes is to get to know what ur breast is made of and how it works. Many people do not know how it work, i certinaly didnt until i began high school biology. Below are some links into key facts about breast health and then i will continue.

the above link has detailed information and even a Macromedia flash video detailing the structure and functions of the breast.

Risk Factors and prevention

"What causes Breast Cancer?"

That is a question all woman and even men want a straight and simple answer too. Unfortunatly, the medical research behind breast cancer moves so damn fast, and the news even faster, that it seems all us woman get are scientific quotes and complex answers. Understandable that scientific sidestepping is part of the learning process, solid information they have and we want it.

This section has information from a few websites i have chosen and the main link *1st link* has the best information i can find anywhere, it cuts out all the scientific BS and gets right down to the nitty gritty of it all.

This links contains factors within and without our control, physically and genetically, even industrial and enviromental. Also includes Tips and advice etc.

This link shows detailed information about Prevention, Genetics and Causes of the disease, also some interactive PDF files to download.

This link contains some very good quality information, also deals with male breast cancer as something for the gentlemen too.

Early detection and Screening

I think we all agree that going to the doctors or nurses for anytype of intimate medical problem can be embarrasing, but its a known fact that gettin regular medical checks in those areas will severly help in identifying any problems or concerns. This chapter looks at the detection and screening of breast cancer.
The use of mammograms *breast x-rays*, has been successfully used over the last 6-8yrs and has helped more than one million woman in scotland alone who have found lumps or had worries. I say 6-8yrs as that is the range of years the most successful the mammogram has been recently due to medical technology advancements.

Below are links to the detection and screening of breast cancer.

multiple link page hopefully answering many of ur questions.

this link is for my local NHS board Breast Screening Unit. Many links to information available and more to come.

When was the NHS Breast Screening Programme set up?
The programme was set up by the Department of Health in 1988 in response to the recommendations of a working group, chaired by Professor Sir Patrick Forrest, which had been set up to consider whether or not to implement a population screening programme in the UK. The report Breast Cancer Screening was published in 1986, and became known as The Forrest Report. The NHS Breast Screening Programme was the first of its kind in the world. It began inviting women for screening in 1990, and national coverage was achieved by mid 1990s.
The rate of cancers detected per 1,000 women screened and the standardised detection ratio have risen steadily. In 2001/2002, statistics showed that for every 1,000 women screened, 6.8 cancers were detected and the standardised detection ratio was 1.22.3


Breast cancer is often first suspected when a lump is felt or when an abnormal area is found on a mammogram. Most of the time, these areas do not turn out to be cancer, but the only way to know for sure is to have follow-up tests. Understanding what these tests are and how to interpret their results can help a woman take control of her situation and pick the course of action that is best for her. This chapter hopefully gives valuable information and discusses follow-up tests called biopsies, which involve the removal of cells or tissue from the breast. Also included are additional tests that help determine the most appropriate treatment if cancer is found. Included in the information is links to the types of Biopsies and other information on what the medical tests involve and what to expect depending on ur individual results.

multi-link page describing tests and medical procedures.

a non profit organisations website that explands everyones knowledge on breast cancer education.

not sure how good this is but its information about the research in any case.


In the past twenty years, great advancements have been made in the treatment of breast cancer. As a result, most breast cancer patients now live for at least 10 years after their diagnosis. Although each woman�s treatment will be slightly different, it generally involves some combination of surgical, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. Deciding on a particular treatment is as much a personal matter for women as it is a medical one. In this chapter, ill give u related links to the diffrent types of treatments available and some background information.

Related Multi-links involved in the treatments and other options.

A main site that includes Medical, Surgical, Hormonal and Alternative treatments.

A brilliant site that includes a system that will send u information on ur chosen topic and email it to you for download. Also includes videos and images of certain treatments.

Support Groups

Having emotional support and practical help and knowledge throughout your diagnosis, treatment and beyond is immensely important. Such social and medical support plays a key role in helping women work through both the emotional and physical trials of breast cancer. This chapter will give links to the organisations who have been set up by medical, psychological and other cancer sufferers and survivors to help others in the same situation.

Multi-links to support groups, Health Care providers, Family support teams and also a local search engine to find ur local help team.

a Pink Ribbon organised website givin details about where to find information on ur local units and what there part in ur health is about.

Gives personal stories from sufferers and survivors...personally owned..wonderful lady i have spoken to before.

About every breast cancer support group i can think of....if i find more i will post them ok.

I hope this helps anyone who knows or is suffering from breast cancer...any more information i find i will post here and feel free to contact me if u have any queries etc ok.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 02:21 PM
Sorry you Guys, Owing to a bit of a health crisis in dealing with my own cancer, I haven't been around much of late, and am very tired, but getting on top of the minor hiccup.

So for now I'll just offer this news letter from Dr W.C Douglass:

"Avoid what most doctors recommend
for prostate problems:

Drugs and surgery that could leave
you impotent or in diapers!"

--William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

Protect your manhood and your dignity by
giving yourself every possible chance to
avoid painful surgery that's both
debilitating and humiliating - but all too

Dear Daily Dose Reader,

As a man, I can relate to the fear of prostate
trouble. And speaking as a doctor, I'm painfully
aware of just how common prostate maladies are.
Men, you need to realize this: Your prostate is your
weakest link.

The statistics are alarming. Some state that by age
50, as many as half of us could have noticeable signs
of prostate disease. By age 60, the number rises to
about 60%, and continues to escalate over the next
few decades-at age 85, 90%.

At first you might simply have some difficulty
urinating, or perhaps an increased frequency of
urination especially at night. Some may experience
painful ejaculation and difficulty maintaining an
erection. Whatever the symptoms, prostate
conditions can lead to harmful (or fatal)
complications like bladder and urinary tract
infections, kidney problems - even cancer. It's
important to get all the facts-and to know your

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 04:32 PM
Just a link to anouther thread that kicked this all off
I updated tihs a few days back ive also finished my reaserch topic let me know if it needs anymore Gryff

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 07:00 PM
Research:Lung cancer

Back Ground Info

Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the UK after breast cancer. Smoking and passive smoking cause nine out of ten lung cancers. Men are more likely to be affected, although the number of women with lung cancer is now increasing. There are over 38,000 new cases of lung cancer in the UK each year.

The cancer develops from cells within the lungs (the organs responsible for breathing), the bronchi (air passages leading to the wind pipe) or the trachea (wind pipe). There are two main types of lung cancer: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. They differ in the way they develop and the treatment they need. Small cell lung cancer accounts for about one in five lung cancers, and tends to grow very quickly. About four out of five lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancers


Chest X-rays
Lung biopsy
CT, MRI, or other scans.

Signs and symptoms
1. a nagging, persistent cough
2. wheezing and shortness of breath
3. recurrent chest infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis
4. blood in the sputum
5. chest, shoulder or back pain unrelated to pain from coughing
6. neck and facial swelling
7. hoarseness
8. unexplained weight loss
9. loss of appetite
10. unsteady walk and occasional memory lapses
11. bone pain or fracture not caused by injury.

Surgery for lung cancer
If at all possible, non-small cell lung cancer will be treated by surgery to remove all or part of the cancer. However, surgery is rarely a suitable treatment option for small cell lung cancer. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy can also complement surgery.
non-small cell lung cancer
Which Treatment for lung cancer?

Radiotherapy for lung cancer
The specialists may use radiotherapy when surgery is not possible, or for advanced lung cancers.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer
Chemotherapy is standard treatment for most patients with small cell lung cancer, as this type of cancer usually reponds well to this treatment. Many drugs are active against small cell lung cancer, and these can be used in various combinations.

Side Effects
The side effects of the cancer treatment depend on the type of treatment and this may be different for each person. Side effects are often only temporary. Doctors and nurses can explain the possible side effects of the treatment, and they can suggest ways to help relieve symptoms that may occur during and after treatment.
Side Effects

Risk factors & reducing your risk
Passive smoking
Asbestos and certain chemicals
Radon gas
History of lung cancer
reducing your risk

Alternative Treatment
Wild Flower
vitamin A

Related links
Lung cancer, diagnosis and treatment
Cancer statistics
Reducing your risk of cancer
Low Tar Exposed
Lung Cancer

[edit on 27/8/2004 by SE7EN]

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 10:29 PM
BBC Tumour diary by Ivan Noble

BBC News Online science and technology writer Ivan Noble was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour in August 2002.
Since then he has been sharing his experiences in an online diary.

I have been a cancer survivor now for two years.

On 29 August 2002 I found out I had a type of brain tumour called a high grade glioma.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This link has a diary of 2 years with all his updates on the far right hand side might take some reading but is well worth the read to see this person high's and lows from the past two years and his struggle with Cancer.

[edit on 27/8/2004 by SE7EN]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 08:55 PM
Oesophageal cancer is now the 9th commonest cancer in adults in the UK. There are over 7,300 cases diagnosed each year. It's more common in men than it is in women for every 4 men diagnosed, there are 3 women diagnosed. In other words with roughly 7,000 people diagnosed every year in the UK, about 4,000 are men and 3,000 women.

Oesophageal cancer is more common in older people in their 60s, but it can occur between the ages of 45-75 oesophageal cancer is twice as common in men than in women. Smoking is a major risk factor for oesophageal cancer about 2 in 5 cases of oesophageal cancer may be related to smoking.

This increases the risk the longer a person smokes heavy drinking also increases the risk of oesophageal cancer.This and the combination of heavy drinking and smoking results in a very high risk of developing this type of cancer.

This is a long-term problem with reflux, where the stomach acid tracks back into the oesophagus. People who have Barrett's oesophagus are 50 times more likely to develop some type of oesophageal cancer. Lye is a chemical found in strong industrial and household cleaners. Swallowing these or other caustic substances can cause irritateing of the lining in the oesophagus. This may increase the risk of developing oesophageal cancer.

With this disease the muscle at the bottom of the oesophagus no longer prevents food and liquids backing up into the oesophagus. Tylosis is also a rare inherited condition that causes excessive growth of the top layer of skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. People with this condition have a very high risk of developing oesophageal cancer. Diets that are also poor in fruits and vegetables as well as some vitamins and minerals also run the risk of delveloping oesophageal cancer.

Oesophageal cancer Surgery
Surgery is the most common form of treatment for oesophageal cancer.
If it is possible to try to cure your oesophageal cancer, your surgeon will remove part of your oesophagus.

This page is about radiotherapy for cancer of the gullet (oesophagus). Radiotherapy uses high energy waves to kill the cancer cells. When radiotherapy is used for oesophageal cancer
Doctors often use radiotherapy to treat cancer of the oesophagus. You may have radiotherapy and chemotherapy together to try to cure the cancer, instead of surgery.

You may have chemotherapy for oesophageal cancer as An injection
Through a drip into a vein in your arm (intravenous infusion). Or through a pump as a slow continuous infusion also How you have your chemotherapy treatment will depend on the particular drug or combination of drugs you are having.

[edit on 27/8/2004 by SE7EN]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 01:35 AM
Back Ground Information
BBC Dr Rob Hicks & Dr Trisha Macnair
Cancer Reaserch UK

Colorectal cancer also known as bowel cancer affects the lower part of the digestive system the large bowel and the rectum. Although it is the 3rd most common type of cancer in men and the 2nd most common cancer in women, killing around 20,000 people a year in the UK,

Also called bowel cancer, it can occur anywhere in the colon or rectum (back passage). Cells lining the inside of the bowel are constantly dying and being replaced. A cancer arises when this process of renewal goes wrong. These abnormal cells can form a polyp and develop into cancer. If the cancer is not treated, cells can break away and spread to other parts of the body, often to the liver.

BBC causes
Cancer reaserch Risk factors

A previous polyp or colorectal cancer
Personal history of chronic bowel inflammation
Smoking and alcohol
Family history
Personal history of colorectal cancer

Although the exact cause of bowel cancer is not understood, it's known that genetics can play a big part. Specific genetic mutations can cause bowel cancer or inherited diseases known to predispose to the condition. For example, Familial Adenomatos Polyosis (FAP) accounts for about 1% of all cancers of the colon and rectum. It causes the widespread development of small non-cancerous growths (polyps) throughout the bowel from teenage years onwards, many of which will rapidly become cancerous.
A family history of bowel cancer is particularly important if you have a first-degree relative diagnosed before the age of 45, or if you have 2 first-degree relatives affected. In this case you should talk to your GP about genetic screening to see if you are at risk too.
Colorectal cancer is more common as you get older. The average age is about 70, but younger people can get it. Previous problems with chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease also appear to increase the risk of getting this type of cancer.

Signs and symptoms
Symptoms of Bowel Cancer

blood (bright red or black flecks) or mucus in the stool (faeces)
changes in bowel habits: diarrhoea, constipation or both, anything that is abnormal, or which lasts more than two weeks
the feeling of still having to go to the toilet even after having emptied the bowels
pain or discomfort in the stomach area (colicky pain, cramps, or tenderness)
unexplained weight loss
extreme tiredness (this may be due to bleeding)
a lump in the abdomen.

About four out of five patients undergo some form of surgery. It can be extremely successful. Generally, a specialist will remove the area of the cancer and a small amount of surrounding tissue

Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays similar to X-rays to kill cancer cells. Doctors may use it to relieve symptoms such as an intestinal blockage, bleeding or pain.
Radio Therapy for Bowel Cancer

Chemotherapy is sometimes used after surgery for some colon cancers. It can occasionally improve survival and quality of life. Doctors might also use it to help ease the symptoms of advanced cancer.
Chemotherapy for bowel cancer


Side Effects
Side effects of bowel cancer Radiotherapy
Side effects of bowel cancer chemotherapy

Related Links
Bowel cancer leaflet
Digestive Disorders Foundation
Bowel Cancer
Dr Rob Hicks
Colon Cancer Concern
Beating Bowel Cancer
Dr Trisha Macnair
NHS Cancer screening programmes: colorectal cancer
CancerBACUP: Understanding cancer of the colon

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:15 AM
I chose to do colon cancer aside from others because my grandmother is currently dying from cancer which started out as colon cancer. I will post the death date if nobody minds to give you a good example of just how fast it kills over a certain amount of times and what procedures were done to try and cure her. Im going to start with the normal layout, and continue editing my research as time persists. I understand SE7EN has this topic also, but I am going to ponder with my research.

Back ground information:

The cause of colon cancer:

The signs and symptoms of colon cancer:

The treatment for colon cancer:

The side effects of colon cancer:

Related links to the alternative teatment to colon cancer:

Research: Colon Cancer


Back ground information:
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. It affects both men and women about equally and kills more people annually than either breast cancer or prostate cancer. The reason why there is a high incidence is the lack of awareness, lack of media attention, embarrassment factor, and not enough people taking an active role in monitoring their own health. However, there is over a 90% cure rate if colon cancer is caught early enough. Colon cancer is preventable and treatable. The main key is early detection through screening. The goal of screening is to detect and remove pre-cancerous polyps, which is the source of nearly all colon cancers. Colon cancer can strike with no warning signs. However, one of the most frequent and common early warning sign is blood in stool from the bleeding polyps. This warning sign is often not noticed because the blood is not visible to the human eye or not acted upon.

The cause of colon cancer:

Doctors are certain that colorectal cancer is not contagious (a person cannot catch the disease from a cancer patient). Some people are more likely to develop colorectal cancer than others. Factors that increase a person's risk of colorectal cancer include high fat intake, a family history of colorectal cancer and polyps, the presence of polyps in the large intestine, and chronic ulcerative colitis.
Diets high in fat are believed to predispose humans to colorectal cancer. In countries with high colorectal cancer rates, the fat intake by the population is much higher than in countries with low cancer rates. It is believed that the breakdown products of fat metabolism lead to the formation of cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens). Diets high in vegetables, and high-fiber foods such as whole-grain breads and cereals may rid the bowel of these carcinogens and help reduce the risk of cancer.
A person's genetic background is an important factor in colon cancer risk. Among first degree relatives of colon cancer patients, the life time risk of developing colon cancer is eighteen percent (a threefold increase over the general population in the United States). Some families are affected by an inherited disease called familial colon cancer. In families with familial colon cancer, many relatives develop colon cancer, often early in life. Another inherited condition that causes colon cancer is called familial polyposis syndrome. In familial polyposis, many members of the family develop countless numbers of polyps in their large intestine. Unless the condition is detected and treated early, a person affected by familial polyposis syndrome is almost sure to develop colon cancer from these polyps over time.
Doctors believe that most colon cancers develop in colon polyps. Therefore, removing benign colon polyps can prevent colorectal cancer. Colon polyps develop when chromosome damage occurs in cells of the inner lining of the colon. Chromosomes contain genetic information inherited from each parent. Normally, healthy chromosomes control the growth of cells in an orderly manner. When chromosomes are damaged, cell growth becomes uncontrolled, resulting in masses of extra tissue (polyps). Colon polyps are initially benign. Over years, benign colon polyps can acquire additional chromosome damage to become cancerous.

The signs and symptoms of colon cancer:

Symptoms of colon cancer are numerous and non-specific. They include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, change in bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation, red or dark blood in stool, weight loss, abdominal pain, cramps, or bloating. Other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, and peptic ulcer disease can have symptoms that mimic colorectal cancer.

The tests for colon cancer. What procedures are done?:

When colon cancer is suspected, either a lower GI series (barium enema x-ray) or colonoscopy is performed to confirm the diagnosis and to localize the tumor.
A barium enema involves taking x-rays of the colon and the rectum after the patient is given an enema with a white, chalky liquid containing barium. The barium outlines the large intestines on the x-rays. Tumors and other abnormalities appear as dark shadows on the x-rays.
Colonoscopy is a procedure whereby a doctor inserts a long, flexible viewing tube into the rectum for the purpose of inspecting the inside of the entire colon. Colonoscopy is generally considered more accurate than barium enema x-rays, especially in detecting small polyps. If colon polyps are found, they are usually removed through the colonoscope and sent to the pathologist. The pathologist examines the polyps under the microscope to check for cancer. While the majority of the polyps removed through the colonoscopes are benign, many are precancerous. Removal of precancerous polyps prevents the future development of colon cancer from these polyps

Can colon cancer be prevented? If so, how?:

Unfortunately, colon cancers can be well advanced before they are detected. The most effective prevention of colon cancer is early detection and removal of precancerous colon polyps before they turn cancerous. Even in cases where cancer has already developed, early detection still significantly improves the chances of a cure by surgically removing the cancer before the disease spreads to other organs. Multiple world health organizations have suggested general screening guidelines.
It is recommended that all individuals over the age of forty have yearly digital examinations of the rectum and their stool tested for hidden or "occult" blood. For individuals over fifty years of age, it is recommended they have flexible sigmoidoscopies every three to five years. In individuals with a higher risk of developing colon cancer than the general population, screening colonoscopies may be performed.
The treatment for colon cancer:
Surgery is the most common treatment for colon cancer. If the cancer is limited to a polyp, the patient can undergo a polypectomy (removal of the polyp), or a local excision, where a small amount of surrounding tissue is also removed. If the tumor invades the bowel wall or surrounding tissues, the patient will require a partial resection (removal of the cancer and a portion of the bowel) and removal of local lymph nodes to determine if the cancer has spread into them. After the tumor is removed, the two ends of the remaining colon are reconnected, allowing normal bowel function. In some situations, it may not be possible to reconnect the colon, and a colostomy (an opening in the abdominal wall to allow passage of stool) is needed.
Despite the fact that a majority of patients have the entire tumor removed by surgery, as many as 40% will develop a recurrence. Chemotherapy is given to reduce this chance of recurrence. There is some controversy over patients with stage II disease receiving chemotherapy. Studies have not consistently shown a benefit in treating these patients. Generally, patients with stage II disease who present with a bowel perforation or obstruction, or have poorly differentiated tumors (determined by a pathologist), are considered at higher risk for recurrence, and are treated with 6 to 8 months of Fluorouracil (5-FU) and Leucovorin (LV) (both chemotherapy agents). Other patients with stage II disease are followed closely, but generally receive no chemotherapy. Patients who present with stage III colon cancer are typically treated with a regimen of Fluorouracil and Leucovorin for 12 months.
Forty to fifty percent of patients have metastatic (disease that has spread to other organs) at the time of diagnosis, or have a recurrence of the disease after therapy. Unfortunately, the prognosis for these patients is poor. The standard therapy for patients with advanced disease is Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and irinotecan (CPT-11). This regimen was found to be more effective than Fluorouracil and Leucovorin alone in these patients. With this therapy, an average of 39% of patients have a response, but the average survival is still only 15 months. Patients and their physicians must weigh the benefits of therapy versus the side effects of the treatment. Younger patients and those in better physical shape are better able to tolerate therapy.
Two new medications, capecitabine (Xeloda) and oxaliplatin, are also being used in the treatment of advanced colon cancer. Capecitabine is currently approved by the FDA for the treatment of advanced colon cancer that has failed treatment, but is still being investigated in untreated patients. Oxaliplatin is widely used in Europe, but has not yet been approved by the FDA for use in the United States. Currently, patients can only receive this medication in a clinical trial.
Colon cancer is not typically treated with radiation therapy. If the cancer has invaded another organ, or adhered to the abdominal wall, radiation therapy may be one option. One way to understand this is that radiation needs a "target". If the tumor has been surgically resected, there is no target to radiate. If the tumor has spread to other organs, chemotherapy is needed to reach all the tumor cells, whereas radiation can only treat a small area.
Follow-Up Testing
Once a patient has completed chemotherapy, they must be followed closely for recurrence. The guidelines for follow-up surveillance, written by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network are: physical exam (including digital rectal exam) every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 3 years, CEA level checked every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 3 years, and colonoscopy in 1 year, repeat in 1 year if abnormal, or every 3 years if no polyps are found. There is not enough evidence to support or refute the use of chest x-ray or CT scan for surveillance at this time, so this varies from physician to physician.

What does the future hold for patients with colorectal cancer?

Colon cancer remains a major cause of death and disease, especially in the Western world. A clear understanding of the causes and course of the disease is emerging. This has allowed for recommendations regarding screening for and prevention of this disease. The removal of colon polyps helps prevent colon cancer. Early detection of colon cancer can improve the chances of a cure and overall survival. Treatment remains unsatisfactory for advanced disease, but research in this area remains strong and newer treatments continue to emerge. New and exciting preventive measures have recently focused on the possible beneficial effects of aspirin or other anti-inflammatory agents. In trials, the use of these agents has markedly limited colon cancer formation in several experimental models. Other agents being evaluated to prevent colon cancer include calcium, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E. More studies are needed before these agents can be recommended for widespread use by the public to prevent colon cancer.

How is Colon Cancer Diagnosed and Staged?

After a cancer has been found, the stage must be determined to decide on appropriate treatment. The stage tells how far the tumor has invaded the colon wall, and if it has spread to other parts of the body.
Stage 0 (also called carcinoma in situ) - the cancer is confined to the outermost portion of the colon wall.
Stage I - the cancer has spread to the second and third layer of the colon wall, but not to the outer colon wall or beyond. This is also called Dukes' A colon cancer.
Stage II - the cancer has spread through the colon wall, but has not invaded any lymph nodes (these are small structures that help in fighting infection and disease). This is also called Dukes' B colon cancer.
Stage III - the cancer has spread through the colon wall and into lymph nodes, but has not spread to other areas of the body. This is also called Dukes' C colon cancer.
Stage IV - the cancer has spread to other areas of the body (i.e. liver and lungs). This is also called Dukes' D colon cancer.
After the tumor and lymph nodes are removed by a surgeon, they are examined by a pathologist, who determines how much of the colon wall and lymph nodes have been invaded by tumor. Patients with invasive cancer (stages II, III, and IV) require a staging workup, including full colonoscopy, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level (a marker for colon cancer found in the blood), chest x-ray, and CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, to determine if the cancer has spread.

[edit on 2/9/05 by creamsoda]

[edit on 9-2-2005 by ADVISOR]

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Mary Lou (My Grandmother) Died of this hideous cancer February 22, 2005 at 11:02 in the morning. Funeral services were held today as I was a Paul Berrar in her honor for her. She struggled for three years with this cancer.

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