posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:03 PM
First and foremost, this is NOT a bashing immigrants is a common sense question thread to ask the simple question "If the immigrants are
legal, then WHY would they be bugging out of Arizona?" ...Think about it, if they are here legally then fine...stay!! You are welcome to our
wonderful America and what she fairly offers you for your FAIR effort in becoming a citizen...BUT!! After watching a few sideline stories (empathy
stories) on some immigrants leaving before the Arizona law goes into affect...WHY would they leave??? Could it be because they only want what may be
offered for free under illegal immigration status?? I mean, really...why would they leave instead of making the effort to BECOME a legal citizen??
WHY bug-out when all Arizona is trying to do is get rid of the free-loaders?? If you TRULY want to become a citizen...THEN DO IT!! All good things
come from risk and effort to make it happen....We don't want you to leave, we just want you to pay into our system that you use as an illegal citizen
that is pulling the rest of us down in taxes, healthcare, etc...I understand that they want the best for their children as ANY mother/father
would...but WHY didn't they make the effort to go through the process?? Ahhh, could it be that they are caught in a situation where they will be
REQUIRED to pay taxes, and healthcare for themselves by becoming a citizen?? In that case... then GO!! Go back to your own country, Ireland, France,
Canada, Mexico.....My point in rattling these countries is to show this is NOT about Race...I don't care WHAT country you're from, be a LEGAL,
PRODUCTIVE American citizen, or GO HOME!!! The situation is truly just about freeloaders on my tax dollar!!! And to those who have worked and raised
their family here, while becoming a citizen...MORE POWER to you, and Thank-you for your contribution to our country
[edit on 28-7-2010 by rockhndr]