posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 05:39 PM
I remember I was on vacation in the caribbean. It was late at night, I couldn't sleep, so I went to sit out on a beach chair on the beach. It was
dark all over. In any case, I was just looking at the sky, the white dots (stars), etc...etc...
Then I noticed a 'star' was moving irratically, this thing was the same size as a 'star', but made large movements. For instance, it would move a
large distance across the sky, zig-zag, etc... it was really strange.
Another sighting I had was when I was younger. I was walking home through a field late at night with a friend. It seemed as though a 'star' was
following us. It seemed to move in the direction we moved. It was odd, but probably just a star.