posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Phlynx
For every bit of useful information there are 1 or more pieces of useless or even dangerous information. Take the following for example from the
Compendium -
"No certain rules can be given to distinguish wholesome plants from poisonous ones, but it has been observed that much the same things suit the
digestion of a bird that suit those of a man, and therefore that a traveller, who otherwise would make trials at hap-hazard, ought to examine the
contents of those birds' crops that he may catch or shoot,"
Birds eat many things that are poisonous to humans.
double check everything on these links if you think they you might want to use it. It's only your life at stake
[edit on 27-7-2010 by Asktheanimals]