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Liberty And Justice For All

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posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:06 PM
When in the course of humans events, governments no longer work
for the people, but rather, people work for the government. When
governments no longer fear the people, but rather, people fear
the government. When governance no longer represents the
governed, but rather represents the interests of greed and power,
then those people governed can no longer think of themselves as

When petitions to government for redress are met with great force by
police. When news media has been consolidated into the hands of a few.
When war exists at great expense with no clear enemy or objective.
When forced labor in service to the state is required under threat
of incarceration, then those people governed can no longer think
of themselves as free, but rather as servants to the state.

When a nation of people no longer retain control of their money supply.
When the wealth of a nation is consolidated into the hands of a few.
When that nation's armies are sent abroad into wars of aggression
while their homeland borders are not secure. When the communications
of all citizens are monitored by unseen forces of government.
When the writ of habeas corpus is denied and due process of law is
denied, then the people governed can no longer think of themselves
as free.

When the people of a nation begin to see servitude to the state
as an honorable personal responsibility. When in the course of
daily life it is seen as honorable to report dissent of government
to government authorities, then those governed cannot think of
themselves as free, but rather as slaves to the men of
servitude, no longer possessing freewill, but rather
dispossessing all liberty, and all justice.

When in the course of human events it becomes clear that freedom,
once granted by force, has been eroded by degree. When the bell of
liberty no longer rings proud and true, but hollow and impotent. Then
it becomes the duty of all men to rail against oppression. To call on
government in a single strong voice, that we will NOT be oppressed,
that we will NOT live in servitude, that WE WILL as a nation recall all
governance and begin anew...

With Liberty And Justice For All

I had originally posted this (buried) in another thread, but I enjoyed
composing it and thought it should have its own thread...

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:05 PM
I disagree with your premise, but I can get behind some of your points.

When in the course of humans events, governments no longer work for the people,

The idea of a government itself means that it is self serving. Governments only work 'for the people' when it is in the best interest of the state(ex: more economic freedoms means more money to tax).

When governance no longer represents the governed, but rather represents the interests of greed and power, then those people governed can no longer think of themselves as free.

Anyone governed is, by definition, not free.

When a nation of people no longer retain control of their money supply.

We never had such a control. On one of the first currencies ever produced in this country had the phrase "Counterfeit is Death" on it. Your very own constitution gives the power to regulate the money to the state.

When the people of a nation begin to see servitude to the state as an honorable personal responsibility.

Sad, sad reality. Government jobs, or as I like to call 'Guvment work', are not only created by means of theft, but are more lucrative than their private sector counterparts.

When in the course of daily life it is seen as honorable to report dissent of government to government authorities, then those governed cannot think of themselves as free, but rather as slaves to the state.

I am sure I am on some watch list somewhere. We are slaves to the state. We have numbers, they just haven't tattooed them yet.

When in the course of human events it becomes clear that freedom, once granted by force,

You can't grant freedom. Its not something you give to someone. Its something they have until someone takes it away. To think that freedom can be granted by force is bass-ackwards. Force exists to take away freedoms.

With Liberty And Justice For All

Justice is a side effect of Liberty.

With Liberty for All

[edit on 27-7-2010 by DINSTAAR]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by rival

Just wanted to give you a thumbs up.

Some things I don't agree with. Mainly the concept of FREE.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:41 PM
It seems that in every thread like this there pops in the "yeah but where were you when bush was pres? Didint hear ya complainin then..." folks. Thought I might try to head them off.

Immediately the title reminded me of a song, which spurred me to think a bit deeper on the matter. You know what? People have been becoming slowly more furious as the pressure is increased upon them.

Here is an excerpt from this song, describing how some folks were starting to feel 22 years ago.

"The ultimate in vanity, exploiting their Supremecy."

"I cant believe the things they say;"

"I cant believe the price...we pay!"

"Nothing can save us!"

"Justice is lost! Justice is raped! Justice is GONE!"

"Pulling your strings; Justice is done!"

"Seeking no truth, winning is all!"

"Find it so grim so true so real!

[edit on 27-7-2010 by blood0fheroes]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:55 PM

I agree. 'Nuff said.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 10:13 PM
The moment government comes into existence, you are no longer free. The only legitimate reason for government to exist is to defend against other more oppressive governments, and also (in this day and age) corporate governance. Unfortunately we are all goverened by the ultra wealthy, no matter what system they have to work through. No one has any rights more than they can defend, and no government can take "rights" without force. Whoever has more force wins. Right now, we don't have more force, but we do have some.
Are you saying its time we start defending what little rights we have left? I'll agree with you there.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 10:16 PM
I agree also..

nuff said here too..

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 10:59 PM
Thx for the replies.

I started this as a reply on the HR 5741 thread. It was an attempt to
compose an emotionally provocative speech. As I was writing I could hear
the pauses for applause.

I began to recall one of Obama's early presidential speeches (btw--I dislike
Bush and Obama equally...not racist, nor partisan) where his timing and
annunciation were what compelled applause. It was like watching art. I
vehemently disagreed with some of his statements eg; creation of a
youth brigade etc., but the content seemed to 'fly under the radar' of
those present. They were mesmerized by his skill at oration, not at
the content of the words.

I honestly think I could spend a few hours and compose a speech that literally
had no serious content, but using flow, and pause, and emotional triggers
to cap the end of sentences, would be gloriously received, however
disingenuous it may be.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by rival]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Nice post.
I wish people would actually read with emotion. Everything does not have to be analysed.
Every word does not have to be scrutinised.
Some things should just be read for what they are, just for the joy of reading them.
Read the OP again without thinking of what you would say or what word you would use.
It is the spirit in which the OP is written that most of us can agree with not the choice of words.
I very much enjoyed reading it and have no complaints. Thank you for sharing it. S+F

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Quadrivium

Its a sign of the times. Ego has mastered most of the world especially the USA. Not enough people read between the lines and only react as to how it relates to them and how they prop up they're own ego.

Nice post OP.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by rival

I read a science fiction story where they had perfected exactly what you are saying here.

Have our scientists perfected it.

I will attempt to find the story. It was almost EXACTLY what you are saying.

Using cadence, flow, verbal inflections, etc to get the crowd into a fervor.

Will post story if I find it.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 12:10 AM
Well said. S&F. Now spread the message to everyone and anyone you can. We can't stop until everybody is awake and informed. Then it's time to take back our country from the elitist corporatist fascists..

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