posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Howdy all,
I just dropped my kid at daycare, and they have a new "security" system in place as of this morning. Both my wife and I had to scan our fingerprints
in four times each, to "register" with the new biometric scanner they have installed, as well as enter our new, 8 digit, individual ID codes.
Really? Is this really necessary? The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
Before this morning, we just had to enter a four digit code into the computer to log our kid in or out of the school. Ostensibly, this new system is
to provide additional "security" for the children. What parent could object to that?
Surely the computer is not networked, and no police or
government agency will have access to this biometric information, right? Is there some new plague of rampant kidnapping I hadn't heard about?
This daycare is located across the street from our house, attached to a local church. This church also happens to be the local polling location, where
we go to vote. As I walked away, I saw several video cameras attached to the building, which I hadn't noticed before. As I drove to work, I also
noticed the video cameras monitoring every intersection along the way. As usual, every couple blocks there were a couple uniformed police officers
standing at the intersection, chatting with each other. I also couldn't help but notice the police helicopter hovering about fifty feet above the
road, with the video camera slung beneath swiveling intently, searching for...
I live in a major American city, and surveillance and visible police presence is to be expected. But it seems to be becoming more and more prevalent
and intrusive. I've recently taken to not wearing my seatbelt as a small gesture of rebellion, which has caused me to notice just how often I am
given the once-over by police. I can't make it more than a couple blocks without having to snap my seatbelt into place to avoid a ticket.