posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:34 PM
Dear fellow ATS ers,
I love to read about all kinds of different topics on ATS and see you guys talk about them, the thing is when i read discussions about threads about
iran subjects i read things which in my opinion is very misunderstood, the main thing is the potential war between Israel, US and Iran which is widely
talked about, I would like to share my opinion on this subject to my fellow ATS ers and hope I can tell you things you didnt know and maybe change
your view towards the matter. enjoy.
In my opinion there is not going to be a war nore a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities in the near future, don't get me wrong Iran will change
eventualy by itself if not by the US, just not in the near future, in this thread I will explain the main agenda of the US which you will learn is
about neutralizing countires of interest, the process is complicated and takes a long time and costs a lot of money and recources.
You will learn how in my opinion Iraq and Afghanistan are in the middle or late stages of this process and because this costs so much money and
recources i think Iran is on the hold, the so called war on terror is now going on for 9 years and were not really seing the end in the near
Governments in the European Union are falling apart because they cant decide to continue in the war on terror, the world is recovering from a ecomic
downfall, unemployment is still severly damaged, the costs of the wars are staggering and safety in the middle east has not really been repaired.
To go into a new war at this moment is purely mad, Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan you cant bomb the country in a couple of days and then roll your
3000 tanks to Tehran and be done with it, Iran will fight back as hard as they can and they rather die then to give in to US pressure, Iran is capable
of causing severe damage to US military installations in Iraq and Afghanistan, making it almost impossible to build US bases in Iran thus controlling
Iran by force and ofcourse not to forget mine the strait of Hormuz where 60% of the worlds oil is shipped trough causing the price of oil, petroleum,
gasoline, kerosine to skyrocket impacting the whole world economy while its already down.
The thing is, this whole sharade about Iran has little to do with the Iranian government or people it has more to do with the goals of the US and
their way of achieving their objectives.
It is important to understand that the power in the world today is very differently divided and controlled then in the past, for example in the times
that rome dominated the world it was all about control of recoures trough use of military force and religion.
Today we say: money equals power and power equals money and this couldnt be more true, money buys armies and armies conquer recources, goods, people
(labour force) thus making money.
Also it is important to understand that if you think the concept of world domination doesn't excist in our time you're sorely mistaking, let me
explain the concept of world domination and the difference between then and now.
World domination in the old days ment to qonquer most of the territory that mathers, this was done by military force and religion, but in those days
the world wasn't 1 global network connected with eachother trough infastructure and communication technology, the world was didvid, for example rome
saw europe as the world, so to qonquer most of europe ment to qonquer the world.
World domination in these days is actualy easier if you're ahead of your opponent financialy and military, you dont have to fight 1000 against 500
soldiers and maybe lose because your opponent is better trained, today if you have the better weapons and more money to supply your offensive thus
draining the recources of your enemy more then your own you eventualy always win.
But it's not abouting taking over the world by force these days, the thing that is important to dominate the world in these days is to neutralise
countires so they wont make any decisions that could harm or economicly disadvantage you.
The United States is the country at the moment which is heading toward world domination, history tells the story how the United States attempts to
achieve this goal very clear because it repeats itself over and over again.
Stage 1 : Economic take over
The economic take over is done by unofficial representatives of major US corporations (World Bank, IMF, CIA).
These organisations send people to countries of interest to make a deal with the leader or leaders of the country, the deals are mostly financial aid
to recover or build an economy in a country that needs it badly.
The mass media shows us how the US helps other countries financialy but never tells the whole story, these financial aid the US is giving poor
countires is not a gift, its a loan, a loan that they both know the borrowing country can not pay back, this means the country has a huge debt with
the World Bank, IMF it doesnt mather their all controlled by the US.
Knowing these countries cant pay back their debt the US steps in when they need a favor: vote yes or no in the upcoming UN election, empose a trade
embargo on this corporation or country, allow us to build a military base in your country, allow us to use your airspace your waters your soil and the
holy grail: privatise your state owned enterprises which means the enterprises are available on the market to invest in and ofcourse to get taken over
by major US corporations which always happens.
So without any bloodshed or use of military force a country gets neutralized (controlled) by the United States or US bound corporations.
Stage 2 : Political take over
Ofcourse because of the major efficiency of step 1 it is the first thing that is done, but it doesnt always work, countries and leaders are more and
more aware of this situation and often tend to reject the deal offered to them by these organisations, when this happens(the refusal of the deal)
stage 2 kicks in.
Knowing the leader or leaders of the country do not agree with the terms offered to them the second most efficient way is to replace those leaders
with ones who do accept the deal.
This is done buy a staged coup d' etat by paying people to protest on the streets and often arm them to overthrow the current regime, also an option
is to simply assasinate the leader which can efficiently carried out by the CIA(wouldn't be the first time).
When all this is done the regime gets replaced by a new regime who already has made the deal without the people of the country knowing about it and is
promised by the US to keep his power as long as he does what the US tells him, take for example mr. Karzai of Afghanistan I suggest you do some
investigation about this guys background you will see he is less Afghan then he seems.
Stage 3 : Military take over
This stage is ofcourse the stage nobody wants to go to, not the country of interest nore the US, sadly when all else fails ( stage 1 and 2) this stage
must kick in.
It doesn't happens often but once in a while there is a stubborn prick who doesn't give in to US pressure, no economic deals and to well secured or
loved by the people to assasinate( for example: Hugo Chavez, Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khamenei).
So the only way that remains to neutralize the country is trough a military invasion in the name of homeland security, counter terrorism, spread of
liberty and democracy ofcourse all just propoganda to jutify this act of inhumanity.
Think about it yourself, educate yourself, don't swallow the mass media mumbo jumbo and think for yourself, I welcome comments, critisism and
discussions, Thank you for your time.
I apologize for any grammer or spelling mistakes i have made, english is not my primary language, I hope you enjoyd reading.
peace and love