posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 11:50 AM
Its been about a couple of weeks since I originally posted this. Quite a few replies and I thought I would juts do a general reply.
The WARNING part of the post was simply because you can kiss Kansas good bye when you start the path. Everything that you knew that and your reality
then prior to the path becomes destroyed ....albeit for the better ...1,000,000 times better. However it comes at a cost. My old friends all they did
was smoke, drink, sleep around, and if you didnt watch them would even try to get with your own girl.
They were replaced with new friends who were yogi's, mystics, scholars, teachers, authors, theologians, a very intelligent and educated circle of
book readers, philosophers, and this group was more prone to intense theological debates and lots f Love and support.
Was the change of friends worth it? YES!!!!!!!!
Was the spiritual path worth it? YES. I can never go back to how I used to be ...that was sleepwalker mode, a dead end, that got me nowhere.
Now I directly experience the now, timelessness, infinity, divinity, Divine Love, transcendence, the Illusion and whats behind, the mechanics of ego,
psychological and and philosophical highs and inner secrets, etc.
I wouldn't trade this for the world.