posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 01:30 AM
Around the year 2004 I had a weird dream. This is was when I was on Summer break for high school. What I did notice that came true was that the people
my family was talking to in the dream turned out to be my future neighbors.
The dream starts out with me, my family and my neighbors talking about random things.
Out of no where this man with a shotgun comes out and tells me I have to marry his daughter. I say "o.k" Fast forward to my old classroom in high
school. The father is in the classroom while everyone is getting ready for the wedding. Next day the wedding starts. George Bush and John Kerry is
there for some odd reason. The bride is wearing my high school cheer dress while she has facial hair. For some reason the news asked what we taught of
our marriage. She interrupted me and took over the conversation. for some reason I was really depressed about it.
Now this was just a dream. I hope it doesn't mean anything all. this was around 2004. :p