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Ouija boards; A story and discussion?

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posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:00 AM
Hello, I would like to share a TRUE story . Back in grade 10, I was dating this chinese girl name Samantha. I remember how she would tell me that her mother would always use a chines ouji board. Asking it questions now n then. I remember she would tell me that her mother finally found out how to use the ouji board myself. On the first day of school, I called samantha so we can go to school together, but she nevered picked up. Something was totally wrong. Anyways, later that day, I finally did get to talk to her, and she told me what happened.

That morning, samantha woke up and got ready for school. She went into her mother's room to wake her up to drive her to school, but oddly, she was already up. Sitting up and starin blankly forward. Samantha was like, mommy, lets go to school, im ready. But no response from her mother. Samantha started to touch her mother by the arm, saying " lets go, im ready mommy". Her mother looked at her, and was like, " no, don't go to school, stay home in bed with me". This was totally odd behavior. her mother grab her daughter by the arm and started pullin her into the bed. But sam would just pulled back, It started getting really aggressive, and her mother at one point, started pullin her daughter by the hair and eventually yanked out a handful of hair. It got sooo CRAZY that her own mother bit her daughter on the finger right down to the bone. samantha was in the hospital during the time, thats why I couldn't contact her.

This is a true story, IM gonna tell you and EVERYONE right now, DONT FU.CK with the OUJI board and ANY SPIRIT. Totally IGNORE IT and LIVE THE PHYSICAL LIFE.

I dont give a who you are, what you believe, don't with the Ouji board. Zeller is totally for selling them.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Awarenessiskey
Hello, I would like to share a TRUE story . Back in grade 10, I was dating this chinese girl name Samantha. I remember how she would tell me that her mother would always use a chines ouji board. Asking it questions now n then. I remember she would tell me that her mother finally found out how to use the ouji board myself. On the first day of school, I called samantha so we can go to school together, but she nevered picked up. Something was totally wrong. Anyways, later that day, I finally did get to talk to her, and she told me what happened.

That morning, samantha woke up and got ready for school. She went into her mother's room to wake her up to drive her to school, but oddly, she was already up. Sitting up and starin blankly forward. Samantha was like, mommy, lets go to school, im ready. But no response from her mother. Samantha started to touch her mother by the arm, saying " lets go, im ready mommy". Her mother looked at her, and was like, " no, don't go to school, stay home in bed with me". This was totally odd behavior. her mother grab her daughter by the arm and started pullin her into the bed. But sam would just pulled back, It started getting really aggressive, and her mother at one point, started pullin her daughter by the hair and eventually yanked out a handful of hair. It got sooo CRAZY that her own mother bit her daughter on the finger right down to the bone. samantha was in the hospital during the time, thats why I couldn't contact her.

This is a true story, IM gonna tell you and EVERYONE right now, DONT FU.CK with the OUJI board and ANY SPIRIT. Totally IGNORE IT and LIVE THE PHYSICAL LIFE.

I dont give a who you are, what you believe, don't with the Ouji board. Zeller is totally for selling them.

Ok. What happened to Sam and her mother? I mean, did you speak to them after the incident? Became things normal again, did she go see a doctor?

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by 1Veritas

I think that if you're dead, distance doesn't make a difference. There is no shortage of dead germans. Many of my family are dead germans. I think that if I said, "Ist da jemand?", someone might just hear and answer pointing to "yes". And I think that probably it's not the words that you say with your mouth. It is the meaning behind them, what you are thinking of. How could someone who doesn't have eardrums, such as disembodied beings, hear the words that you were saying?

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by -Thom-

Hey man, yeah, her mother became normal again. Sam ended up getting a band-aid for her finger and thats was it. It was just really odd, for a mother to act out of the ordinary and do such bizzard act toward her own daughter. I met her mother on a regular before the incident, she was a totally normal lady and very nice too.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Awarenessiskey

Ok, thanks for your reply.
Seems like a very temporal 'disturbance' then.

I'm really interested in trying out an Oujia bord myself, but where I live they aren't easily available. Lots of warnings about the board here too.
I'll see if I can get my hands on one. When I do, I'll be sure to videotape my session(s), as far as I know no one has ever done that here on ATS before. Btw, are they in the US also that expensive? 50 euro's here for a board! (about 75 dollar atm?)


posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:33 PM
I once doubted the power of a Ouija Board myself, until I had my own strange experience with one. I sensed a strange presence in my apartment, like I was being watched. Also, I would come home from work, and things would be out of order in my apartment...stuff like that. A friend of mine suggested that she bring her Ouija Board over in order to "talk" to the spirit. I laughed at the idea, but told her to come over anyways. She brought another friend of hers with her. I was a little creeped out by the Ouija Board, so I refused to touch it. The two of them got on the Ouija Board...and they told me that they connected with a spirit. I laughed and continued eating in the kitchen as they sat on my living room floor with the Ouija Board. So I said, "if you really connected with a spirit, have it tell you stuff that only it would know from watching me around the apartment." So they asked if the spirit knew anything about me from watching me around the apartment. The piece on the board started moving and in detail it started describing things that I had done in the apartment that day - in detail. said that I checked my voice mail on my lan line phone and it ran through the number I had to dial to call my voice mail, and the pass code number that I use to access it. It also said that I turned on my computer and told them the password that i used to check my e mail. There is NO WAY that either one of these girls could have known any of that. Also...keep in mind that I was watching them from another hands weren't anywhere near the Ouija Board. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I asked them to please get the Ouija Board out of my apartment. It was really weird.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 06:49 PM
I used one with friends once, friends were moving the eye. Since then i tried to use one a few times, didnt work. I got forceful with it, throwing it around and cursing at it and demons/ghosts/etc, nothing happened. I tried to anger them as much as possible, nothing. So i lit it on fire to see if it would scream or not burn like i have heard, nope, nothing happened.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:07 AM
True stroy one time me and this chick were playing with a Ouija board and when we were done we went to 7-11 for some food or a soda, when we got back her house was on fire and her husband was up stairs sleeping, i tried to run into the house and get him but the smoke overwhelmed me anyway we threw rocks at his window and woke him up and he jumped out the window, it wasen't a real long jump and he was ok but after that the fire chief said she had a faulty socket that was connected to her refridgarator that started it......anyway after that i said i'd never mess with a Ouija board again faulty socket or not.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:38 AM
The following I just posted as a different thread because I didn't see this one. I was so spooked by what had just happened.

Marine + ouji board = ?

Answer: one stupid and scary experience. Story: a ouji board is found in the back storage room of our guard shack. So marines in my guard section being the brave adventurers thy are decide to play with it. I flat out refused to be anywhere near them. Strange parts: I somehow ended up walking in to the room. I don't know how or why. It was too weird. Then I'm watching them and they're asking questions and it's deadly accurate. Even had the spirit spell out one guys name saying it's going to hurt him. When he asked where or when it spelled out "post". Being the camp guard all we do is post. The last bit we were talking to a 4 year old little girl named Star. She was the first one they encountered before I went in. They also encountered Chad her 6 year old brother who was the one who said he would hurt the one guy. But before I left to go post; we tried to say goodbye and with force it kept going from spelling no to the word no and the moon picture. When the two people touching it(I didn't dare touch it) asked if me and two other people could leave it said yes. I have no idea what happened after that.

I'm no expert on these things so is there anything we should worry about and I'm looking for some more information on safety measures in case these guys wanna mess with the unknown again. Thanks.

[edit on 10824 by Echo3Foxtrot]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Echo3Foxtrot
The following I just posted as a different thread because I didn't see this one. I was so spooked by what had just happened.

Marine + ouji board = ?

Answer: one stupid and scary experience. Story: a ouji board is found in the back storage room of our guard shack. So marines in my guard section being the brave adventurers thy are decide to play with it. I flat out refused to be anywhere near them. Strange parts: I somehow ended up walking in to the room. I don't know how or why. It was too weird. Then I'm watching them and they're asking questions and it's deadly accurate. Even had the spirit spell out one guys name saying it's going to hurt him. When he asked where or when it spelled out "post". Being the camp guard all we do is post. The last bit we were talking to a 4 year old little girl named Star. She was the first one they encountered before I went in. They also encountered Chad her 6 year old brother who was the one who said he would hurt the one guy. But before I left to go post; we tried to say goodbye and with force it kept going from spelling no to the word no and the moon picture. When the two people touching it(I didn't dare touch it) asked if me and two other people could leave it said yes. I have no idea what happened after that.

I'm no expert on these things so is there anything we should worry about and I'm looking for some more information on safety measures in case these guys wanna mess with the unknown again. Thanks.

[edit on 10824 by Echo3Foxtrot]

your sopose to force it to say goodbye, otherwise you leave the door open to the otherside for whatever to get in. i really dont know what to do if you guys did not close the door. i dont play with that S*** anymore

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 10:11 PM
Ok, here goes my friends 2 year ouija story. He gave me the info to take down and store. Sorry for the grammatical errors and story being out of order. No time to fix it up. Lemme know what you think buds:

he told me hell is for ever and when he first went he was in dark nothing wih light shining on him the light started closing and souls began 2 grab him and bite and suck his flesh he screamed for mercy but his action were unforgivable...

from what he has told me there are 3 stages there is heaven (gods palace) limbo(our world ur stuck here 2 haunt somehing till u moved on) and hell (satans palace) and idk he said it was 2 complicated 2 explain he said he is in hell but at the same time he is in the room with me he said he can be in 2 places at once and he said no there is no getting out of hell ur traped there for good but he said he allows some demons 2 leave so they can danm souls and drak was a big pervert also he would go 2 the bathroom when my aunt did in there and he said he liked her body and she freaked out a lil he said he would touch her at night wich was very creepy but he cnt throw thing around unless we tlk 2 him and giv him energy 2 do so but he would warn us of demons that are comeing through and the ouiji is a portal 2 hell they are still in hell but half of them is in ur home that is how evil spirits are realsed thru oricals

well ill tell u what he told me his name is drak he is a latin king that died (a chicago gang look it up) and he said that it is very dakr and it is hot he told me that the oiji board is an orcle designed 2 tlk 2 the residents in hell sum spirits maybe good souls that were banished 2 hell for not beiliveing in god but most of the spirits are bad spirits fakeing and trying 2 seem good but since my uncle knew him he was telling me about this on multiple occations he had 2 go becouse he friends were calling him and he was drinking corona's ( a beer) and i found that odd that u can drink current time beers in hell :?

he saved my uncle one time cuz my uncle is a latin king 2 and he told him not 2 go outside on day and my uncle didnt belive him so my uncle sat on a plastic chair outside then i said drak if ur heere give us a sign so he grabed the chair and pulled it out from under my uncle so he went in scared and later that day there was a drive by and shot up my uncles house he only lived becouse of drak and he would warn us he would say go 2 church satan is comeing so we were scared and he said the more we tlk 2 him the more power we give him and there was a spirit who was pretending 2 be drak and drak came back and he told me something that amazed me we told him wat happen and he said and i quote "hold on ill be back ima go kick his ass" and he came back and he said he wooped his ass

one time my dad was saying that # isnt real drak is a nobody and drak go mad and thru the board 2 the ground and said leave now he said he was gunna slit my fathers throut and kill him i got on my knees and begged him 2 let my father be cuz he is ignorent and he said RUN he is comeing and we said who is comeing and he said over and over again SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN so we stopped and lef tthe board out on the porch and he would predict who would die next from a shoot out and was always correct he told us 2 change the channel 2 were it had static and he said turn on music so u can see me dance so we did and the statics were jumping up and down 2 the music and that blew my mind. he said mos the time he gets drunk in hell but he says most of his time in hell is being tourturd by demons and satan him self

he said he looked at his face he lookin in the face of satan and he told me it is the most horrifying thing that u will ever see and he said he began cry a grown man who lived on the streets killing began 2 cry like a baby he told me 2 stop tlking 2 him and 2 trust in god becouse he said hel is a place a dark place it is fiery hot and he joked and said they werent kidding about the brimstones of fire and the lake of fire its all true he told me 2 follow god so i dnt ever have 2 see wat he has seen so 2 answer u question on wat hell is like hell it looks like a battle zone on fire he said it is worse than anyone can imagine ur brain cant ven comprehend how horrific it is

zozo hhmmm.... i think he did mention zozo but it hoguht he was drubnk again but they do have spirtual battles he has only fought other demons tho and every time i say what does satan look like he starts screaming his name and say's he is crying so it must be crazy scary but he said hell looks like a dark firery earth so he has also mentioned a dmons name that he is afaid of he told me not 2 say his name but it was cool 2 rite it down his name is zetoh dnt say it out loud cuz he said this guy is a pretty big baddy. but yea he said they can read ur mind and the can either touch things or use there minds 2 move it and they can also be in multiple p,laces at once with sound amazing

yea all of them can see into the future but they are not allowed say much in fear of the big man and he said he grabed it with his hands using someone elses energy but this is what drak has told me but i take his word he said when u go hell danmed souls will grab u and drag u down while ripping u apart but ofcorse he parafraised it lol

o i belive he could have slit his throat he was a demon and demons are way more powerful than spirits and he evn pulled a chair from my uncle and idk if god is an extra terrestrial i just belive in him lol and he has seen hitler, stalin, and even maralyin mon ro(if thats how u spell her name?) he said that if he said anything about the future the devil would do somthing and when i would ask him he would just repeat SAVE ME, SAVE ME, SAVE ME, SATAN , SATAN, SATAN, he was very afraid and i got something very new and interesting from him and u can check it out i cnt cuz i dnt have the time but u can if u wnt he told me of the demons called succubus they are demons that have sex with humans!!!!!!!!! i told him no f**king way and he said yes but check them out if u can tell me what evdence u find on them cuz i have a hard time believing demons that have sex with humans

I have new info but Drak said he was incorect on a couple of things such as the fire and brimestone. i actually communicated with Drak and he said only part of hell is coverd with brimstone n fire. other parts just look like a regulr neighborhood but no sun or moon or stars in the sky. it is pitch black, the only light they have is the light given off from the fire. drak said he has been thrown into a lake of fire before he suffred for years (he didn't tell me how many years he was in there for but he also said time goes faster in hell (that's what he told me). he even warned me that it was Satans will for me to talk to him because it is an attempt to get me in hell. he said ALL spirits on the ouija board, NO EXEPTIONS, are either from hell or limbo. he said they wear wat they died in or they are given rags or forced 2 be naked. he said sum ppl dat u see on the streets r not ppl but r very powerful demns that r there to tempt ppl to do bad. one time a milk jug was thrwn at my head by what he said was a 100 yr ole demn boy. he sed he rped ppl in hell and he also was rped by a migtier spiirit

i also learned that there is anoda relm and it is called purgtory by humans (note that i said humans) and it is where the saved spirits by god are sent to be tourtured for there sins but its is temporary and everyone in purgatory goes 2 heaven. purgatory is the realm were we are punished for the last bit of sins we have and made into perfect angels because to enter the holy kingdom one must be perfect.

and there is beer in hell because beer is an invention by the devil used to poison a human because we tend to be stupid when we are drunk and easy to manipulate (but wine is created by god and not to be overly consumed like beer).
drak also told me sometin 2 weeks ago. he said don't let him scare you and then he stopped talking to me and i put the board away. i then when to sleep and had a vivid dream where i was walking with my girlfriend and she told me to stop using the board to talk to drak and i asked how do you know drak???? she then looked at me and then her face turns pale white veins start to become visible and the color in her eye turn grey. she then screamed in a deep voice sometin i didn't understand (diff language i guess) and pushed me. i then jumped out my bed in a cold sweat almost in tears.

i think it might have been a demon or somethin but to this day I'm still afraid to sleep.

also, i've herd of Zota, Detrole, Gestia and several other demons wich are so strong tat it’s even dangerous to writ down their names. it must never be prononced out of your mouth as these r sum of the demns that i ave identified. the only ones tat ive been in contact with is Drak and Gestia but the others i found out about threw friends. u should not look to much into these things because merely tinkin about this stuff can draw them to u. u can call on the demon, Drak, if u want to but you need a latin king with you if u do not want him to be hostil to you since I figured out tats wat calms him down. i dont know wat calms down oda demns thoug.

recently, i was been attacked by a namless demon in my sleep and woke up to things flying arond and i grabed the board to use it and ask Drak what was going on. he said that he was fightin off anoda demon that was trying to possess me (the reason for protectin me is becase most of my famm are latin king as Drak and he is very faithful to the gang and doesnt want 2 harm wat he calls his family). this is all very real and I recntly had anoda dream were this spirit told me that he was an angel (i think he was lying) and he told me 2 cum with him. he told me 2 say godbye to every1 I knew so i did so in my dream. he then threw a colrful ball of light on the groun and told me 2 pick it up, wich I did. when i picked up the ball, a large flash happened and i was sort of floting 2 an end of a tunnel. before i reached the end, i woke up and later asked Drak about it on the board. He wouldn’t say anything about it and just disappeared for the day… it makes e wonder.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:07 PM
In my own experience, I've had some amazingly fun times with Ouija boards, but they seem to be pretty inaccurate. For example, the first time I used it with friends, I asked it who I would marry. It spelled out the initials of my first girlfriend (which nobody else there knew, and I didn't move it).

Funny though, now that I think of it, it was VH that it said. Vicky H. was what I was thinking. Now that I think of it though, it may have been closer to the W, and H was pretty solid, and these are the initials of my wife...hmm... Anyhow, could also be a coincidence.

Automatic Writing though, is pretty freaky, and in my first try with it, it really freaked me out. I wrote, "Is anyone there", and let my pencil rest... Took a few minutes, but then my hand started moving (I was focusing on the tv, just dangling my hand off the bed). It wrote, "Hello", and I freaked, throwing the pad across the room. Took me a few days to get up the guts to try it again.

For a few weeks, I had some pretty cool conversations (either with an entity, or my own subconscious, who knows, right?). But then, the tone changed. It seemed like someone different on the other end, but they insisted it was not so. Needless to say, I just stopped doing it. I've read enough to know that such things are believed to be ways for those outside our own reality to influence us, so figured I was better safe than sorry.

Is it bunk? Don't know, but for me, the experience is what it is. Simple as that. Take it or leave it as you wish.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

I just finished my board today 10-31-2010! Halloween! it is 18 in x 18 in 3/4 inch thick black granite with gold mica.
I have attached gemstone cabochons to the perimeter, and it has crystal cube legs. The top is laser engraved with my custom patters. I will post a pic soon....

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