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White House Backs Bill to Collect Employee Pay Information from Businesses

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posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:59 PM
The Obama administration is backing legislation that includes regulations requiring U.S. businesses to provide to the government data about employee pay as it relates to the sex, race and national origin of employees.

In an orchestrated effort that included a statement by President Barack Obama and an event at the White House featuring Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the president and his cabinet endorsed the Paycheck Fairness Act.

The House approved the act in 2009, but the Senate did not approve it. In the 111th Congress, both the House and the Senate have offered legislation that covers a wide range of workplace requirements and regulations, including training girls and women to become better at negotiating pay and benefits, and the establishment of a data base of U.S. workers’ pay in both the public and private sector.

At the White House on Tuesday, Biden was the keynote speaker at a Middle Class Task Force event where he told invited guests that the Obama administration is “on the right side of history” by passing legislation to ensure women are paid the same as their male counterparts.

“Women make up nearly half of all workers on U.S. payrolls, and two-thirds of families with children are headed either by two working parents or by a single parent who works,” Biden said

"(A) complete a survey of the data that is currently available to the Federal Government relating to employee pay information for use in the enforcement of Federal laws prohibiting pay discrimination and, in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies, identify additional data collections that will enhance the enforcement of such laws; and

"(B) based on the results of the survey and consultations under subparagraph (A), issue regulations to provide for the collection of pay information data from employers as described by the sex, race, and national origin of employees."

Under the tile: White House Backs Bill to Collect Employee Pay Information from Businesses, Establish Database...

Come On Sheeple,,, Do you really believe they care about the equality of pay between a man and a woman in the work place?
I don't think so,,, They are more interested in how much they can tax us.

That's Right, I believe it is just a way to track how much the American Working Public is being payed, So you can be taxed Accordingly, Which Means More Taxes they can collect and give away. Yes, Your money and my money going to pay for their Boyfriends and Girlfriends and that Condo in N. Y. or that vacation to go Golfing or sight seeing in Europe. All On Our The Sweat Of Our Work.

This is my thoughts, I don't trust them.

MODS: PLEASE Remove if in wrong place or posted before or I offended some one like I do.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:02 PM
Actually, at a quick glance, they probably already have or have access to pretty much most of the information they are requesting here. The only things they may not have readily available are the actual job descriptions and responsibilities needed to complete the analysis accurately.

[edit on 7/23/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

My Friend, I'm sure they have much of the information, They have been collecting much of this information sense the 1980's. Look back on an old application for employment, sex, race where you where born your age your level of education.

It's easy to see they wanted to know how much longer they can tax some of us with the age question.
I still believe it's about your ability to pay them taxes.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:22 PM
Let's see... social security number and income tax documentation provides access to the name, sex, income and employer so all they need is a more detailed job description on the tax forms, right? No need for a new law imposed on employers.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by guohua

How is this new? I used to have to fill out EEOC paperwork monthly at a few companies I have worked for in the past, going back to the 80's.

When a company has over a certain amount of employees, they have to stick to strict rules about hiring employees. We had to have so many women, and so many people hired from varying races, at specific hourly or salaried wages. A spot would not be filled sometimes, if a quota could not be met, even if it meant some departments were short handed.

This has been going on for years!

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:34 PM
Everything goes to intent.

There are opportunities for abuse everywhere. But for us to stop progress or the good a program or technology can do based on potential abuse is very sad. Why can we never seem to find compromise or have a sane and rational discussion first, without leaping to emotional and possibly unfounded conclusions, and even then, if there is potential for good, allow that to happen with safeguards in place to prevent the bad.

Sure people are worried, scared, even paranoid, and much of it with very good reason. The federal government is too big, corrupt, and suspect. To some. it might appear that they have no real justification or mission to be doing this at all. There has to be more "to it." Maybe and maybe not. They don't have an exemplary track record, and again, people do not trust them or how they may wind up using the information.

It may well be that even if the intent is good it may not even matter anymore. Will something like this do more harm than good? Probably not.

Will they do it anyway, despite objections and concerns? Probably. But it's good that objections and concerns are voiced and heard and that proper steps be taken to protect us from abuses.

Should they even be doing this? The equal pay thing? I don't know. It needs to be addressed. How else could we do it if not this way? Ideas?

We're going to have to find some sort of balance between fear and paranoia and logic and sanity if we're going to make it and progress as a nation. Learn to have real conversations again without outright dismissing something or leaping to conclusions without examining the facts and intent and weighing the costs versus the benefits.

Kind of hard to do when the nation is so fractured on so very many division lines though.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

If you mean the paperwork telling them things like whether you're male or female and your race, that's voluntary. I believe that employers who get federal grants or belong to certain federal programs have to provide evidence of certain things to qualify and they also collect certain data to protect themselves from lawsuits, but again it's voluntary and your information generally is not provided without your knowing or your approval. Most of what the employers provide is anonymous and normalized data. Or it theoretically should not be.

[edit on 7/23/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:08 PM
Here's the rub:

The PFA makes employers liable for unlimited punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages in cases of sex discrimination.
The PFA makes it easier to bring class action lawsuits in such cases.


Its all about the decline in small business and how the PTB can abuse the legal system to continue the destruction of Middle Class America. This has nothing to do with collecting information for equality, but everything to do with the fine print pork in the bill that will make it easier for legal cases to be filed against businesses.

More change we can(not) believe in.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
reply to post by guohua

How is this new? I used to have to fill out EEOC paperwork monthly at a few companies I have worked for in the past, going back to the 80's.

When a company has over a certain amount of employees, they have to stick to strict rules about hiring employees. We had to have so many women, and so many people hired from varying races, at specific hourly or salaried wages. A spot would not be filled sometimes, if a quota could not be met, even if it meant some departments were short handed.

This has been going on for years!

Blanca Rose, Your Right, This has been going on for years.
The Government has been collecting your information about you and the life style you can afford to live.
Then I think They use it against us in the form of unneeded taxation.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

My friend ~Lucidity, You're talking about our Government. The Big and Getting Bigger, Tax Dollar Hungry U. S. Government.
I don't believe they have a scruples left, I don't care which party we're talking about, They want more money and collecting this information is a prime way to gather information about you and how much money you make.
It can be given to the IRS for Obamas Health Care.

I don't believe they give a Rats A$$ about the blight of the under paid female employee doing the same work as a man. They care about how much money she is able to be taxed for.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by wheresthetruth

I know what you are talking about and will add more, for a long time, our nation is no longer a nation of middle class prosperous people that many owned small businesses while the rest of the working class work in very good pay industrial jobs.

We have been raped, our industries are gone, our small businesses are slowly been killed by major corporations and monopolies like the super stores and mega stores you know which ones. . .

This stores can not live without blood, (income) as the economy keeps downgrading and the same mega corporations and the government are now been the biggest employers in the nation the government can not afford to have regular citizens saving any money, we need to feed the economic moster.

We all need to become Dependant on government assistance for easy control.

Life in the free US is becoming very oppressive for many people and to become for those that still can consider themselves lucky to be independent of government in any way.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by marg6043

marg6043, You're Correct also, But first let me say, It's been to long, Glad to see you posting, Thank You.

Now, I agree with you, But, For us to be as you say, "Dependant on government assistance for easy control."
It would be easier for them if they constantly knew of your employment status and if your tax status as changed.

I think they can and want to control the population through the amount of income and that is taxable income to include a death tax.

Your thoughts?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:57 PM
I love the government! They are always making sure we are all safe. I can’t wait for the day we all have to wear GPS implants so they know where we are at all times. We will be one more step closer to being free! “Sarcasm”

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Since this is essentially a redundant bill, I want to know what they intend to tack on to it and slip through without telling us.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by guohua

Is a reason why, see our standards of living are denigrating, due to the economic crisis created by the government and deregulation of corporations and financial institutions, we are heading backward, taking into consideration that as a nation of consumer that is what feeds the economy the government either doesn't want to keep too many higher income jobs out there or wants to have most of the population just above poverty level.

Is like the insourcing going on in the military, the government just found out a way to make more jobs with less money, most of Rumsfeld handiwork of privatizing the military is now been reverse with salary cuts and turning private jobs into govenremnt ones.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by camaro68ss
I love the government! They are always making sure we are all safe. I can’t wait for the day we all have to wear GPS implants so they know where we are at all times. We will be one more step closer to being free! “Sarcasm”

camaro68ss, You have a cell phone, if so they are tracking you, on or off it doesn't matter.
Big Brother and Sister knows where you are

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