posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Isn't this the type of America that conservatives and republicans have been fighting so hard to create?
Minimum wage jobs, no workers rights (because unions are evil), a free market where commodities like food and oil can be driven up 300% by wallstreet,
free trade -- so mexico/brazil/china can compete with American labor power, tax breaks on the rich -- because they're the 'job creators,' -- yea,
if you're a butler or yacht manufacturer you'll have job security. Small government that can't, for example, stop an oil leak -- instead it has to
rely on the people who caused the leak in the first place. No social programs, like water treatment, electricity, roads, etc -- lets give all that
stuff to private businesses and we'll pay them instead of a collective small tax to make all this stuff public assets.
I don't see how anybody could be complaining about this -- this is the America that the "silent majority" has been building for years. Now they're
going to finally see the fruits of their labor. What's the problem?