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Above Top Race: Can't We all figure this out?(Participation Requested)

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posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Hello Fellow Above Top Racers!

If you can't figure it out yet, This topic is about Race Issues as they continually abound here on Above Top Secret, and the World in General!


Woooohooooooo!! lets give ourselves a standing ovation for our ability to discuss race, and it's related sub catagories which include Racism, Racial Issues, Black Racers, White Racers, Brown Racers, Yellow Racers, Red Racers, Alien Racers, National Racers, Political Racers, Religious Racers, Economic Racers, Legislative Racers, Legislative ERacers, Historical Racers, Current Racers, Legal Racers, Illegal Racers, Secret Racers, Public Racers, Organized Racers, Racer Riots, Racer Crimes, Racer Haters, Racer Rallys, Racer Rebellions, Genocidal Racers, Racer Agendas, Racer Priviledges, Racer Protections, Racer Inequalities, Racer groups, Dumb Racers, Smart Racers, Social Racers, Anti-Social Racers, Racer Wars, Racer Accusations, Racer Acquittals, Racer marriages, Racer boundaries, Racer internments, Racer Releases, Racer Incarcerations, International Racers, Racer Attire, Racer Attitudes, Racer Linguistics Racer Conspiracies, Racer Secrets, and finally...

Personal Racers......

That's the whole gist of it isn't it? Race, is ultimately a PERSONALIZED IDENTIFIER, which seems to cause problems with the emotional inner self - also known as self esteem. So therefore, Race also manifests itself as an EMOTIONAL quality, one closely linked with both security, and identity. When one percieves either of these two are somehow disrespected, it reveals another aspect of this emotional state that Race is involved with, the EXPERIENCE Department, which determines reasoning abilities, and understanding. Therefore Race also must be defined as a MENTAL Property. And how is this Mental Property realized? Why it's realised via our sensory capacities, via our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and sense of feel. Therefore race can also be considered a SENSITIVE reality, which is produced via our personalized sense of the physical properties belonging to our specific race. So therefore, Race can be determined as a PHYSICAL property as well.

Lets identify what these Personal Racers ultimately are:


Wow Racers, Race is alot of things! Which one do you feel is most important, and most relevant within this list?

I'll await for your answers, and your reasons behind them before I continue this discussion...


posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Well if web bot wasnt predicting a race war it may now

In my opinion i am not a racist.
I am proud of my heritage .
I do not look down on other peoples cultures or customs.

That pretty much sums up my opinions.


[edit on 22-7-2010 by Mike Stivic]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Mike Stivic

So I take it you qualify under the PERSONAL aspect of Race? Let's hear from some more people! come on in folks, this is a conversation we all don't want to miss!

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Mike Stivic
Well if web bot wasnt predicting a race war it may now

In my opinion i am not a racist.
I am proud of my heritage .
I do not look down on other peoples cultures or customs.

That pretty much sums up my opinions.


[edit on 22-7-2010 by Mike Stivic]

I look down on ridiculous cultures and customs all the time (which tends to be all of them). I couldn't care less about my heritage or anyone else's beyond learning from the mistakes of the less mentally evolved. Race is somehow supposed to be tied to biology-- and often confused with culture-- which at this point, we cannot fundamentally change. With proper advances in genetic engineering, there may be no excuse, however, and all traits will be malleable, therefore meaningless to consider.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:46 PM
Not a racist, by definition. I think you may have left one option off your list:


Since my personal belief is that we are only sophisticated animals who often misunderstand and overestimate our mental/emotional abilities, I believe to differentiate between races is natural (however abbhorent that may be to someone), and that the animalistic behavior that often follows (fear, aggression, violence, territorial battles, power struggles...etc) is what can be expected, however sad that might be. Humans try very hard to distinguish themselves from animals with our ethics, morals, ideas of race equality and such, but in the end, in my opinion, our actions always fall back to the wildness of our origins.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:57 PM
If we can't learn to accept each other on our own bouncing blue/green planet, how in the heck are we going to deal with the 'outside' races?

It all has to do with humanity's belief in separation. Once we all realize we are one being having this experience as individuals in a hologram, we'll begin to accept our neighbor as our SELF.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:06 PM
Ahhh.. Instinctual! Perhaps the path between Mentality, and Experience?

And then we have another, as expressed by EnlightenUp, which we should call ?? Humane?

So let us see Fellow Racers!!

The list is growing!

Personal - identity
Emotion - pride
Experience - social environment
Instinctual - genetic environment
Mental - educated environment
Sensitive - ignorance
Physical - existance
Humane - irrelevant

I've placed definitions next to our Racial Types. Do you concur?

Now I ask again - Which type are you?

[edit on 7/22/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by blujay

So you choose Humane - in preparation of ExtraTerrestrial Racers!

A good point too, I might Add! Star for you!

Let us engage in more replies! Come on in ATS! join in our Above Top Racers conversation - let us discover enlightenment together!!

[edit on 7/22/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:15 PM
I nearly forgot!!

I too, am a person who believes that race is not relevant in much that concerns humanity. HOWEVER - I too also enjoy the cultural and colorful diversity we as humans enjoy, so as such choose to propogate my particular racer color, for future generations to enjoy such God Given diversity...

I am Mental, as I am Humane. Perhaps a new class of racer? Let us see!

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Balkan
Not a racist, by definition. I think you may have left one option off your list:


Going back far in my memory and what I thought about when very young, I know this "race" stuff is learned and not part of our innate program. With it, by accepting the programming, we repeat the thoughts of people who have been dead for centuries or longer. Who want to think the thoughts of dead people's fears?

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

Are you crezzzy?
Race is not as simple as just talking it through.
There are too many variables.
weather, tires, engine condition, drivers moxxy. all of these things and more make the race, huh? oh Race as in black white.... lol i get it.
Yeah I belong to the human race, we are all one color, flesh.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

Yeah I belong to the human race, we are all one color, flesh.

I heard "Black" was going to be removed from the box for being racist, renamed "Darkest Africa". "Indian Red" was already renamed "Chestnut" in 1999.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

lol.. sorry, I did not get the memo on that!

And so, another type of racer is introduced to the racers list, Flesh Racer!

WOOHOOOO!! AKA A Humane Racer.

Everybody believes themselves as belonging to a Humane Racer Class it appears, in some form or another, including myself!

Hey, there's a first common denominator... So we will place the Humane Racer in the Above Top Racer class!!

Some here start looking at all the Racer parts that make up Racers, like Racer Nuts and Racer Washers, and Racer Springs, and Racer Treads...

These fall under the definitions of Class Racer, an Instinctual form of Racer Type.

Of all the types involved in Racers, who believes in the one most benevolent? Do we deny Ingnorance, over Education? Which is the most benevolent? Mental Racer? Instinctual Racer? Sensitive Racer? Physical Racer? Humane Racer? Emotion Racer? Personal Racer? Experience Racer?

You decide. Think about each definition of Racer Type Carefully!

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

I'd like to add myself to your list... the Nihilistic Racer.

This 'type' denies the existence of his own or any other 'kind' of racer.

In order to join into the Fraternity of Nihilistic Racers (FNR) which don't exist, one may NOT make a tiny pinprick in the thumb and press it into a fellow FNR's bleeding digit, mingling blood. The FNR denies its own existence.

Besides... no other racers exist because the FNR, true to their common bond and gut instincts, will always completely ignore them.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 09:03 PM
I don't believe I'm racist. I think we all have to live on this planet, at least for now anyway. I don' care what color some one is, were the live how they were raised, what they believe in, or what they think of me.

There are good and bad people everywhere, I choose to align myself with the good ones as much as possible.

The FNR sounds interesting though, anyone got a pin?

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Not of this Earth]

Never mind, apparently I don't need one.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Not of this Earth]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Mike Stivic

In my opinion i am not a racist.
I am proud of my heritage .

You are proud of your race but not a racist.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by masqua
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

I'd like to add myself to your list... the Nihilistic Racer.

This 'type' denies the existence of his own or any other 'kind' of racer.

In order to join into the Fraternity of Nihilistic Racers (FNR) which don't exist, one may NOT make a tiny pinprick in the thumb and press it into a fellow FNR's bleeding digit, mingling blood. The FNR denies its own existence.

Besides... no other racers exist because the FNR, true to their common bond and gut instincts, will always completely ignore them.

AhAAA ! A New class of Racer... the Secret Society Racer!! hmmm.... so is that similar to the Humane Racer, or perhaps a cut in between the Mental Racer and the Experience Racer???...

Decision, Decisions.... AHAAA... This group actually is classified as an Experience Racer, for there are no other races other than the FNR - a segragated community at best... so as such, the Experience Racer you are!

Deny Experience! Experience Racers have a sub class that believes it does not exist! Intriguing....

So, RRokkyy - do you identify with Mike's Classification? Let us know!!! Mike's Class is the Instinctual Racer!!

So, A new subclass of Experience Racer is born, shall we call them Nihilistic Racers? Are they Above Top Racer types? Or... are they something more?

You decide people!!!

Come on in ATS!! Lets determine what it means to be Above Top Racer!! What Class of Racer are you!?

So far, The Racers participating in Above Top Racer have created a classification database that looks like this:

Racer Classifications:

Personal - identity
Emotion - pride
Experience - social environment
Instinctual - genetic environment
Mental - educated environment
Sensitive - ignorance
Physical - existance

Racer Classification Subclasses:

Experience Racer - Nihilistic Racer

Above Top Racer Classifications:

Humane - irrelevant

Again I ask - Which Racer Classification do you feel is most benevolent? Consider the definitions above carefully, and determine your answer, giving a description as to why you fell that way!!

[edit on 7/23/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:54 AM
Okay - well it seems this practice in Above top Racer has begun to slowly die...

Lets discuss the topic I've been trying to get people to comment on this last round: Which Racer Class is most Benevolent?

The Classes, subClasses, and Above Top Racer Class are as follows:

Personal - identity - belonging - Cultural
Emotion - Pride, Jealousy, suspicion - Competitive
Experience - Social, Nationalistic - Nihilistic - Narcistic
Instinctual - genetic environment - Selfish - Survival
Mental - Educated, understanding, understood - Considerate
Sensitive - ignorance, misunderstood, misunderstanding - Outlaw, OutCast
Physical - existance, difference, regional - Real Time Racer

ok, let me provide the connections now...

Personal ties in with all other Racer classes except Humane
Emotion ties in with all other classes except Mental and Humane
Experience ties in with all other classes except Humane
Instinctual ties in with all other classes except Mental, and Humane
Mental ties in with all classes except Emotion, Instinctual, and Sensitive
Sensitive ties in with all classes except Mental, Humane, and Experience
Physical ties in with all Classes and is reletive to Existance.

As you can see, I've expanded upon this list to relay to you how interconnected racer issues are within the realm of humanity. Truly, the benevolent Racer classes are Mental, And Humane.

The Experience Racer class has the potential for Benevolence, but lacks the ingredient of Good Will to always be such. Experience Racers are ifluenced by Instinctual and Emotional Racers, so they waver in total Benevolence.

True to form too, Mental Racers, while Educated and Understanding, at times, can also be manipulated by emotional, Instinctual, and Experience Racers. however Mental Racers have a close connection with humane Racers, and thus there are times when Mental Racers are Benevolent, and exist within the Realm of Above Top Racer.

Nihilistic Racers , sub classified under Experience Racers choose to exist outside of itself and coogulate within social circles that do the same. They therefor exist as segregated groups of people from all racer classes - however because they remain selective in thier circle of associates, they too cannot be classified as an Above top Racer class - which if truly inspired the nihilist Racer will ultimately convert to become a Humane Racer via the Mental Racer method.

I hope that this small excercise has given people here a simplistic view of how complicated Racerism is, and how intertwined it remains within the entire human society.

Benevolent Racer classes will lessen the effects the negative Racer classes will have on the bulk of humanity if each Racer continues to strive to graduate to the Mental Racer Class - the first step to the ascention of Humane Racerism.

Humane Racerism is what Mankind will have to accomplish if indeed our next step is to expand outwards from our Racer inhabited Planet, to interact with extraterrestrial Racers, including the little Grey Racers and the Green Racers!!

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 08:27 AM
Its all irrelevant rubbish... There is only humanity all are equal.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by RRokkyy


"You are proud of your race but not a racist."


I said i am proud of my heritage..

i said i do not look down on other cultures or customs..

where there did you read i was "proud of my race "?

because i distinctly did not say "Proud of my race".

something that went right over your head i guess..

thats the problem in my opinion.. Today anyone who is proud of there heritage is a racist? I do not see it that way.


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