posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 12:01 AM
NOOOOOOO-OOOOO! They already went through this on another website...
A drilling guy explains those N and E references displayed on the rov readout to 5 decimal points are not lat /long (obviously) but are of some other
kind of survey/grid reference .
If you do a google search on lat long position of deep water horizon you may find that there is / was a well "A" and well 'B'. I think from the
top of my head it was 28deg 44min N and 088deg 22min w...
Go to (I did but its been a cpl weeks now) and you can scroll / zoom to the coords and see that the skani neptune and BOA deepC
are only 500m from each other and the lat lon seems to indicate they are in the right place as far as the position of where DeepWater Horizon WAS.
they use lat/lon as degrees and decimal fractions of degrees. so when I figured that out I came up with position as follows: 28.7377N 88.3668W.
The lady on the video was drunk? I dunno.
I am so spun around on this whole Gulf deal that I cant tell how much of anything is now dumped into the Gulf but this sure seemed like a great oppty
to apply a toxic enema to the whole region with Corexit... I'd be pissed about that... justifiably so.
Lucy... you got some 'splainin' to do....!