posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:50 PM
In this case, the White House and the NAACP jumped the gun in a way that totally embarassed themselves. This all started, as it has been reported,
back in April, when the owner of Britebart TV was delivered a vidoe of the March NAACP meeting, though only part of the meeting was on the part. The
NAACP turned around later in the year, claiming the Tea party was full of Racist, based off of claims of those in congress. Then instead of condoning
the New Black Panther party, the NAACP choose to ignore that issue outright. Brightbart then posted the video on his site, not dropping it to the
rest of the media. The day that Ms. Sherrod was terminated, before any news agencies were to report on such, she was called 3 times and then told to
pull over and resign, the told her that she would be on Glenn Beck. That day, Glenn mentioned none of it, and I believe that only Bill Orielly was
the one who mentioned it. The NAACP, who had a copy of the tape, put pressure on the WH and the department of Agriculture to get her fired from her
job. The WH and the NAACP jumped the gun and politically assissinated her. The next day Glenn Beck came on and backed her, as even he stated, he had
no knowledge, had no information on her. Now the way that this was handled was wrong, and it is not BriteBart that she should go after, rather it
should be the Federal Government and the NAACP. They condemed her before even hearing her side of the story. The NAACP is guilty cause they had the
tape and could have released it, and the WH for violating her rights as an employee. If anything Ms. Sherrod violated the Hatch act, and therefore
that is what she should have been terminated for, not for racism.