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Beck on Sherrod: The Flip-Flopping Innocent

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Beck Before the Truth Came Out About Sherrod

Beck plays "videotape of USDA administration official discriminating against white farmers." On the July 20 edition of his radio show, Beck says that they "have videotape of a USDA administration official discriminating against white farmers." He then asks, "Have we suddenly transported into 1956 except it's the other way around? ... Does anybody else have a sense that there are some that just want revenge? Doesn't it feel that way?" After playing the audio of the tape, Beck says, "You tell me what part of the gospel is teaching that."

Beck After the Truth Came Out About Sherrod

Beck on Fox: "Based on the facts that we have right now, this is something that I wouldn't air and demand a resignation on." On the July 20 edition of this Fox News show, Beck stated: "I don't think Shirley should have been fired -- or, I'm sorry, forced to resign. Based on the facts that we have right now, this is something that I wouldn't air and demand a resignation on." He added that he "wouldn't air" the tape because "context matters."


Is this false? Prove it. Is he so innocent? Innocent? You decide.

[edit on 7/21/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:44 PM

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:48 PM
I'm a tea party infiltrator? Wow. I voted for Ron Paul in the last three elections. What does that make me? Think real hard now.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

No, I could care less who you are.

You linked to Media Matters and they butchered the audio.

Sorry, they WOW, surprisingly edited the content and context of discussion.

Amazingly you did NOT post the page that has the audio. Why is that?

Now, I posted the video that the MSNBC and the NAACP collectively edited to do the same thing that Brietbart did.

Have you seen that video from MSNBC where they only showed the guy above at the tea party and nothing else?

How bout when they edited to show a guy with a AR 15 at the tea party and OOOPS edited out that he was black.


Post some more lies and obfuscations from Media Matters.

By the way, here is the audio page, and lo and behold, it is NOT a link to the entire


[edit on 7/22/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:13 AM
The subject here is Glen Beck. He works for Fox. You allege that they butchered the audio. Prove it.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:13 AM
All this shows is that Beck is a clown.. and anyone who takes this raving lunatic seriously needs to find another news outlet, preferably something far less mainstream.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by frozenspark]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by frozenspark

Beck appears to have done a flip-flop on this particular issue. What I thought I heard on his show the other day matches this description. If someone can prove otherwise, I welcome it. If not, let it stand.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

The audio is linked from the source article. Here's a direct link just for you.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Here is a great montage of fox clips on this Sherrod subject from one day to the next:


[edit on 22-7-2010 by 12GaugePermissionSlip]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by frozenspark
All this shows is that Beck is a clown.. and anyone who takes this raving lunatic seriously needs to find another news outlet, preferably something far less mainstream.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by frozenspark]

I guess the President is a bigger clown since he fired her then decided to offer her a better

You see this is the difference...Beck screws up and needs to flip flop and guess what we get posts on ATS. Now when the President does the same thing it messes up people's lives, and many of you continue to rave about Beck...sad

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Xtrozero]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Just trying to dissect it...bit by bit to get to the root. We'll get to the rest. these things take time. And, I might add, these things aren't easy, being that we the peons...I mean people...aren't privy to a lot of what really went on. When this is the case, it's usually best to reserve judgment and not jump into the fray uninformed...something that's not easy to do these days and something we all, including me, struggle with.

[edit on 7/22/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

Great video. Thanks. Viral, vicious crucifixion...what FoxNews does best. And yes, this does not reflect well on the administration either. I would have used the other P-word.

A compilation of the network back peddling (except for Hannity, of course, who seems to have stuck to his guns longer than most) would be interesting to see as well. I ran through a compilation of many videos of Beck doing his thing in the "after," and the only word that comes to mind is smarmy.

I hope she sues Breitbart and FoxNews and makes a huge example of them in front of the entire at least the degree that they slandered and libeled her...or at least until every person in the world who is only remembering the "before" is totally clear on what really happened and WHY.

Thanks again.

[edit on 7/22/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 02:01 AM
The OP has this all wrong. I hate to say it, but Beck was the only one who was right on this issue. My mom (sadly) DVRs Beck's show so I got a chance to watch it. He begins the program with, seemingly, the party line... that Sherrod is racist. Then he does that dramatic pause thing and asks "but what is the context?".

He was right, when all others were wrong. Any and all talk of him flip-flopping on this issue is taking him out of context, which is the very problem we had in the first place with Sherrod.

Beck is wrong about many things, this was not one of them.

Also, to whoever posted that Young Turks video above, The Young Turks manage to be worse than Hannity, and I don't say that lightly. They are, like Hannity, plain old liars.

I implore you guys to actually watch Beck's show.... he manages to take the high ground.

DINSTAAR defending Glenn Beck.... it surely is a cold day in hell.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

I know what I heard on his radio show, which was on prior to the truth breaking and his flip flop. Sorry, but I think they have it right this time.

[edit on 7/22/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:54 PM
I'm a little sad that no one is disproving this. Is it true or not?

If so, what say those defending him?

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:27 PM
Can anybody can find a full, unedited transcript of the broadcast?

I would love to know one way or another.

Edit to add, I do find it pretty comical that both sides are currently using cut and paste methods to smear the other, when it was cut and paste that started this whole mess.

I would love if either side had the balls to provide 100% unedited transcripts....

[edit on 22-7-2010 by peck420]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by peck420

Me too.

Someone said MediaMatters altered the audio of Beck's show (linked above). I heard the show and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he said.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:27 PM
Glenn Beck: Context Matters July 21, 2010

Why was Shirley Sherrod ousted? July 21, 2010

Can't find a transcript from the 20th, but here are the links to the videos if you want to register for his site and watch/listen to them in their entirety.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Jenna

Already seen all the video available. Was more interested in the audio, but I can't seem to get to it on that site. Does this cost money? I seem to be having trouble registering as a free there such a thing? I keep getting to a screen that wants all my personal information. What am I missing?.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:50 PM
In this case, the White House and the NAACP jumped the gun in a way that totally embarassed themselves. This all started, as it has been reported, back in April, when the owner of Britebart TV was delivered a vidoe of the March NAACP meeting, though only part of the meeting was on the part. The NAACP turned around later in the year, claiming the Tea party was full of Racist, based off of claims of those in congress. Then instead of condoning the New Black Panther party, the NAACP choose to ignore that issue outright. Brightbart then posted the video on his site, not dropping it to the rest of the media. The day that Ms. Sherrod was terminated, before any news agencies were to report on such, she was called 3 times and then told to pull over and resign, the told her that she would be on Glenn Beck. That day, Glenn mentioned none of it, and I believe that only Bill Orielly was the one who mentioned it. The NAACP, who had a copy of the tape, put pressure on the WH and the department of Agriculture to get her fired from her job. The WH and the NAACP jumped the gun and politically assissinated her. The next day Glenn Beck came on and backed her, as even he stated, he had no knowledge, had no information on her. Now the way that this was handled was wrong, and it is not BriteBart that she should go after, rather it should be the Federal Government and the NAACP. They condemed her before even hearing her side of the story. The NAACP is guilty cause they had the tape and could have released it, and the WH for violating her rights as an employee. If anything Ms. Sherrod violated the Hatch act, and therefore that is what she should have been terminated for, not for racism.

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