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O.W.G. (One World Goverment)

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 03:57 PM
Hope this is the right spot. If not, a little help MODs.

Alright people this was written while I was "working" at work today. Its rough, very rough ideas. But this is something I would like some feedback on to improve my ideas on this subject. So any insight would be great, thanks. -Darc

This is some of the issues I would go about dealing with, granted this is not in depth, they are merely broad outlines of things I would like to change.I'll be adding wayyy more later on when I think deeper into it. So here we go

1. Energy: We need to get off the addiction of Fossil Fuels. Since we first dicovered them, they have helped us get to where we are now, but its getting to a point were its doing more damage then good for us. So propose that we get off the addiction by switching over to green energies. I know it will be hard, but before it can fully take effect, we need to work on the Green Technologies to make the switch smooth. We need to imporve the systems we have now. There are plenty, and I mean plenty of great green energy ideas. The biggest idea i have on this, is that we need to create some, easy to install, and easliy mass produced car convertor. Something that would switch our cars to Bio Fuels, Solar Energy, and Electrical energies. A convertor that can be plugged into any of these systems and use them. So no matter there will always be some source of energy for your car besides gas. This is where the Fossil Fuel addiction is at its strongest, and thats with our cars. If we can make them ALL change, then we have taken a HUGE leap towards becoming a Class 1 Civialization, thus making us stronger as a race. Green Energy will save the Planet, thus saving us, allowing us to last longer on Earth.

2.Banking Systems/ Federal Reserves/ Money: This is a biggie. And this will take the most to type. But I personally hate the banking system/ Federal Reserve / Money, its all designed to keep people in debt, and makes it just about impossible for people to get out of it. What I'm proposing is that we utterly destroy these systems and replace them with a OWG Currency. This way a Dollar equals a Dollar EVERYWHERE. No nation would be un-equal. Debt would be gone for everyone, it would be a fresh start. Granted prices would have to reflect this also, so pretty much prices would go back to the way they were in the 50's, 60's. A quater would actually be worth a bit. Our money would actually be backed by the gold the world had, and not on the whole "This is what we think its worth." Another thing that would change would be how Loans are ran. If someone takes out a 5k loan, with high intrest rate, it would take them 20 years to pay it off, and that 5k loan would turn into you paying the bank 20k in intrest rates, plus the 5k you still owe them for a total of 25k for a 5k loan. That is bull# in my book. Loans will still be given, but the intrest rates will be much lower. The most intrest I would want poeple paying for a loan would be about 1%. So a 5k loan would cost you 5.5K to fully pay it back. 500$ is way more acceptable for a loan then paying the back 20k for a 5k loan. This way the banks would still make money, but you would suffer your whole life paying back debt. These are some rough ideas, this is something that would take the most work to fix.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 03:58 PM
3. Education: I believe education should be either cheap or free. The only type of college education that I want to be free would be anything in the Medical Career Field. This is something the world is always in short supply of and these people do some very noble things. So anything to do with Medicine would be free schooling. Granted that applies to many things, well after review we'll make a list of free college courses for that. All other professions that require schooling will be cheap and affordable for EVERYONE. You should have to pay your soul to the Devil in order to better yourself and help the world. I for one dont think that and want people to imporve on themselves because it will help us all out in the end.

4.Medical: After Banking this will be the hardest task to accomplish. I would perfer is all Hosptials got everything they needed, from the basics to the complex tools for free. This is something that I believe would benifit everyone. I would also like to make some sort of program, wide scale with help from everywhere, that would bring basic relief to countries that need it. I would like to update all Hosptials and build more in third world countries and update the ones that already exsist. As stated above their education for this profession would be free. I see this being something that will help all of humanity. Also health care would be free, something like a National Health Care System (NHCS), but it would be held to a much much higher standard. Also many of the practices would be Standardized, so there were questions on ethics and what not. This is another thing that would take much much work.

5. OWG (One World Goverment): Yet another huge thing to tackle. I would like to keep the systems we have now in place. The whole voting for elected representatives, from the District level, all the way up to state level and President level. The changes I want made would be, the people's vote is what gets you elected not a electoral college. Also I would be on top of the chain, then it would be the Seven Continental Leaders, then it would be Presidents of Each State( Contries are the state lines), Each state will have Governers, down to Mayors of each towns. The information flo would lead back up to me. And decsions would be made from that point on. Also if Mayors have problems not requiring my attention, it will be pushed on to the Governers, or the Preident of that state (Country) Everyone will be elected by the people and will report to myself. There will be "Representation for every man, women, and child"

This are a few ideas for now. I'm sure I will have more later. But you get the idea of how things will run with me in power. Granted the first few changes will take some time to get into effect, but once they take root they will make a change that will benifit us all. This is our world and we should run it together and make our world a better place.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 03:59 PM
And if anyone was wondering, no I really dont proof read so if it sounds a little jacked up, just point it out and I'll make the changes.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:04 PM
Your ideas are very similar to Alexander wendits essays.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

I've never heard of him. Do you have any links about him?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:48 PM
Energy can be drawn infinitely from the "Dark" Energy of the Universe - making money, which is merely an accounting of energy expended, moot.

Banking becomes a dinosaur.

With profit removed as a motive, those whose bliss it is to educate others will come forth, and education will be "free." (No money to spend.)

With profit removed as a motive, those whose bliss it is to help and heal others will come forth, and such services will be "free." (No money to spend.)

With a lack of profit motive, we only need govern ourselves by the three Laws:

Do not willfully harm or kill another Being

Do not willfully damage or take another Being's property

Do not willfully defraud another Being

All infractions of these laws can be dealt with by all who care, with self-imposed pariahhood for those who develop a reputation for breaking the Laws.

For more (and a clearer picture) on this, please read my book, offered on the ATS Media site and linked through the thread I point to in my sig.

It will be functional anarchy.

[edit on 7/21/2010 by Amaterasu]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:49 PM
All great ideals, however the biggest problem and required change is with people.
I am referring to peoples perspective, their view of the world, in essence a consciousness change.

People still want to be rich, see stars on tv, drive expensive cars, have a career and to make it big, to have the latest tech toys and gadgets, to screw one other out of business....
To conquer one other and get the "resources" before someone else does.

I am not saying any of those things are bad, I am not judging people who pursue that, thats their choice.

But in my view, until people choose, peace, respect for each other and earth, a meek and happy life, pursuing happiness and not material and cash riches, not much will change.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by remrem
All great ideals, however the biggest problem and required change is with people.
I am referring to peoples perspective, their view of the world, in essence a consciousness change.

People still want to be rich, see stars on tv, drive expensive cars, have a career and to make it big, to have the latest tech toys and gadgets, to screw one other out of business....
To conquer one other and get the "resources" before someone else does.

I am not saying any of those things are bad, I am not judging people who pursue that, thats their choice.

But in my view, until people choose, peace, respect for each other and earth, a meek and happy life, pursuing happiness and not material and cash riches, not much will change.

Considering that there are enought resources on this planet to give every one of us everything we want with plenty left over, and the energy costs are 99.9% of the cost of anything, what we need for all of us to have what we want, freeing us to follow our bliss, is energy.

Personally, I don't care one whit about beating someone else (except in a friendly game of cards or whatever), or anything about "stars." I want to follow my bliss and have a career only because it gives me money to get closer to my bliss part time. Most of the people I hang with are the same way.

So your assessment of people may be a bit off. I may merely SEEM as if these things are important to people because they cannot afford their bliss and these things distract them.

And things will easily change if we can wrest the suppressed methods of extracting energy from the zero point field ("Dark" Ene4rgy).

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:22 PM
This may be one post you don't want to hear about because I'm afraid all you will get from me is doom and gloom.

This world system is going down and going down hard! Every aspect of this man made system that you mention is imperfect and therefore is only temperary.

When you speak of OWG, this of course will happen as predicted and will be headed by a One World Authority, by a One World Dictator. Similar to that of which was at the time of when NIMROD ruled. He will be met with resistance. And, there will be much pain and suffering!

As the old saying goes, "you ain't seen nothing yet!" Like I said this world system is going down. And, unless those days (the periless days ahead) be shortened, no flesh would be saved.

Yeah, no doubt I will get grief from those who are blind to truth and wish the world would go on forever so that the fun would continue. I can only hope that the many who are declareing what is really going on has some effect and people start living like today is the day that we could meet our maker.

Anyway glad to see your not into OWG. Hold onto your hat, it's coming!

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by DrakeDarc

There will always be people who do not like the government and wishing to rebel (now you can simply leave your country), therefore a OWG will be virtually impossible.

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