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Are you commiting Plagiarism? Think about it.

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:40 AM
Can you make a claim on words? Can you make a claim on understanding? Can you make a claim on the words of others? Can you?

I have been on this site for quite a while, and there is a pattern that I was wondering about, and that is claim.

When WE speak of our knowledge of information, can you claim it to be YOUR own? Can your belief in what you say, be interpreted by others as knowledge? If I tell you how plants grow, can they be believed, without me having a degree in botany?

If I quote the words, writings and thoughts of another, can I truly call them my own? In what capacity do you think that YOUR word is true? Can we as beings of this planet have the ability to have individual thought? Without school? Without parenting?

When we are born, do we have this ability? And over time, be taught not to use it? Not on purpose, but by repetition of the teaching of those who taught us in the past. Can we form an original thought? Something to call our own. Not just intuition, but thought that can be expressed, and understood by another.

Can we as people/beings/spirits actually try to go back to a time when a link, quote, writing, book, movie, t.v, isn't a needed resource to show one another a form of us as a people that can take a more personal look at our true feelings?

I think that trying to use this form of communication, can lead to less, hatred, bigotry, misunderstandings, and we would look at each other as people who can speak from the heart, from experience, and with the utmost honesty.

Have we entrusted others to do our thinking for us, and left us nothing but a yes or no answer? Can only scientists talk about science? Or can a guy in his basement have input based on his findings without being ignored.

I am writing this for some people who can genuinely approach subject matter without the use of the so called knowledge of others and still be heard. At what point in time did we need policing of our thoughts and opinions? We have ignored our hurdle of obscurity of original thought and gave "the ones who would know better than you" the title.

We gave these titles of "knowing" to scholars, archeologists, preachers, politicians, media, and even the internet, or anyone who can get some t.v air time.

Do you think that what has been passed to us as knowledge is the whole truth? Do you think that doctors don't have a better way to treat cancer? Do you think that NASA doesn't know that there are other beings in the Universe? Do you think that religion doesn't have a better version of the bible? They gave us what they wanted us to know, and left us to divide ourselves based on the knowledge that we don't know, to keep us looking the other way.

So I say lets take it back. Lets take back our voices, our opinions, our hearts, and share what "the ones who know better" have tried to take from us, OUR IDENTITIES!
OUR ONENESS, OUT TRUTH!! Thank you for taking the time to read.

Peace to you.

BTW this isn't to offend anyone, its my opinion, and it came from the heart.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
Can you make a claim on words? Can you make a claim on understanding? Can you make a claim on the words of others? Can you?

Is reality a matter of ownership? Does saying "The Sky is blue." makes these words mine? Can the reality that phrase represents no longer be acknowledged in the same way? If you believe in the wisdom you perceive of some poem or song you have heard, are you 'stealing' every time you think of it, speak of it, hum the tune? Can you not repeat it without the fear instantly soiling your soul with theft?

It is I think a reality we construct; the idea that you can 'own' anything. let alone words meant to convey information. The defect lies in the concept of "ownership".

When WE speak of our knowledge of information, can you claim it to be YOUR own? Can your belief in what you say, be interpreted by others as knowledge? If I tell you how plants grow, can they be believed, without me having a degree in botany?

If I quote the words, writings and thoughts of another, can I truly call them my own? In what capacity do you think that YOUR word is true? Can we as beings of this planet have the ability to have individual thought? Without school? Without parenting?

When we are born, do we have this ability? And over time, be taught not to use it? Not on purpose, but by repetition of the teaching of those who taught us in the past. Can we form an original thought? Something to call our own. Not just intuition, but thought that can be expressed, and understood by another.

Can we as people/beings/spirits actually try to go back to a time when a link, quote, writing, book, movie, t.v, isn't a needed resource to show one another a form of us as a people that can take a more personal look at our true feelings?

What is, and what isn't are not subject to ownership. Who expresses reality has few options to embrace. relay reality as perfectly as possible, interpret reality as perfectly as possible, or lie. Each has it's purpose, nut none conveys ownership to reality. Nor does any person's perception of that reality (in context) change reality in any way.

Were I to convey to you that one joule of energy is expressed as an apple falls one meter from a branch, it does not negate your accepting that as fact and saving that information for future use. In what manner of measure is this information owned?

I think that trying to use this form of communication, can lead to less, hatred, bigotry, misunderstandings, and we would look at each other as people who can speak from the heart, from experience, and with the utmost honesty.

An honorable and forthright goal. However, we already see in everyday life that there are efforts to 'customize' our presumed knowledge, to 'use' information to mold a perceptual foundation, to embed memes of understanding; and that these efforts are not all benign, or without self-serving purpose. When challenged to justify the effect, the defense is the opposite of ownership - and instead of 'owning' the words, disavowing the responsibility for the perception of the listener/reader/viewer. Therefore it appears that 'ownership' of words and concepts is nothing more than ego and commerce, two things which have no bearing on altering the reality of thought.

Have we entrusted others to do our thinking for us, and left us nothing but a yes or no answer? Can only scientists talk about science? Or can a guy in his basement have input based on his findings without being ignored.

It is only for the purpose of certainty that we rely on specialists and commonly-vetted sources. Certainty is a requirement of applied science, and certain arts; not dialogue. It is politically expedient to claim certainty. Since all social transactions are in a manner political, it follows that such matters are relevant to the effort to persuade.

I am writing this for some people who can genuinely approach subject matter without the use of the so called knowledge of others and still be heard. At what point in time did we need policing of our thoughts and opinions? We have ignored our hurdle of obscurity of original thought and gave "the ones who would know better than you" the title.

Since millenia ago when civilization stumbled out of it's stupor and began manifesting itself, the requirement for 'policing' our thoughts have been promulgated by social institutions of one kind or another. I have even heard it said that "ideas are dangerous things." The concept cries out for wondering about the state of fear of those who enunciate such notions. Especially in terms of understanding what exactly it is that they (or we) have to fear.

We gave these titles of "knowing" to scholars, archeologists, preachers, politicians, media, and even the internet, or anyone who can get some t.v air time.

Do you think that what has been passed to us as knowledge is the whole truth? Do you think that doctors don't have a better way to treat cancer? Do you think that NASA doesn't know that there are other beings in the Universe? Do you think that religion doesn't have a better version of the bible? They gave us what they wanted us to know, and left us to divide ourselves based on the knowledge that we don't know, to keep us looking the other way.

So I say lets take it back. Lets take back our voices, our opinions, our hearts, and share what "the ones who know better" have tried to take from us, OUR IDENTITIES!
OUR ONENESS, OUT TRUTH!! Thank you for taking the time to read.

You have been thinking. And I dare say it has been fruitful.

I began my journey on the path of discovery long ago, and among the first lessons I learned was that the strength of reason cannot be 'given' to another. It must be evoked within oneself. So the immediate reliance on certifications and memberships relays no guarantee that a speaker has any sound knowledge to share; only that they have been accepted in a particular social circle. This may or may not have value. Certification does not mean freedom from agenda, or deceit. But neither does it guarantee deception or ill-intent.

Patience and time.

Be well,


[edit on 21-7-2010 by Maxmars]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:20 AM
hmmm... nice..... i know people with ged's who know more then scientist thats crazy i like the post doe

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

Thank you for your input. The main reason for this thread is allot of the time people use references of others, not knowing what their true opinion is.

On almost every subject, especially those on sites such as this, many have information, but not out of experience, but of others who offer the best possible proof for their particular subject.

So its more like a show and tell for those who think that because they don't have a certain amount of knowledge in a particular field, they will not find the answer for themselves, but look for the choices of others, and then present what they think is either closest to what they wanted to express, or choose an opinion that they think will be the most excepted by others.

Its like we lost our own thoughts and perceptions. Sometimes people can lose focus on the main objective, by the meaning and interpretations of others. If we considered the information/source, and added a personal reflection, then I think that we can focus more on the answer to the questions that plague humanity, and how to fix it, instead of pointing a finger or getting mainstream information that is so openly provided for such confusion.

Peace to you...

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

It's definitely a never ending journey. In the least subtle terms, the only thing we really have to go on is our own perception. It is our faith in that perception and our own ability to accept and or recognize our own bias that allows us to grow in knowledge.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Knowledge is itself compartmentalized, and how strange it is that as these compartments become more defined on the one hand, so one finds increasing interest in interdisciplinary forms of study on the other.
For example, one has this dichotomy between the natural sciences and the humanities, but for example, a topic like HIV/AIDS will draw on many different genres of writing, from literature to science.
In the humanities, arguments count more than proving exact proofs and facts. But yet, what are the "humanities" but former "arts" departments with a label to sound more scientific?
One does have a bag of tricks, but sometimes one wants to express an idea that is so basic and obvious, yet one still cannot find the words. And how annoying to find the ease another author may have found to express them already. It's like a race towards expression.
To plagiarize some guy: "If you steal from one person it's plagiarism, if you steal from many it's reasearch".
So maybe this is what we are: machines for the improvement and recombination of memes.

But how much knowledge must be acknowledged? We make choices here all the time. Perhaps with every sentence. And yet, we are told that if something is well-known, or general knowledge, it can be used without references. But this can land one in hot water. With our access to very specialized knowledge, who decides what is "general knowledge"?
Even today's news is tomorrow's obscurity.
Doesn't this render our existence existentially obscure - much more so than a decade ago?
What of the future? Will the bombardment of specialized facts continue until it reaches a singularity?

[edit on 21-7-2010 by halfoldman]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:39 AM
I figure that if at some point in time if we don't figure out how to think for ourselves, by the time we have the right questions, the answers will be beyond us. For every new question, we will still be trying to figure out the last.

And by the time we think we've caught up, our opinions will no longer give us the opportunity to participate, our language will not count, questioning, the "people who know" will be frowned upon, and the freedom that we think we have to participate, will require the quotes of the most famous deceivers on earth.

A prime example is the fact that we live in the past, we don't learn from it, and most don't remember it, but we will quote things of long ago, and instead of trying to understand it with the mind of today, we misrepresent it to fit our time. We don't realize that us loosing our origin thoughts has already started.

As if no one since then has made a difference, or changed history since then. We speak, but its others words, we claim to understand, but how can you understand something that you have not realized for yourself?

Peace to you...

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:53 AM
If you think about it just about every scientific discovery, every song, every work of art has been what you call plagiarized. Information origination that has been expounded on over time.

Do I really think that the music I come up with on the guitar is original? has been pulled from many other guitarists and rearranged a bit.

So if it is true that we are all interconnected that means I have no copyright on originality on anything nor does anyone else for that matter.

it was made that way and is the natural order of the universe. Claiming exclusive rights on anything is most unnatural, artificial, and an illusion.

One of the many reasons we keep turning up discord around every corner we turn. Eventually this selfish, self centered, driven by a 100 forms of fear and self delusion of me me me, mine mine mine, all short circuits and we are forced to come into harmony. You can go peacefully or at war kicking and screaming.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by superluminal11]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

And eventually we can fall into discordant thinking.
We begin to hold two opposing truths and identities. One is the identity and thinking we need for survival in the everyday constructs of life. The other is the knowledge that's it all a bunch of lies, and a load of crap.
Say, if ATS was one long linear script, instead of broad forums, then this would define it for me at this moment: a common frustration with the discordant thinking that we want a truth and reality of our own, but also an understanding that we cannot have it. It's the same in academia: we want originality but also all kinds of received ideas.
So if there is a path to original thinking, I'd love to find it.
But having said that, perhaps being in a space where one realizes one's limitations is already a bigger step ahead than a lot of others will take.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by halfoldman]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Are you commiting Plagiarism? Think about it.

Very interesting theory you have, mind if I post my two cents worth? I think all humans, for the most part, and getting what I call DNA upgrades, and as the ones who made our bodies and configured this planet for us, things are once again waking up in humans, things like Telepathy. I became a long time ago aware of an energy stream that is all around the Earth, a thought containing energy field I like to call the Collective Consciousnesses. Each human is born with a default connection to this stream. Some are born with more connections than others have. Some develop more connections to the stream, and form the streams to be thicker and carry more information, faster and more efficient. As more and more connections are formed, the consciousnesses of all who feed the stream begin to merge together. This is why sometimes you read something that sounds a great deal like what someone else wrote. It is, actually, the same thought streams. I hate to say this, but if humanity is not real careful here, we will become a collective, like the Borg. We have to keep ourselves separate from the field, or we are doomed to be a part of it.

Sometimes when I write and post, then come back the next day to read what I wrote, it astounds me. It really seems like sometimes an intelligence is standing behind me, guiding my thoughts and my fingers to type. What is your take on this?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Sometimes when I write and post, then come back the next day to read what I wrote, it astounds me. It really seems like sometimes an intelligence is standing behind me, guiding my thoughts and my fingers to type. What is your take on this?

This actually happens to me often, but IMO I think that we sometimes don't realize the amount of information that is inside of us. When I write something like this I realize it will not get attention at times, but has to be said.

When you look back at something that you wrote, and it fascinated you, you have looked back and realized that your mind has evolved, thats the point that I am making in this thread. You can see your words as your own, and with the habit, of conformity, you can see yourself slowly coming out of the box.

It can happen and not even be realized. Your individuality has become even unfamiliar to you, but I think its the best thing to happen to us as a species, to feel the individuality, and also express it, is what I truly think is our evolution.

Peace to you...

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Thank you. I too think we are all evolving into a more intelligent, higher frequency being, even though some will fight it, it will happen. The entire planet is evolving into a new world. Peace to you too, friend.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Peace to you as well, and I hope that your journey, and self awareness brings you happiness. Remember that people following their journeys are few and far between, but WE are here, your not alone

Peace to you...

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

people have trust issues, more precisely trust issues with credibility - they don't know how to critically think, or critically thinking unto an opinion just takes too long. So we use this strange credibility method, where we just look at a person's status and put faith in them. It saves time and is mostly accurate, but that doesn't make it true, only true in the context of what you want to know. If you really want to know the truth, just do your own searching not researching (oh unless you can't afford a chemist set or most lab equipment

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:17 AM
Knowledge and discovery work together like the floors of a highrise building. Not every floor is the penthouse, but without the presence of every floor, there can't be a penthouse at the top. Everyone wants to own the penthouse, and call it home, but the only way to get there is to make your way past every floor below it. To walk each hall and climb each staircase. There's no express elevator available for those who actually want to live in that penthouse. Only for those who are satisfied with the guided tour of the penthouse. To get past the guarded perimeter, you have to take the long way up and really get to know what sits beneath that penthouse.

Eventually, someone gets the permits and they contract to build a new penthouse above what was previously that top floor. But not until they know that entire building like the back of their hand and can prove it in their blueprint proposal. Those permits aren't easily acquired.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by NorEaster]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Plagiarism could also be called learning - in which case, everone commits it.

If you are stealing something new from someone, like an original story, that is plagiarism.

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