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Britian building �500m Diamond synchrotron.

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posted on Mar, 12 2003 @ 07:42 AM
Dont know if anyones heard about this. Sounds pretty good, could bring up some interesting questions/answers.

"The �500m Diamond synchrotron being built in Oxfordshire at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) will probe deep into the basic structure of matter and materials.

It will help researchers answer fundamental questions about everything from the building blocks of life to the origin of our planet."


posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 02:58 PM
Nice, but there are many facilities around the world already like these or being proposed. It's not that big a thing, it's just a #load of money. Haven't looked at the specs though, so I might be wrong.

B.t.w. For the unknowing a synchrotron radiation facility is where you have a storage ring for electrons that travel at near relativistic speed. These electrons radiate light that is very intense and in regions of the EM-spectrum that are not readily accessible with lasers.

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