posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:54 AM
You probably aren't getting many replies, because yes, this has been covered on ATS already, I'm sure I've been in about 3 threads already on
Anyway, this is just a case of a guy using the wrong hosting company.
The FBI/Government didn't shut this site down. They just told the hosting company that there was something they didn't like on there.
From there, the private company took it upon themselves to shutdown the blog service.
If the hosting company weren't such weaklings, they'd have just asked the blog service to remove the specific post in question, and all would have
carried on as normal.
Some host services are better than others. This sounds like a bad one. It's especially true if you have a very low cost hosting service, they just
don't want the hassle, even if no laws are broken.
For a site like this Blogetery, he clearly has Safe Harbor status. This means he cannot be shut down by the government as long as he complies with
legal actions like subpoenas and DMCA takedown notices.
This is just a simple case of someone choosing the wrong host for the job.