posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:17 AM
After reading that story 2 things ran through my mind.
1st, is this the kind of world we are leaving the next generation? but the good news is if the kids today are this much hassle to us oldies now what
hassle are THEY going to get when they are our age from teh next generation of thugs?
and 2nd, What kind of lowlife assaults someone wanting to help others?
Of course banning beer would be a good start , but be very VERY difficult ( even I like a beer or 2), what they should do is pay for someone to get
totally drunk and allow them to run riot through schools, that way the kids get to see first hand what drinking and drunkeness can lead to, Violence
towards othes, unpleasant behaviour ( unwanted sexual advances or verbal abuse) , and of course everyones favourite , self embarassment, after all you
get some drunk lout in the school hall wetting themselves and most kids won't even want to start drinking if they see what happens first hand.