posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:14 PM
Very interesting
I find a lot of common ground with you.
I, too, have several memories that I am unable to decide if it was real or not. I tend to lean to the real side even though the memories are
My very first memory is of a being ,not a grey, was 5 years old and it was staring at me through my window, finally got a scream out, my mother comes
in, now the odd thing is she tells me that it was a spider, no spider at all humanoid, not a man. But the spider thing stuck with me and years later I
learn that the spider or an owl is a planted thought to confuse the memory. So not only did I have an interaction but so did my mother.
I,too have had UFO dreams where we are at WAR.
I also have memories being aboard the ship, I was a good subject and as my reward I was given the chance to look out the window at space, I see other
ships around then one "Fires" a beam at another an the host tells me that I must go now.
At 14 I awoke one morning with a Knot on my chest that wasn't there when I went to bed. Mother takes me to the family doctor and he removes some type
of mass from my chest but would not let me look at it, very odd indeed.
I guess what I am saying You are not alone. I am now 55 years old and the strange occourrences have stopped, but the UFO war dreams remain.