posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 03:10 AM
I understand your viewpoint, and always require scientific proof to establish facts beyond all doubt. Physics is my God.
Yet physics is theory until proven fact, or otherwise. We use only 7-9% of our brain at the very most, at any given time. The other 91-93% is
'forgotten' or 'unestablished' bio-electro-magnetic waves. We have not a clue what it does as no-one has managed to capture brainwave usage at its
extreme. ie. in exte cases of terror, oblivion, ecstatic pleasure, or death!
There is a relative frequency at which we all function, in fact everything of every matter functions. It differs from object, person, animal, mood,
and conditions. That is well proven. I'm an architect, and we, along with structural engineers, civil engineers, physicians, mathmaticians, or
observers of phenomenon, have no idea why, when a structure hits a certain 'relative frequency', it contorts to an unrecognised and incomprehensible
amount, and collapses!
There is a famous example of a 'bouncing' bridge snaking at fantastic wavelengths, until the wind hit exactly 33.1mph and it started torting and
spectactularly broke to bits. Until then, it was a 'fun attraction' that people would drive across on the huge waves. There is a theory that the
same causes 'ball lightning' and 'spontaneous human combustion'.
Monkeys, without forewarning, will screech, run, and panic, for no reason. There has been impossible circumstances for reason... and suddenly, the
definite threat becomes obvious. A predator will appear. We don't know how they know, just that it's a sixth sense! A reliable one, very similar to
our 'fight or flight' anxieties when posed with danger. Many animals have observed to 'sense' the same, and many have sensed a 'presence' that
is unexplainable. Are these primative animals wrong, or have we truly lost our ability to sense the same as we're top of the food chain?
In extreme terror, or death, do we project an aura that is on a frequency relative to the experience? I'd rather not be 'trapped' in a continual
reply of the paranormal if that's the case.
You sure you want to be? Good luck... hope this throws a few theories your way.