posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:58 PM
Our government operates under more of a Corporatist Fascism than any form of Capitalism: Capitalism is about the free markets but our government has
pretty much over-regulated free markets out of existence, whereas Corporatism refers to the government having excessive influence or direct control
over much of a nation's coporate economy. Coprorate Fascism is the government Hitler had once he nationalized Germany's industries to gear up for
But aside from that little explanation about government styles, I was browsing through my email inbox, giving a look-over of my political stuff & I
found a prime example of Capitalism. From what the short article accompanying the video states, this is a product that's really being sold (not
merely a spoof), but the "delivery" of the marketing itself is humorous...I'm not posting this on ATS because of the marketing, but for the humor &
the political statements included with the advertising itself.
I don't have any intention of buying this thing & I am not trying to convince anyone else to buy it either...Just watch it & enjoy!
Video: Come and get it! Get your Obama BS removal kit!
After how many decades of people having to put up with the difficulty of removing bumper stickers (they ARE a real pain), especially when they are
only "advertising" a message that's only as short-lived as any political idealology is, someone FINALLY figured out a safe way to remove them?
It reminds me of a bit of ironic trivia I learned quite a while ago: How many people realize that England was in the widespread, popular practice of
using canned food for FIFTY YEARS before some wise-acre finally invented the CAN OPENER? This particular product for removing bumper stickers reminds
me of much the same irony.
All in all, this is a much better example of Capitalism than Corporatism, eh?
[edit on 17-7-2010 by MidnightDStroyer]