posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 09:45 AM
like km idk we dont have storm like typhoon or something cause im watching news at that time and at weather report just partly cloudly as it said in
my place .. manila!.. but who knows as i said weather is weird at my place... so ok.. about the red sky im telling as a sudden strong winds... then
random ways of rain like some are going north then some are south cause of the hard blowing winds... while that happening theres like a large huge..
red clouds in the sky and its moving like its been summoned by something out of this earth like some topics here on ats weather control or something
like that... and the sky is red like pure sulphur in the sky.. really weird right .. one more as that strong winds , really red sky , and ways of rain
goes.. (might be cause of the winds.) one more thing is how the lightning ... appears as i forgot to say on the top topic i forgot to insert the word
lightning or thunder.. i was playing a game just behind my tv is our window while raining hard... i saw a struck of lightning at the window at first i
thought im gonna die for a second i tried to run like stupid... scared as hell... then nothing happens just a weird branch of tree looking
lightning... >.>??? no thunder cracks at all.. and it happend 4 times oh god as i said to myself.. the 4th time it happens i didnt stand up or
something cause i know what will happen next its just a light... anyways after in a half hour of raining / typhoon looking... weather you can see the
red clouds moving upwards ^ omg??? upwards?? and you can see its suddenly banishing like what??? like its scattering .. anyways... after it happens ..
for real i saw a metallic object like just a .(dot) in the sky really small one.. idk if i should believe that its a ufo or something but its really
weird .. anyways that metallic object is just gone after a clouds passed by.. anyways thats the red sky im talking about... anyways i'll post a link
of our recent typhoon a real one ... that causes 3 days black out...~.~ on teh link.. have a nice day guys just tell me if this one occurs in your
place also cause i might learn more about this ..
(visit the link for the full news article)