Jazz, can you see any of these Yellowstone cams or is it my computer? I don't why nothing is showing on them but static. Is it cause it's dark
outside? Thanks for your help.
Oh and uh, I didn't realize that Cliff High predicts a Pacific Northwestern earthquake for August. I hope it has nothing to do with an experience
that I had while living in the P.N.W. years ago, around 1990-91ish.
It was daylight and my ex-boyfriend, Rodney, was driving. We were driving on a busy city side street, coming up to a stop light. Something very
unusual happened next. I was sitting on the passenger side looking out the side window, my side, just watching things go by, thinking about nothing in
particular. My thoughts were racing and just let them go.
Next thing I know, with eyes wide open and wide awake (and not high or inebriated or on any medication, etc.), I watched the houses go by as we drove
down the road and suddenly one of the houses was complete rubble, nothing at all like a normal demolition. The whole house looked as if it had just
fallen down and slightly over, and bulging out, nice and neatly. There were no visible charred marks from a fire or anything like that. No mattresses
or anything else laying out in the yard. My window was down and I smelled nothing like chemicals or smoke or anything like that. Just city air.
But that's not the worst part. As we drove on, three more houses, in a row, on the same side of the street, had that collapsed, bulging look to them.
I thought how strange, to myself. And then I said out loud, Oh MY GOD Rodney loooookkkkk!!!! Those houses that we just drove by were laying on the
ground and now they're not! The houses were standing normally, just like all the other houses, as if what I saw didn't happen at all.
He just looked at me like uhm okay whatever. He was coming up to the light and was trying to focus on "5:00 traffic" at that point and was
I remember telling him that, when I saw the houses that way, I had a strong impression that the cause was from after-shocks. That's the "feeling" I
was getting with what I saw and it was very strong.
I was floored. Was I hallucinating? I've never hallucinated before that incident so I don't know if that's what happened but I saw those houses all
in shambles as clear as anything else. It was just like a window in time opened up at just the right time and for long enough to a real good eyefull.
I think my mouth was hanging open for a couple of weeks after that incident. LOL
We used that road quite frequently and the houses were just fine, nothing out of the ordinary after that. And I didn't ever have that "vision"
again, anywhere or at any time.
Maybe I was seeing into the future? I don't know. I hope not because if those houses were lookin' like that from after-shocks I can imagine what a
"massive" quake could do.
Just thought I'd share my story. Not trying to infuse fear.
"Earthquake West Coast-Next Few Days"
[edit on 2-8-2010 by Antoniastar]