posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Oneolddude
Without knowing more details I'd suggest you perform the standard IT/Telecoms fix; remove all wireless networking settings from all computers, reset
your router, then connect to it via an ethernet cable and then start from scratch.
Try that and then let us know how you get on, ensure you remove ALL wireless networking settings from ALL computers.
As a side note I'd recommend you upgrade to Service Pack 3 on your XP machine and I'd definately not be using WEP for your wireless network
encryption; it's far too weak and can be cracked in minutes.
Use WPA2 encryption instead!
Edit to add: When I said start from scratch I ment reconfigure your routers wireless networking settings and create a new network, you can then
attempt to connect each machine to the network individually.
[edit on 11/8/10 by Death_Kron]