Millions of Seashells apearing every day on Clifton beach, karachi, Pakistan.
Just Last year in March 2009 " Dolphins Beaching " happened here on Pakistani Beaches.
What is surprising is that not a single private TV channel has covered this huge Event, No discussion forums on this Topic.
Not to mention there are large numbers of Earthquakes happening all around the world in the year 2010.
My thought is that all these Events are Signs of Great fluctuations in Earth's Magnetic Field...
This magnetic field fluctuation is happening due to the loss of Lubricant of Oil and Gas inside Earth's Crust.
Oil and Gas acts as Lubricant for Earth's Crust Movement. Now that we have taken out so much Oil and Gas. Earth's Layers have lost this lubricant
and as a result we will observe much bigger more devastating Mega Earthquakes... just like Grand Canyon(Mega Earthquakes created Grand Canyons)
Electric Cars and Maglev Electric Turbines and Maglev Train, are the way of the future... if we want to save ourselves and humanity and future
Um where do you think your power comes from for your beloved electric car. H2O is the way of the future and not bowsers of H2 either proper water
converter cars. This event is quite amazing though isn't it haven't heard a thing not even about an oil spill either know ther is one in china not
in Pakistan though where is the MSM on this?
Originally posted by SL55T0T0
Oil and Gas acts as Lubricant for Earth's Crust Movement. Now that we have taken out so much Oil and Gas. Earth's Layers have lost this lubricant
and as a result we will observe much bigger more devastating Mega Earthquakes...
I think your grasp on geology is adrift from reality as oil and gas does not "lubricate" the Earth’s crust.
Our Earth's crust is continually moving under what is known as "Continental Drift" and earthquakes occur along the fault lines of the Earth’s
crust. This has happened since the year dot, it happened 100 years ago and it happens today. The results are numerous earth tremors on a daily basis
and the occasional earthquake which adversely effects people, due to the proximity of the quake to e.g. a city.
By the way, the Grand Canyon is largely a result of water erosion over millions of years and not as you cite the result of a mega earthquake. On the
other hand the Great Rift Valley in Africa is the result divergent movements in the Earth’s crust (i.e. two plates moving apart) and is an
area of active earthquakes.