posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 03:50 AM
The seven Noahide laws, although not only for non Jews. but Kinda like how to make a non Jew civilised.
"After Noah’s emergence from the Ark, he is said to have promulgated seven precepts for the government of the new race of men of whom he was to be
the progenitor... [1] To do justice [2] Worship God [3] Abstain from idolatry [4] Preserve chastity [5] Do not commit murder [6] Do not steal [7] Do
not eat blood." 9.
Now these seem to be reasonable rules, don't they? Well there is just a little more to this show than the 1st act. On the surface these seven laws
seem completely reasonable. Who could argue with them?
Well, each of these laws have many, many sub laws that you will NOT think are reasonable. For instance: Do not steal. Get caught cheating on an exam
and the punishment is decapitation. Cheating on an exam is stealing. Take an apple from a vendor? Lose your head! Each of these laws have simular
absurdities attached to them.
There is a movement to make the Noahide laws applicable to everyone. George Bush indicated in public law 102-14, 102nd congress that the United
States was founded on the "Noahide laws". In order to understand the true significance of these laws one has to read them. I thought I would give
you an introfuction to them.