wow crazy stuff there. well formation suggests at least, intelligent control? I dont know but I have seem similar stuff where a great cluster of
stars hold a formation and then began to dance around. its very peculiar
i will take time to watch and study the video but for now i just want to make precision about what they say and what we hear in the video to save alot
of time for everybody. ( someone obviously will ask : what they say, no ? )
They talk in french in the video, the talking you hear in the background are television with some french news channel talking about meteo etc, NOTHING
related to what we actually see in the video, i.e the ufo
the people in the video just make minimal comments like : oh there another one, it move... look what was that... can we call 911 etc.. comment like
that not really informative so focus on video not on voices.
Im from quebec, the french part of canada, french is my primary language you can trust my preleminary traduction
I will say no to London Lanterns - formation is too good. The beginning of the vid was good - the lights were staying in place, then they seemed to
get excited and started focusing the cam all over the place making it difficult to see how long they stayed in formation, etc. Interesting vid,
thanks OP.
Oh look what is that big iluminated castle like building we see in the back ?? (BIG BEN.... ) ( check a full view at 3m 36s )
The "ufo" seem to come from it, i dont see any ufo in the left part of that building and they all appear at the right part starting from bottom. Is
there a party or event at that day ?
check at 5m 25s on the video you clearly see the objects coming from the courtward.
balloon ?
lantern ?
In my mind : nothing to do with alien or spacecraft
Location: London, UK Date: July 9 2010 Time: 22:30 Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 100+ Shape of objects: round, spherical Could your
sighting be a UFO balloon/lantern?: No Weather Conditions: Clear, no wind at ground level
check the wind status at the time witnesses indicate (between 22:00 and 23:00)
9 Juil 21 h 50 24 °C Wind 19 km/h Direction SW to NE
9 Juil 22 h 50 23 °C Wind 19 km/h Direction W-SW to E-NE
9 Juil 23 h 20 23 °C Wind 19 km/h Direction W-SW to E-NE
9 Juil 23 h 50 22 °C Wind 17 km/h Direction W-SW to E-NE
so there ARE wind of 20 km/h that night at the time of the sighting
Hi guys, I am the original poster of this video, the one posted here is just a copy of mine from a spanish guy on youtube, some fan of my video.
You can see the full original footage in three parts here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Also read all the comments and my answers to these comments for all three parts before making yourself an opinion straight away.
To Belzebuth (bonsoir cousin!):
Yes, people in the video are speaking French because we are French expats living in London for 10 years now, and we had never seen anything like that
You can hear French TV in the background because we have TV5 as you do in Quebec...
Actually the sound of the French TV wasn't from TV5 but from the French catch-up tv site on the internet (l'emission que l'on entend au
debut etait C' Dans l'Air de France 5, a propos de la canicule en France).
We are actually talking minimal comments like "look, here's another one" etc. because when you see something unexplained you don't suddenly
transform in some Einstein in a second (especially on a Friday night...), but rather live the moment and maybe try to understand what you are seeing
And yes I did call 999 while it happened (not 911), as this is the number to call in the UK when you see something "unusual".
It may well be Chinese lanterns but it was still unusual to us, I never said it was alien spacecrafts or whatever.
By the way, how do you explain so many chinese lanterns having permission to be released over the sky of a major city like London for so long when
there were helicopters and landing airplanes crossing their path?
[edit] About the wind: these things were flying much faster than the 20km/h you report.
Originally posted by B3lz3buth
Oh look what is that big iluminated castle like building we see in the back ?? (BIG BEN.... ) ( check a full view at 3m 36s )
It's no castle, no Big Ben, it's Tower Bridge.
What you see in the middle is "The Shard" under construction, soon to be the tallest skyscraper in Europe (310m high or so).
The Shard is at London Bridge (further west of Tower Bridge) and if you double-check the videos, you will see that most of the lights were coming from
BEHIND The Shard, not from underneath Tower Bridge (which, as it says on the tin, is a bridge, i.e. above the river).
Some lights also pass between The Shard and Tower Bridge for some reason, but most of them come from the horizon behind it.
If they are lanterns, they are very versatile ones...
Il n'y a aucune dérision ni volonté absolue de " débunker" tes posts, je tenais a le préciser, j'essai de garder l'esprit ouvert, excellente
videos, la qualité en bien meilleure que dans beaucoup d'autre ! merci pour les 2 autres parties ma theorie précédente prend un coup dans l'aile
(i will write the rest in english for other's sanity )
Thanks for the 2 others parts i will analyse them further, i see what you mean now.
thank to correct me about the big ben thing, going to sleep less stupid tonight
I am NOT a debunker, i am like x-files modo : i want to believe ! i try to bring questions and ( as possible) facts and im very happy when im proved
wrong ! For me there is no doubts that aliens are real and visiting us.
The works of people like you ( and yes all of you people on ATS ) is so important, keep up the good job !
p.s : i know, i know except for the cheer's my post is useless.