posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:06 AM
Originally posted by lestweforget
reply to post by PieKeeper
Who gives a crap about feral animals i asked questions about issues
relating to you all. If what im thinking is true the only interest you will
have with these ferals is how can i catch one to eat!
Whether or not they're feral, non-native, and/or invasive has nothing to do with these sick injustices being funded and carried out with our own tax
dollars. This is basically what I was saying in my last post so I agree with that part of your post.
I don't understand why there's even still a debate as to whether or not the horses "damage" their habitat. It simply doesn't matter.
The BLM is going to say whatever is required to remove the horses and this includes saying in their "reports" that the horses damage public lands.
Furthermore, other reports by the National Academy of Sciences and others basically disprove and discredit the BLM as a source of anything resembling
useful information about these horses.
In this case it doesn't matter if one scientist sais "X" when another scientist hired or already working for the BLM is going to claim "Y".
You either have to believe in or base your scientific conclusions on any one of the reports, which is a big waste of time since they contradict each
other.. Or you have to ask your self: "Whom is more likely to be telling the truth"..
Would you trust an official scientific report from the National Academy of Sciences or a report from the BLM when we now know the BLM has basically
been a federal extension of big oil companies for decades (this is proven and not even in dispute anymore). This was pointed out in the ATS interview
but we've known it for months now.
Besides, the BLM sais they want to remove these "invasive" wild horses in order to make more land available to farming. So even if the horses are
removed, they're going to be followed by other cattle and horse herds to "damage" the lands. Regardless of who sais what, it's a double standard
that people are apparently overlooking.
Then you include the BLM's relationship with BP and it all makes sense. This is all just a sickeningly orchestrated conspiracy in which the BLM is
acting as the pawn it always has. The documentation presented in the interivew either proves the conspiracy is taking place or, at the very least,
should cause all of us to question the motives of the BLM as well as the legality of its endeavours.