posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:58 PM
I understand truly how you feel, as a parent myself, and seeing the atrocities that continue to occur to children all over the world, is what made me
look into some of the things that I do today.
There is an over whelming feeling of helplessness when it comes to these children. All we can do sometimes is help those that we can, because a lot of
the time similar atrocities happen here to. All you can do is raise your families to appreciate what they have, and be thankful that you were born
where you are today.
Not everyone is as lucky, and the fact remains that though some people blame the parents for having their children in these conditions, sometimes
crimes against woman is one of the many reason that this hasn't stopped. But here at home we think about what resources we have and still lose our
children to things hunger, abuse, etc.
So I say, be a parent, a good parent, love your children, and awaken them to the fact that there are children that are worse off, because as we age,
our children age, and I never want them to ignore the faces, or hardships of others, because they grew up in the US, and think it cant happen here.
Peace to you...