posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 02:44 PM
It will change all the time, politics is anything but stable, your best bet is too look at the richest corporations[including banks] on earth, who
runs them. Who the longest serving senators, congressman and judges are from America, Europe and Russia[swap with ministers of parliment as suits]
Find out who are the top people in NATO and the U.N
Study trade routes.
Your really going to struggle to be honest, any piece of information you can find out is information THEY dont care about you knowing.
To be honest i wouldnt focus on people, but more on the actual structuring of society, those trends of how finance, marketing, manufacturing and
warfare are far more constant, the people in power are pretty fleeting, attempting to enact schemes that are basicaly placed centuaries before
One thing people dont understand even the most ardent conspiracy theorist is, 99% of the people on the worlds stage are very much puppets themselves,
enslaved by a system that for better or worse has a life of its own and theres very little people, even those in power can do about it. Its sorta like
a catch 22