posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 10:51 AM
Amen the Michael Cohen thing...
The China prediction, oddly enough just may be THE one...
It apears that the chinese have very different attitudes towards their peoples ability to deal with such things...
IMHO, if China made it to the moon and they found ruins theyd disclose that fact.
It would be just too great a propaganda victory for them not to.
The very fact that the US Gov has lied and covered up so much for so long, would be a great victory for the Chinese Govt. (in a moral sense)and would
serve to further disgrace and demean the US in the eyes of the whole world.
It is my impression that proof of such arrogant behavior on the part of the US would be the ultimate illustration of the repressive and dictatorial
stance the Amerikan Govt. has evolved since the USSR dissolved.
Indeed the hypocracy has never been so blatantly overwhelming and a blow such as disclosure by a foriegn govt. would finally remove the mask of "Mr.
nice guy" from the face of the US Govt. once and for all.
It would amply illustrate for everyone how truely repressive this democracy has turned out to be.....
I also get the impression that the communist govt would have absolutely no fear about such disclosure to its own people.
From where i sit, it lookss like they have sufficient respect for their own peoples maturity, if not their freedom.
I think it is in the asian mind set to face such discoveries with a much different attitude .
They have never had a war of the worlds broadcast to point to and say theres whatll happen if we do.(yeah right.....)pretty lame...
Surely the US govt (or shadow govt)must realise that disclosure is imminent and if not somehow initiated soon, and managed by them,
it will forever discredit those who have commintted unspeakable acts to keep this from us,and doom them to our angry backlash.
Disclosier could destroy the wests entire credibility, and even lead to violent recriminations of the people if not exposed by those who have for so
long hidden it!They must do this voluntarily(at least it must seem to be so)before anyone else does.
If they should miscalculate their timing and get beaten to the punch, it will bring up a lot of deep and bitter feelings within the hearts of those
who have suffered this outrageous injustice.
The PTB are riding the back of a monster which could turn on them and destroy them utterly if they loose control for just an instant.
Yes i think that the Chinese disclosure would be a better superweapon than being allowed ten "free" nuke shots at us.....