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What Have You, Personally Done?

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 06:48 AM
This thread is being created after reading another this morning that made me think..
What have you, personally done in the effort to awake the populace? to try to get family and loved ones to break away from the control structures all around us?
This isnt sarcasm, I am seriously interested in hearing what some of us have done to at least TRY and change things the best we can..
The PTB block many paths, and they come up with more laws to block us every day! Many of us can not do much, either out of physical ability, life obligation or out of fear of being outcasted from friends, family and co-workers, but steps to change ones life can in turn change many lives..perhaps if one works on their own life others will see benefits and come to understand?
It can be little things at first, such as refusing the chemical induced foods in major store chains, chosing to shop at whole food shops (if available in the area) or refusing to own or watch the television of mental programming, lending informative books or sending websites to friends and family, anything really that you do because you know things arent what others think they are...and want to help them to understand...
For me, the first big step was getting out of the US of A (i know the UK isnt a huge step away, trust me, but its an initial break away and i would rather be here than there at this time), I have made copies of certain films and documentaries that i felt should get out to people who normally would not see them, posting them through post slots here and sending them over seas to others, but to no real avail, i have a feeling most were added to the 'junk mail' pile in the hallway and went no further.. i have talked to people until my face turned blue, to no avail.. nothing sinks in to those asleep and happy that way..
Recently, my partner has lost a lot of weight, people ask how he did it and i explain a lot of it, and seriously here, was in cutting all colourings and additives out of his food at first, then going to entirely basic and as natural as possible, foods.. (and at least here, things such as organics are pretty much the same price in many items as non ogranic) and its a matter of doing what you can with what you have, it still has got to be better than doing nothing whatsoever.
In other aspects of this, we (3 of us) have food stocks and water supplies (and items to make water drinkable, such as Prill Beads) enough for extra people if needed, and we have a solid plan of where we are heading when need be (not IF...WHEN) it could me tomorrow or 15 years on, but its a when..
Part of me, a large part, has been waiting for this system to collapse in order to break away more than possible for most right now, from 'the society of the lie' and establish our own small life without the system knowing a thing..
So all some of us can do, is to change our own personal lives, and thats a damn good start!
So what have you been doing? I guess is the question, and also what walls and blocks have you possibly come up against doing so?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by corruptedtesssa

Personally I tell everyone what IMO is going on. Though it is a very lonely path and I have yet to meet someone in real life what is anywhere near my views and ideas. It is a lonely place and once you steps away from the PC you really do see how the program has done a good job on society and brain washing them.

But I still keep trying and moving forward day by day.


[edit on 12/7/2010 by TheDon]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:38 AM
I try and let people know taht it is an asset to question everything and to not accept the status quo

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by corruptedtesssa

I have sent emails and letters to David Cameron regarding the pledge he made back before he was elected that he would disclose anything he found regarding the UFO visitation phenomenon. I will continue to keep sending letters and emails until I get a “there is nothing to disclose” from him or one of his lackeys.

I have been very open and honest to anyone that will listen regarding the UFO encounters I and my family have witnessed and I have lost friends over it (whatever). I have continued to be very vocal and I will never stop being vocal and unafraid because I know what I saw and I will never deny it and neither will those with me who have also seen with their own eyes and felt with their own minds.

In 2008 I was alone in this because at that time only I had been made aware of the visitations so at one point I actually moved out of the family home and went to live on my own(with my dog) but now, family and some friends (and a certain neighbour LOL) believe me because the evidence of their own eyes is much more powerful than the subjective and circumstantial evidences that can be gained from someone else's photograph or video.

What worked for me was confronting my ego head on and then simply getting over myself and the flaws of others. Meditate and exercise, love and smile honestly and do not rise to the bait set out to ensnare you by the others who are still pandering to their own ego. Try this with serious intent and you gain for yourself a very real chance of a true spiritual awakening!
I am so happy now like I have never been in my whole life because I have had something happen to me that have given me amazing hope.

To see government continue to try and hold onto the sand that flows through their claws gives me much to smile at and celebrate because the raising of human consciousness is taking place right now, I looked too hard thus I did not see it but now – I see it.

I do what I can, I be what I am and I will never again try to be what others who do not love me want me to be because fear was always an intrinsic part of the system of control and I am no longer afraid even if the end is physical death – bring it because I will not be afraid!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:43 AM
Hi there!
It is good to see a thread like this, as I too am interested to see what other members have personally done to try and awaken people. The sad thing is, the masses do not want to be awakened, the only way we can help our loved ones is by slowly feeding them information until they begin to realise for themselves that everything is wrong. I have tried explaining many conspiracies to people before and it just becomes overwhelming for them and they go into a state of denial.

Now whenever I find that something is wrong, I share it with my close friends. They are alternative thinkers but they are nowhere near as critical as I am, and because they know I am overly critical I have become a reliable source of information for them, I hope that soon this will rub off on them and won't rely on me anymore.

Recently the UK government has been trying to bring flouride into the water system in the city I live in - Bristol. Flouride is already prevalent in US water and I have shared with hundreds of people the dangers of Flouride consumption, I don't think this will have much effect but when they see that I am filtering my water hopefully they will follow suit or else be poisoned.

I have also tried to expose the false paradigm of a democracy we have in this country, to my family and friends, how the 3 political partys are all 3 sides of the same coin so to speak. I have also begun promoting healthy lifestyles, I have recently begun including raw hemp and more antioxidants in my diet and cutting out all fast foods and already I feel great and my friends have noticed how much healthier I appear. I gave up watching the TV about 5 years ago and it was the best decision I have ever made, I have managed to get many other people I know out of this habit, however my close family are still slaves to the idiot box and refuse to go without it. They see me as the anti-social one when they are all sat not talking with their eyes glued to the screen.

Other than trying to be an example to the people around me, none of my efforts have really amounted to anything. The only people who will even watch the hours and hours of documentarys I have seen are already awake to what is going on. There is only ONE person I have ever known (in real life) who is as open minded and knowledgeable about these issues as me, and he has just a hard time of getting the word out as I do.

Nevertheless, I stick to my principles and I will never give up exposing the corruption in this world.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:24 AM
It's easy to be painted with a broad brush as a 'weird cownspir-a-ceeeh theorist' for talking anything remotely outta the box, however there are many ways to quash this argument, the easiest approach to still inform and avoid the ever-lurking brush is usually comedy. Of course mingled with some facts!

Personally I love getting out there on the street with a megaphone, there's usually one in the car for a reason. I also bring up slightly alternative issues or topics in talks with almost anyone or any group from time to time, which often lead to someone else inputting something, then the scene is set to start digging further as everyone realises it's not 'fringe' or 'kooky' to talk about that slightly weird moment or information they have experienced. I'm such a dumb, typical boy when I go around assuming people are 'normal', then get an absolute gem out of someone I thought was so square they couldn't walk down a tunnel.

Best part for me was planting a tiny 9/11 nugget to a disbelieving grandfather, whom 2 years later the same grandparents jumped the ditch from Australia to visit me. He came in swinging, telling me all sorts of things about 9/11, many which I had learned, and even joined some dots which I hadn't joined, I had 2 years of research on him! My grandmother is a deeply religious christian, she shocked me by saying that in the bible when god was asked by moses who he was, that god replied saying "I AM" . That blew my socks off! She understood oneness and had very severly hacked the matrix, as had my grandfather. They had both taken something I had said as a spotty 21 year old onboard, looked at into it, dug all the way to china and arrived at their own conclusions. This filled me with the utmost joy, peace, harmony and connection, one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, such an unexpected reward and buzz for the effort I go to at times. They of course eventually departed, to with which I planted a seed, one cheifly called 'common law'. I dearly await their return.

[edit on 12/7/10 by GhostR1der]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by corruptedtesssa

Not to brag,
, but I helped start our local chapter of the Tea Party. As a matter of fact, it wasn't really a Tea Party when we started, it was just a group of people meeting on Saturday morning to plan on how to oust embedded Congressman Allen Boyd. It turned into organized meetings, an event at the Capitol, and eventually a very large, very active Tea Party!!

I also opted out of a good portion of the system. I gave up my house, my new truck, my $100k job that required me to work 7 days a week and every holiday, and I went to work for the State Govt. I helped my Dad cut his hours and remodel his home, and my wife and kids and I moved in with Mom and Dad. Now my wife can stay home with the kids, I am off every weekend and holiday, we have a pool, and a large yard, and we have a big get together with all our friends and family just about every weekend, we get quality time together and it doesn't cost anybody anything other than some beer and bbq!

I am currently trying to write a book titled, "Get Ready Already." I want to get my decision making process into words and help other people really set priorities and look at the whole picture. The truth is, the end is coming. It may not be 2012, it may not be 2030, but it is coming for each and every one of us. It may be a catastrophic event, or it may be a simple heartattack in front of the boob tube, but the end will come for us. With that in mind, there are multiple ways to live, and prepare, and be satisfied and at peace when you meet that end. My book will explore how to be prepared to survive a multitude of catastrophes, and how to prepare to not survive even the most mundane end. It even has a section for how to "survive" a long and fruitful life. For many people, that is harder than preparing for a catastrophic end. Especially for CS! We spend so much time preparing for survival tactics and evasion and enlightenment, that sometimes we forget to prepare to live another 50 or 75 years.

On top of all that, I share this website with everybody that seems the slightest bit curious, and I am not afraid to speak my mind about the propaganda on television, the inconsistencies in official stories, and the endless possibilities that are unexplored. It doesn't make you a loon, or a crazy to realize that every story has 1k versions, and that even the truth can be viewed from 1k angles! There is no "one" truth, so it takes an open and inquisitive mind to form a well-rounded opinion on any subject. Those people that would quickly criticize a CS, are often dumb-founded when presented with multiple versions of facts, and a logical representation of why they are naive to accept any one angle on a story or event.

We can all attack the "sleepers" or "sheeple" in this manner. Nobody wants to be a sheeple, but it is very easy to get caught following the herd, and we have all done it at one time or another. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, it doesn't make you crazy. (Some folks on here are already crazy, and their friends and family already know this, so speaking their mind won't make it any worse.)

[edit on 12-7-2010 by getreadyalready]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:41 AM
For the most part I have failed.

You will run into people that are already awake sometimes, but actually waking someone up is impossible, because they are brainwashed to think you are nuts if you mention a lot of the things we talk about here.

I don't really think I have had success in waking up anyone else.

Not for lack of effort though, as now most of my MSM worshiping family thinks I am totally out of my mind.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by downtown436
For the most part I have failed.

You will run into people that are already awake sometimes, but actually waking someone up is impossible, because they are brainwashed to think you are nuts if you mention a lot of the things we talk about here.

I don't really think I have had success in waking up anyone else.

Not for lack of effort though, as now most of my MSM worshiping family thinks I am totally out of my mind.

Look into the Socratic Method. Use logic, use questions. You will never convince anybody of anything, but it is not all that difficult to let them convince themselves!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by TheDon

Just wait till the people you've been trying to "wake up" tell you about some crazy thing and you've never heard of it or don't believe it.....they'll call you stupid

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:01 AM
I suppose this makes me a jerk, but I'm only really concerned about family and friends. The world, as a whole, can continue on the road to ruin for all I care.

That sounds harsh, but let me tell ya, if you're out there being vocal trying to tell people how things "really are" (as you see them), you get labeled a nut, and if you're lucky you're just ignored and mocked. If you're unlucky, you draw some bad attention to yourself and severely limit what you can do (or, depending on how you approach it, severely limit your freedom).

So what do I do? I approach everything with the eye of a skeptic. By that I mean, I question everything, especially things that just make no sense (Obama is a reptile? Really?). When I find logical arguments with a measure of proof, I share those with my wife and close friends. I make every attempt not to come acrossed as a conspiracy nut, because that sort of defeats the purpose in trying to get the word out.

If you appear crazy, people will *not* listen to you. If you appear logical, and have addressed and considered alternate theories (i.e. Obama is NOT a reptile), people tend to give you a bit more respect. At that point, even if they disagree, most people are willing to at least listen. And that's really the first step, to get people to listen.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Pockets
reply to post by TheDon

Just wait till the people you've been trying to "wake up" tell you about some crazy thing and you've never heard of it or don't believe it.....they'll call you stupid

The thing is they have brought things to my attention already, but 99.99% of the time they have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes :-/

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Pockets
reply to post by TheDon

Just wait till the people you've been trying to "wake up" tell you about some crazy thing and you've never heard of it or don't believe it.....they'll call you stupid

The problem here is trying to "tell" anybody anything, or "wake" anybody up. My opinion is no better than anybody elses. It is definitely more informed, and I am very adept at math, mechanics, and logical thinking, so I have an advantage in most arguments when I am able to approach it from those angles, but I rarely offer any type of argument.

I listen a lot, and I ask people why they believe what they believe. Then I point out other possibilities, or versions, or gaps, or holes, and I ask how they explain those. I let them lead the conversations, and if they get stuck, then I offer plausible possibilities. If they get argumentative, or flustered, I offer this website, or an article, or an accepted source for them to explore further. I NEVER DISAGREE!! I am not an expert in any field, and even when I think I am an expert, I am often surprised by how much other people know. I have learned things from my 4 year old!

CS that think they know the "truth" are the biggest problem to waking people up. None of us know the truth. I am a Mason, a scientist, a government employee, a father, a religious man, and highly iintelligent, and I only know 1 single truth. Just 1!! All other truths are relative and my opinion is up for debate on them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The ONE TRUTH that I know. I learned just about 4 years ago. Here you go, and don't dare try to debate this one.

Here it is: NOTHING IN THIS LIFE EXCEPT HUMAN CONNECTIONS AND QUALITY TIME WITH LOVED ONES MATTERS! It may be a necessity to work, but don't compromise on quality time at home to work a little more. Your family will not appreciate that extra 2 inches of TV, or a car that is 1 year newer if you are not there to enjoy it with them. Work for the necessities, and NEVER COMPROMISE on LOVE!! This isn't some new aged concept or radical religious view. This is the view of a 37 year old man that made a LOT of mistakes in his life, with the scars to show for it, and I only learned what was important after my first son was born. Divorces, affairs, break ups, fights, accidents, crimes, outstanding ratrace incomes, bankruptcies, failed businesses, politics, and even some fame and fortune have all existed in my 37 years, but 1 month with a new wife and child, and everything became very clear.

4 years into this new found truth, and the happiest time I have ever known in my entire life was a couple of nights ago when my wife was singing "somewhere over the rainbow" on the side of my 4 year olds bed while he grinned, and then my 2 year old piped up and started singing the chorus (we thought he was asleep, lol)! I guarantee that none of my sexcapades, money, nights out, fame or power have ever compared to that minute or two in the dark!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Melen

I suppose this makes me a jerk, but I'm only really concerned about family and friends. The world, as a whole, can continue on the road to ruin for all I care.

This doesn't make you a jerk at all. As a matter of fact, the world would be a much better place if we all felt and acted this way!

Imagine if everybody took care of their own? No need for police or government or anything else. Your daughter or sister or mother would never be mistreated, abused, or raped, because if she was, you and all your buddies would take care of it. Your kids would never be in trouble at school, because they would know that nothing the teachers, or admins, or police could do would compare with what waited at home.

There would never be invasions or wars, because if they invaded your property, you and your family and friends would step up to defend it, and if the aggression continued, your friends-friends, and friends-friends-friends would quickly become involved in defense of their little network.

Your little family and network is intimately intermingled with thousands of other little networks like interlocking rings! Imagine chain-mail like old-time warriors wore. Pull one little link, and it is flexible, it moves but it doesn't change the shape of the garment. Pull a little harder and several rings are affected and they resist together. Pull even harder and more and more rings join in to resist. The entire piece is impervious when it works together, but each link is flexible and independent!!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by Pockets
reply to post by TheDon

Just wait till the people you've been trying to "wake up" tell you about some crazy thing and you've never heard of it or don't believe it.....they'll call you stupid

The ONE TRUTH that I know. I learned just about 4 years ago. Here you go, and don't dare try to debate this one.

Here it is: NOTHING IN THIS LIFE EXCEPT HUMAN CONNECTIONS AND QUALITY TIME WITH LOVED ONES MATTERS! It may be a necessity to work, but don't compromise on quality time at home to work a little more. Your family will not appreciate that extra 2 inches of TV, or a car that is 1 year newer if you are not there to enjoy it with them. Work for the necessities, and NEVER COMPROMISE on LOVE!! This isn't some new aged concept or radical religious view. This is the view of a 37 year old man that made a LOT of mistakes in his life, with the scars to show for it, and I only learned what was important after my first son was born. Divorces, affairs, break ups, fights, accidents, crimes, outstanding ratrace incomes, bankruptcies, failed businesses, politics, and even some fame and fortune have all existed in my 37 years, but 1 month with a new wife and child, and everything became very clear.

This is excellent advice. I realized this myself not too long ago (I'm also 37). It was worth quoting again.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:53 AM
i do what i can to disseminate information - factual information that i've researched and verified that i share without heated passion or debate or personal opinion.

i don't initiate any such conversation, either; surprisingly enough those kinds of topics seem to just come out of natural conversations that i have with friends and acquaintances on a daily basis.

usually what happens is that the other person will express what they might think is their educated opinion on some long-standing subject, but is actually just rote of what's been spoon-fed via media and school history and such. and so there is my opportunity to share what i've found out, and i do it not to convince anyone that they are wrong and especially not to insinuate they've been duped - doing so only cements their current stance, more often than not.

i seek just to plant a seed. a seed of doubt, of curiosity, whatever - even if they secretly feel somewhat offended and go off to try to find supporting evidence in favor of their own view or in opposition of mine, it's good.

no matter what drives them to least they're investigating!
and when they find out these things for themselves, as i did, after the initial shock, disbelief, and all the other myriad feelings that occur, they begin to see things they way they are instead of how they think they are because of what everyone else thinks.

so much of the dis- and mis-information polluting free-thinking is just habit and laziness. what is expressed widely is what is assumed to be the truth, but delving into it reveals that there is no true foundation for the ideas held, and often no source can be rooted out.

it's just been that way so it stays that way.
i try to shake things up anyway i can but only legitimately so that i am not contributing to the problem i'm trying to help resolve!

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:05 AM
Firstly, i want to thank you all for the replies on this, it is wonderful to know that people are doing whatever they can in any way possible to open the eyes of those around us.. as mentioned here, planting seeds, either of interest or of doubt will at least lead many people to look further into things which is always a good move!
Due to computer issues i havent been able to reply here since writing the thread, my apologies for that.
It can be frustrating for many of us who see things differently from the masses, to even break through the heavy sedation and conditioning of them is difficult to say the least.. and i also agree its best not to preach or push things, as that will most likely close more people off than help to open new perspectives.. but when one is passionate about something, it isnt always easy to maintain a level of calm lol

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