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2,859 days since Osama Bin Laden's been on the lam!

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posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:52 PM
I know many of you think Bin Laden is dead, as there is credible evidence of his death reported by Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated herself shortly after saying that. But just for a moment, pretend, like our trusted officials do, pretend that Bin Laden is still alive since the government has not officially reported him dead.

2,859 days!

That's how long the world's worst terrorist has been at large.

Will they just keep pretending he is alive? In thirty years will they have age-enhancement imaging in order to keep propping up this war on terrorism?

The facts are becoming so strangled that people are just ignoring it. But we mustn't let go while the wars continue. We have to keep poking holes in the "official" story, pointing out just how idiotic it is. If nothing else but for the sake of future generations.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by filosophia

No man, you didn't hear? He is in Iran, FOX News said so.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by GreenBicMan
reply to post by filosophia

No man, you didn't hear? He is in Iran, FOX News said so.

yeah, sitting on top of their nuclear pile, no doubt, smoking some opium he smuggled in from Afghanistan (grown with pride by the U.S.)

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:44 PM
i wonder the same thing myself, every time the subject comes up.

i just can't believe anyone would take a farce, or charade, or downright deception, so far in order to do what? transference? diversionary tactics to keep us from realizing who the real terrorists are?

and at the expense of looking the fool to all the world? yet rightly so.

or maybe it has to do with war crimes and the previous executive staff under George W.?

there are many who still want to charge him and Rumsfield and Cheney with war crimes - if they can still claim something to do with 9/11 perhaps is their trump card?

i dunno!
it stumps me!

i can't kid myself to believe that they don't know this yet, and that they didn't know it a long time ago, even when it happened.

hell, i knew somehow, even, just based on gut instinct and what i knew of his condition at the time and what i know of kidney failure from being an R.N.

i waited for years and one day i found some support of what i had suspected all along.
i was glad to know my gut was still dead-on with the info but at the same time i wanted to laugh and cry and rage all at once, because i felt so BETRAYED somehow - suspecting it and then knowing it are two different things when it is a trust issue.
not that i have ever implicitly trusted any authorities in any level government, but this, this was way over the line!

i'm over it.
got other things to grudge about.

here is a page of evidential information, just in case you need it.

bin Laden is dead

news story suspecting something's rotten in denmark, er, rather afghanistan

[edit on 7/11/2010 by queenannie38]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by filosophia

That's how long the world's worst terrorist has been at large.

Well, for all we know, he might be hiding out somewhere in the US, even.

Take a look at this:

Osama sighted near Salt Lake City?

I think this is about as close as we will ever getting to finding Osama!

[edit on 11-7-2010 by Blanca Rose]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:12 AM
Does any REALLY think he is alive?

If they do, don't they think the US is incompetent? Wouldn't it also mean the wars were a waste of resources?

Look how innocent people died in these wars - and they are telling us they couldn't even find the alleged major players?

If he is really dead, then the people in power are liars. If he is still alive and free - then the wars didn't accomplish the alleged goals.

Of course there are other options. He could still be alive and held as a prisoner? Or perhaps he was always working with the US - after all wasn't his family given permission to leave the US right after 9/11?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:55 AM
I think he's dead. The US Gov would have every reason to keep his death covered up. Remember that video of the imposter Bin Laden the Fedgov attempted to pass off as legit? I'm telling you all, he is dead and the Gov knows it!!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:08 AM
Osama bin Dead a long time. His spectre is kept alive by the media puppets to scare the sheep. Is that not obvious to anyone with the power to reason?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
Osama bin Dead a long time. His spectre is kept alive by the media puppets to scare the sheep. Is that not obvious to anyone with the power to reason?

yes, it is obvious to anyone who is not bought out by the system. But for those in the system, and more importantly for the rest of America that is still out of the loop, what do they think knowing that the US failed to capture Bin Laden and it's going on almost eight years now.

The neo-conservative catch phrase is "Clinton had the chance," this is a disgusting attempt to try and apologize for their idiot in chief.

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